George Floyd (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
I think the shooting was excessive, but I don't know what context they shot him for. I have heard it quoted as him saying he was going to get his gun, but there is a lot of bullshit coming out at the moment so it is hard to know what to believe. I think people also forget why the police are so paranoid in the USA. There are so many instances of them getting shot by people that they do seem to overreact through paranoia.

One thing that is becoming noticeable more and more is the bias coming out of the media too. Like with the above. The 8 year old killed by BLM, the 5 year old shot in the head by a black man. None of this has really been covered, in fact there is plenty of evidence to suggest it was deliberately suppressed.

The rioting and bullying from BLM is also doing nothing to improve race relations either. The media's coverage of this is also disgusting.



Well-Known Member
It's nothing to do with the media, the man's actions show he's a deranged loon!

You don't believe the media have any influence over what people think about trump?
He used to be celebrated about many things before he took office, by the very people who now spew the hate... The media are dangerous

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
My point being, I bet you didn't think any of these things before trump took office, the mainstream media filled you up with all that hate

the main stream media didn't, I barely watch terrestrial TV. I watched the Netflix documentary on him and it hardly scratched the surface so he got off lightly.

But of course I know more about him now than before he became POTUS, same as I know more about Clinton and Obama now and I'm not keen on either of them, particularly Clinton but Trump is whole other level of mental.

Deleted member 5849

You don't believe the media have any influence over what people think about trump?
He used to be celebrated about many things before he took office, by the very people who now spew the hate... The media are dangerous
I thionk you're being super paranoid. Trump's own twitter, press conferences, and general public persona are enough.

FFS, he courts the media himself and uses it to his advantage, but it's pretty mental to decide there's this kind of shadowy illuminati style effect the media have, that distort this down-to-earth family man and make him appear utterly... insane, and everybody gobbles it up.


Well-Known Member
the main stream media didn't, I barely watch terrestrial TV. I watched the Netflix documentary on him and it hardly scratched the surface so he got off lightly.

But of course I know more about him now than before he became POTUS, same as I know more about Clinton and Obama now and I'm not keen on either of them, particularly Clinton but Trump is whole other level of mental.

We say this, but let's be honest, more innocent people died around the world under the guidance of Clinton and Obama? Being mental but nice is not much different from being mental and upfront

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
My point being, I bet you didn't think any of these things before trump took office, the mainstream media filled you up with all that hate

Thats a pathetic thing to say, every man and his dog knew what Trump was like years before he went near politics.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
You don't believe the media have any influence over what people think about trump?
He used to be celebrated about many things before he took office, by the very people who now spew the hate... The media are dangerous

what was he celebrated for? He's supposed to be a hot shot business man, it was all bullshit.
He's an awful business man who got bailed out by his dad on numerous occasions (dubiously in at least one case). Look at some of the projects that failed, the airline is a classic, if me or you were put in charge of an airline tomorrow it would have more chance of success, some of his ideas were fucking bonkers.

And again, I didn't know this until he became POTUS admittedly, but it's the most high profile job in the world, people are going to look in to your past. And all this before you start going down the Russian rabbit hole.


Well-Known Member
The Clintons are a deeply sinister & malelovent force

I think the Clinton's are far more dangerous than Donald j trump, and yet before the last few years... They were lauded by the media,hillary Clinton still so today... Why? Because the media are fucking dangerous

Deleted member 5849

Thats a pathetic thing to say, every man and his dog knew what Trump was like years before he went near politics.
His whole selling point is that people knew what he was like!

His whole selling point for an election is that he's a divisive character. He knows it doesn't really matter if half hate you, if the other half rabidly follow you.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
We say this, but let's be honest, more innocent people died around the world under the guidance of Clinton and Obama? Being mental but nice is not much different from being mental and upfront

You're not going to find me defending either, especially the Clintons but Trump is highly dangerous, worse than the others and to be totally honest, i wasn't sure he was more dangerous than Hilary but what's gone on over the last few months makes me think he is but we'll never know for sure.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
I think the Clinton's are far more dangerous than Donald j trump, and yet before the last few years... They were lauded by the media,hillary Clinton still so today... Why? Because the media are fucking dangerous

but Trump is hailed by Fox. He's also hailed by QAnon, I mean, come on!!


Well-Known Member
You're not going to find me defending either, especially the Clintons but Trump is highly dangerous, worse than the others and to be totally honest, i wasn't sure he was more dangerous than Hilary but what's gone on over the last few months makes me think he is but we'll never know for sure.

How can trump be worse than 2 presidents who killed far more innocent people? I think we are mixing this up aren't we

Ranting on social media doesn't equate to being more dangerous

Unstable? Maybe so

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
How can trump be worse than 2 presidents who killed far more innocent people? I think we are mixing this up aren't we

no, because look at what he's done domestically, the country is fractured.
And he's in charge in a different time, id he'd been elected when Clinton or Obama had who's to say he wouldn't have dropped as many bombs as them.

It is my feeling that Hilary would have been more hawkish than Trump though I'll give him that. Though there's not much point in putting the brakes on a hawkish foreign policy if you start a civil war in your own country!


Well-Known Member
Trump has a direct unedited line to the world via his Twitter account and it repeatedly shows him to be a piece of shit. There's also the words he says as a backup

So is the argument that being a twat on social media makes him worse than presidents that oversaw thousands of innocent deaths in the middle East?


Well-Known Member
no, because look at what he's done domestically, the country is fractured.
And he's in charge in a different time, id he'd been elected when Clinton or Obama had who's to say he wouldn't have dropped as many bombs as them.

It is my feeling that Hilary would have been more hawkish than Trump though I'll give him that. Though there's not much point in putting the brakes on a hawkish foreign policy if you start a civil war in your own country!

Let's be honest, the US for many years has been fractured... Before Covid the country was economically sound and thriving... His reaction to covid is awful though


Well-Known Member
Partly- a thousand per day from COVID, directly caused by him with his stupid, clueless & murderous response.

Murderous? A little bit over the top eh... He's not Joseph goebbels

The United States have reacted poorly to the pandemic... I agree


Well-Known Member
Most media reports on Trump are based on his Twitter feed and fact checking what he says. That’s a responsible thing to do given the shit he talks on Twitter and says ridiculous things in press conferences. What’s the alternative? The media keeps quite and the world starts believing the world according to Donald Trump? Please, no one can be that naive.

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
Murderous? A little bit over the top eh... He's not Joseph goebbels

Call him what you want, thats just words, facts are that his actions (or lack of them) are killing thousands of his own people, thus rendering your argument void. You take a look at the timeline of what he's done and you'll see a picture emerging of a man that needs locking up.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Let's be honest, the US for many years has been fractured... Before Covid the country was economically sound and thriving... His reaction to covid is awful though

I'm no expert but the US was never in the mess it is now and it started on Trumps watch pre covid.
The economy had been OK under Trump but not as good as he claims though it has been a bit more stable than under Obama who had periods of growth higher than anything Trumps achieved (despite what Trump says), although there were troughs as well.

The problem in the States though, (and probably lots of countries), is due to the imbalance in wealth distribution is the top 1 percent seeing growth on their assets can increase GDP even if everyone else has seen their wealth decrease.


Well-Known Member
Most media reports on Trump are based on his Twitter feed and fact checking what he says. That’s a responsible thing to do given the shit he talks on Twitter and says ridiculous things in press conferences. What’s the alternative? The media keeps quite and the world starts believing the world according to Donald Trump? Please, no one can be that naive.

Well let's give an example straight away of the dangerous media.. Stories that the mainstream media ran too to make you believe trump was a vile dictator... All nonsense


Well-Known Member
Maga hat boy, Covington

The media, let's ignite racial tensions... Then let's pay out millions because we were wrong... Damage is done

Jussie smollett, the media spent weeks igniting racial tension... Only to be wrong... Damage is done

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Well let's give an example straight away of the dangerous media..

you seem to be suggesting that it's only media critical of Trump that's dangerous!

i like this site for checking the political affiliations and more important accuracy of news outlets.



Well-Known Member
So is the argument that being a twat on social media makes him worse than presidents that oversaw thousands of innocent deaths in the middle East?
I wasn't really compiling a league table of presidents. He's doing a bit more than being a twat on social media, that's just an unfiltered window on the man which negates the idea that he's misrepresented by media spin.

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