General Election 2019 thread (5 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
I'm seeing pictures of huge queues with lots of young people in the queues which is apparently go ing the Tories cause for concern

However, a lot of the photos don't state where they were taken. They could already be safe Labour seats.

I heard this as well Clint. Could be a big youth turnout which will definitely benefit Corbo.

Also correct that if it’s safe labour seats then doesn’t really matter but I think there will certainly be a greater youth influence than predicted in the polls....especially now stormzy, Lily Allen, gaz nev and carra have waded in (I wonder if they’ve always all paid all their taxes ?!??)


Well-Known Member
I'm seeing pictures of huge queues with lots of young people in the queues which is apparently go ing the Tories cause for concern

However, a lot of the photos don't state where they were taken. They could already be safe Labour seats.

I've changed addresses recently, so turned up at my old polling station in case I was registered there, its a massive student area in Bournemouth (West I think) and lots of students about the polling station.

Went over to the other one and lots of "elder" voters. So it doesn't really matter who's turning up.

I think there's a lot of "young people must be voting Labour" in recent years.


Well-Known Member
TBH I wouldn't put it past any of the parties (although one in particular springs to mind) in future to 'booth block' - send people in and just take ages filling in the form. Is there any actual stipulated time limit you can spend in the voting booth? Can the polling station officer actually kick you out before you've filled your ballot paper in?

Have you seen the state of the officers? More chance of breaking a hip walking over to tell you to hurry up.


Well-Known Member
I'm seeing pictures of huge queues with lots of young people in the queues which is apparently go ing the Tories cause for concern

However, a lot of the photos don't state where they were taken. They could already be safe Labour seats.

I’ve just got back from my local polling station and it was definitely the busiest I’ve seen it for a General Election. Sadly not swamped with youth, I was the youngest person there that was voting.


Well-Known Member
At what point did I say this is the option for me? I went into the booth today stuck between two options both of which I found far from ideal, but I still picked one.

More than that, I had spent quite a few days wondering if I should vote for a party I didn't really want to at all just in case it let in another party I didn't want even more. In the end I decided not because otherwise I'm voting because of what I definitely don't want rather than what I actually do want and that is fucking depressing.

People have every right to do so if they wish but all each of those votes does is marginalise the minor parties so the two main parties don't need to ask how good they can or need to be, just don't be as bad as the other lot - that is a poor fucking state of affairs to be in.

What's more, even if someone does decide to run we work on a constituency basis so at most you're going to be appealing to a very small number of people rather than a nationwide audience. Even if by some absolute miracle you got in on a broad manifesto (virtually all independent MP's are returned due to one local issue) what then? They've still only got one vote out of 650 in the commons and not party whips or whatever to drum up support for their proposals. It's like pissing in the sea - no-one will notice and it's already full of shit anyway.

My main issue in this election, and become increasingly so over the last few, is not the policies but the tone of the campaigning. The lies, bullshit, misinformation and bad blood from all sides. How does voting for any of them encourage that to change?

If the Tories win, as is most likely, and given the same tactics got Trump in in the US, all we're going to see is that escalating in future. There might be a party you think have conducted themselves well throughout the campaign but disagree with their policies - what then? Do you vote for them because of the way they presented themselves even though you know you're going to hate what they actually do?

The only way that will change is to have a choice ON THE BALLOT so the public en masse can show their dissatisfaction with the way politics overall is conducting itself. How else can the entire country turn round and say "we're fed up of all your bullshit" and make this shitfest clean up their act?

*rant ends*

Agree with this mate. There is a nasty undertone to politics from momentum on the left and a devious/dishonesty (very trump like politics) from groups on the right.

I’ve said a few times on various political threads my view of politics and a majority of the political class is as low as it’s ever been. Let’s hope we’ve reached the bottom (although I’m not convinced we have)

Lib Dem’s have missed a massive opportunity in this election with their original ‘revoke’ stance. Should’ve just gone for a second ref together with an honest, kinder, socially conscious, centrist politics. Reckon they could’ve done better


Well-Known Member
I’ve just got back from my local polling station and it was definitely the busiest I’ve seen it for a General Election. Sadly not swamped with youth, I was the youngest person there that was voting.

Probably expected though. End of working day. I think students would’ve gone throughout the day

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Has anyone had their opinion changed by what's on social media ?
I don't do Facebook, twitter etc so I don't really know what is put on there.


Well-Known Member
I’ve just got back from my local polling station and it was definitely the busiest I’ve seen it for a General Election. Sadly not swamped with youth, I was the youngest person there that was voting.

I'd expect into the evening to mainly be working age which is a broad spectrum depending on how far they have to commute.


Well-Known Member
Ultimately that's what it comes down to.

In theory, if Labour win, all working class people will be well off in a few months. I doubt it very much...

And in theory if Tories win we'll have no debt or deficit in a few months. I doubt it very much.....


Well-Known Member
I've changed addresses recently, so turned up at my old polling station in case I was registered there, its a massive student area in Bournemouth (West I think) and lots of students about the polling station.
Reports of students in Southampton and Cardiff being turned away despite being registered to vote. Seems legit as both universities have posted on social media to say they have contacted the electoral commission with their concerns.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Reports of students in Southampton and Cardiff being turned away despite being registered to vote. Seems legit as both universities have posted on social media to say they have contacted the electoral commission with their concerns.

Saw that. They're not allowed to turn people away and are obliged to stay open past 10 if people are queuing.
Apparently there was a similar problem in Canterbury and they set up an additional make shift polling station, that also sounds a bit dodgy.


Well-Known Member
Reports of students in Southampton and Cardiff being turned away despite being registered to vote. Seems legit as both universities have posted on social media to say they have contacted the electoral commission with their concerns.

Saw something about this either yesterday or day before that there were quite a few students who hadn't got their polling card and been told they were able to vote and found out after the end of voter registration they weren't.

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