General Election 2019 thread (3 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
The thing that annoys me about it is that the shift in orthodoxy has been completely unreported. After years of nonsense about Osborne and others on the need to wipe out the deficit it suddenly isn't an issue. All that austerity and suffering for nothing. The increase in the deficit most recently mostly wasn't planned and has been a result of the government's own mishandling of Brexit since 2015.

Dom is an idiot by the way. I'm not being unreasonable by saying it.

This is a very fair point. It was clear that there had to be an adjustment post-2010, but you're right - the cut the deficit at all costs mantra has gradually been abandoned in favour of, well, votes I guess. Politicians eh.


Well-Known Member
It will be interesting to see how the older vote goes today and if turnout will be down on this.

It's been a while since we last had a vote this time of year. With a lot of Tory votes being from the older persuasion this could have some affect on the result.

Think quite a few will have postal voted in case of bad weather. Older generation have also got all day to get to the polling station - younger ones have work etc to fit voting in around.

With the rain and cold etc I actually think it might play into Tory hands - youngsters who don't want to go out in this weather so turnout will be down from that demographic.

Might end up in the situation we had a few years ago with long queues nearing closing time due to people being held up by accidents coming home.


Well-Known Member
I haven't followed the entire thread but I've seen a fair few posters disagreeing that it'll be a Tory majority at least rallying against one anyway.

Check the opinion poll thread. 30 odd people going Tory majority, 20 odd hung, 2 Labour. On a forum that has been accused of being massively left wing bias and Labour apologists.


Well-Known Member
Think quite a few will have postal voted in case of bad weather. Older generation have also got all day to get to the polling station - younger ones have work etc to fit voting in around.

With the rain and cold etc I actually think it might play into Tory hands - youngsters who don't want to go out in this weather so turnout will be down from that demographic.

Might end up in the situation we had a few years ago with long queues nearing closing time due to people being held up by accidents coming home.

It's always been said that bad weather benefits the Tories as older voters are more determined to vote. Not sure about that this time, I have a feeling turnout is going to be very high. Social media is engaging young people in politics in a way we could not have imagined a few elections back. All eyes on the BBC exit poll....


Well-Known Member
It's horrible to say but the best thing for myself is a hung Parliament.

I wouldn't want any of them running the country.

I think Parliament should be a mix of men and women (and non-binary or whatever I'm supposed to refer them as today)


Well-Known Member
Check the opinion poll thread. 30 odd people going Tory majority, 20 odd hung, 2 Labour. On a forum that has been accused of being massively left wing bias and Labour apologists.

The poll isn't about how people are voting, it's about the way they think the election will go. Of course we're all basically heavily influenced by the polls and our own experiences.


Well-Known Member
‘Busier than usual' seems to be the consensus on turnout so far. What, if anything, that means for the result is anyones guess. Probably have little to no impact.


Well-Known Member
Check the opinion poll thread. 30 odd people going Tory majority, 20 odd hung, 2 Labour. On a forum that has been accused of being massively left wing bias and Labour apologists.

Classic error that pops up every single time on another forum I go on. It’s a poll about what people think the results will be not what they are voting themselves.


Well-Known Member
Classic error that pops up every single time on another forum I go on. It’s a poll about what people think the results will be not what they are voting themselves.
But thats the point. Its being suggested posters on here will kick off tonight when there is a shock Conservative win. How can there be a shock win when everyone is predicting it?


Well-Known Member
But not enough of us are convinced of it are we? And the majority of people once they own their own home or earn a certain level of income seem to change their attitude from idealistic to currently reality to protect what they have.

So you're argument is that we start off full of hope for a better future then as we get older it becomes resignation. Not exactly a glowing endorsement is it.


Well-Known Member
‘Busier than usual' seems to be the consensus on turnout so far. What, if anything, that means for the result is anyones guess. Probably have little to no impact.

I swear we get these stories every election, same as the “record number of new voters” headlines.

I suspect it’s the left wing equivalent of “we’re spending more on the NHS” I.e. pretends population growth isn’t a thing.


Well-Known Member
We don't ALL do anything except live, breathe & die.

My previous post sums it up I think. Once we have personal comitments/responsibilities like kids to look after is the obvious one...we tend to become what is going to place us in a better position to provide the best we possibly can for them. The more general social responsibility diminishes & efforts in that direction to most people becomes relatively token.

So why is it so many of these young people we want to provide for can't afford houses? Why don't we consider the environment we leave for them full of poisons and toxins which will make them sick at a younger age?

Because we live in a capitalist society so the way we think we can best provide is through money/wealth because that is what we're told. Wealthy families fight over inheritance but how many of them were fighting to be that person's carer in ill health?

Do you know what I've found to be the best thing you can give people? Time. It's the one thing that is finite for all of us and you can never go back and change.


Well-Known Member
Oh my God. , Eventually you'd start growing extra fingers and toes all over the place. Where are you going to buy shoes and gloves to fit ?

Stop being so negative - it's a potential growth market to create jobs in. Plus with all those extra fingers producitivity will rise.


Well-Known Member
That's what the right wing vanity project of Brexit has done, and I'd disagree I think young people care more about society, climate change and how the country has been divided than the older generation.

She's handily missed out that it's often a feeling of patriotism and being better than everyone else that leads to the conflicts in the first place.....


Well-Known Member
Any devaluing of sterling will be nothing on what will happen tonight if Labour win. I think we'd see a run on the pound, which might just be a temporary reaction, but it would happen I think.

Whose fault would that be? Labour's for winning, or the bankers for a knee-jerk reaction based on no justificable reason, only fear?


Well-Known Member
The poll isn't about how people are voting, it's about the way they think the election will go. Of course we're all basically heavily influenced by the polls and our own experiences.

Classic error that pops up every single time on another forum I go on. It’s a poll about what people think the results will be not what they are voting themselves.

That was exactly my point. They were saying reading through the posts there were a lot disagreeing there would be a Tory majority. The poll shows this isn't the case.


Well-Known Member
I think there’s a few things with older voters.

Economically they are less agile and more reliant on general economic indicators like interest rates to maintain their standard of living. They can’t retrain or move for work, they’re stuck relying on their capital.

Neurologically their brains are less plastic and therefore less able to cope with change or imagine different. Change is scarier the older you get as you rely more on old patterns.

Socially they are more insulated from day to day life and often assume complaints of the younger aren’t as bad as they make out because they literally don’t understand what the modern economy is like to compare to their outdated experiences.

I also think they’re more prone to misinformation in the digital age. I read an info sec researcher the other day saying it was really hard to tell the difference between a Russian bot and a British pensioner.


Well-Known Member
I think there’s a few things with older voters.

Economically they are less agile and more reliant on general economic indicators like interest rates to maintain their standard of living. They can’t retrain or move for work, they’re stuck relying on their capital.

Neurologically their brains are less plastic and therefore less able to cope with change or imagine different. Change is scarier the older you get as you rely more on old patterns.

Socially they are more insulated from day to day life and often assume complaints of the younger aren’t as bad as they make out because they literally don’t understand what the modern economy is like to compare to their outdated experiences.

I also think they’re more prone to misinformation in the digital age. I read an info sec researcher the other day saying it was really hard to tell the difference between a Russian bot and a British pensioner.

Said the person who gleefully quoted research from tax.research and believed it without realising it was a left wing activist who designed Corbyns economic policy


Well-Known Member
How old are you, 5?

So why is it we see shares plummet on profit warnings only to them bounce back and recover by the end of trading? What changed during the day for that to happen? Did the company come out and say "sorry folks - false alarm. We're actually bang on the prediction"? It's all based on the whim of a few people guessing the future.

Their panic is far more likely to exacerbate and make more of a problem than it actually is, which then goes on to cause ACTUAL problems with redundancies etc as investors get spooked. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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