George Floyd (4 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
People are generally just dickheads.

Also though non platforming is counter productive. The minute Nick Griffin was given a platform on Question Time he was exposed and the BNP virtually vanished overnight


Well-Known Member
You can't have that attitude as the police though, at least not in the USA.
You have to immediately assess the danger when encountering any individual.
Anyone could be carrying a gun, knife or other weapon.
Police have been shot and killed just for approaching someone.

I wonder if that danger could somehow be reduced so they don't feel likely to have to pull a gun on someone just in case? I don't know, maybe something on the lines of heavily restricting firearms so the likelihood of someone pulling a gun on them is negligible and a stab/flak jacket should give them enough confidence to do their job without a gun. Then not all the police would need to carry a gun and the public (especially the black community) wouldn't feel in so much danger when stopped by the police that any second they could end up getting a bullet (although it wouldn't have helped George Floyd)


Well-Known Member
Also though non platforming is counter productive. The minute Nick Griffin was given a platform on Question Time he was exposed and the BNP virtually vanished overnight

Yeah but should a prick who doesn't believe I should even exist be on my TV?


Well-Known Member
Not much different to the original climate then. There needs to be a movement people can join with spokesmen that can distance the movement from the looting and violence and put across clear demands. The rioting may be a symptom of unmet needs previously but it won’t be what forces political change.

I worry that since the ‘net every movement is some anarchic flat structure like Occupy and XR and that just allows it to be tarnished and achieve nothing.

Second it happened the far right/Fox would be straight on them and make them out as some sort of terrorist on the most trivial thing. Something along the lines of "had a fight with a kid at school so nothing more than a thug who should be in prison"

I wouldn't be surprised if the far-right even get people out on the streets for looting and violence so it makes the protests look worse.

Maybe what is needed is for protestors to identify and shop those looting and being violent to show that as much as they detest their treatment by the police they do believe in law and order.

Also, the only language the USA understands is $$$. So get all those who are behind this movement to stop spending money in shops that haven't signed up and publicly supported a push for racial equality laws. That would be far more effective than any smashing up and looting of those stores. Rosa Parks got change because her supporters boycotted public transportation.

The coventrian

Well-Known Member
Of course it does but I just don’t understand it. I honestly don’t see differences and I don’t understand it
It still happens on the shop floor now. Its Nowhere near as bad as it used to be though. It was horrendous at longbridge in the 90s. And that was both ways. Instant dismissal these days.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but should a prick who doesn't believe I should even exist be on my TV?

It does expose the bogeyman and show them for what they are - the BNP were finished after that


Well-Known Member
Wrong thread.

No it's not. You were talking about the hypocrisy of the left. In the last week we've seen Dominic Cummings break laws he actively took a part in setting out.

Add to that JRM who said we should boycott/sanction Russia while his investment firm was heavily investing in it. And the sneering of the Tories at workshy, foppish blokes who father loads of kids by different women and leave them in the lurch while backing Johnson.


Well-Known Member
Yeah like dickheads when I was a kid who used to verbally abuse my mum in the street shouting abuse etc and throwing eggs at our house. Her only crime was she was Irish ffs.

My Nan is also Irish. Wankers everywhere. And it's not a competition by any means, but the Irish community are laughing now. Wonder how that was managed?

No blacks
No dogs
No Irish



Well-Known Member
Yeah but, and it's a bit of rhetorical question, but WHY. What the fuck is wrong with people.

I honestly don’t know. Politically clearly I’m more supportive of conservative strategy but I’ve never understood discrimination on racist grounds all I’m saying is remove the platform and you create an audience - I have to believe most people are decent and fair minded regardless of political opinion and once prejudice is debated the racist loses the argument

The coventrian

Well-Known Member
My Nan is also Irish. Wankers everywhere. And it's not a competition by any means, but the Irish community are laughing now. Wonder how that was managed?

No blacks
No dogs
No Irish

I remember it well. I was only a young kid in the 70s/early 80s and it made me so angry but what can you do at that age? Nothing. I remember my mum in tears and there was nothing I could do. Ira was shouted a lot. She's not even a catholic ffs.


Well-Known Member
I remember it well. I was only a young kid in the 70s/early 80s and it made me so angry but what can you do at that age? Nothing. I remember my mum in tears and there was nothing I could do. Ira was shouted a lot. She's not even a catholic ffs.

I feel like you completely get where I am coming from in this thread (and in general) then, but a lot of your posts (elsewhere) suggest otherwise. Not having a go, just curious as to why.


Well-Known Member
I honestly don’t know. Politically clearly I’m more supportive of conservative strategy but I’ve never understood discrimination on racist grounds all I’m saying is remove the platform and you create an audience - I have to believe most people are decent and fair minded regardless of political opinion and once prejudice is debated the racist loses the argument

Can't disagree. But then what? More anger because an argument was lost probably.

The coventrian

Well-Known Member
I feel like you completely get where I am coming from in this thread (and in general) then, but a lot of your posts (elsewhere) suggest otherwise. Not having a go, just curious as to why.
I do know where you're coming from. I've experienced it myself. Contrary to what certain people say about me on here,they couldn't be further from the truth.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Yeah but, and it's a bit of rhetorical question, but WHY. What the fuck is wrong with people.

In my second year of teaching a teenager said he didn't want a young Asian lad 'immigrating into my seat'. Sent him out and called for the Head as it was a racist remark, but for the rest of the year he held the grudge because he didn't see what was wrong with it.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member

For the weirdo that stated the guy died because of heart conditions etc.

Independent autopsy said not.

Unlucky Gaz

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Well-Known Member
In my second year of teaching a teenager said he didn't want a young Asian lad 'immigrating into my seat'. Sent him out and called for the Head as it was a racist remark, but for the rest of the year he held the grudge because he didn't see what was wrong with it.
Poor parental guidance?

My kids are in their 30s and, having been brought up in a multi-cultural city with school friends being from all colours and faiths, just do not get racism. They aren't sheltered, we've brought them up hopefully like any other sane parents, so they haven't had any bad influences to steer them down that road.

You learn your values from your parents first, then your peers. It's unfortunate that racism is usually something you learn or are taught - or the consequence of a promised but false society.

Hill, real sorry you still get this kind of crap.


Well-Known Member
Hill, real sorry you still get this kind of crap.

Used to it. I'm in a strange situation and people think they are talking with like minded people, well sorry chap, not today.
No need to apologise though, I rarely talk about it until something like this pops up on here.
Also saying that I look white, other mixed race people can tell I'm not and vice versa.

There's a few famous people I could list that are the same as me that would probably surprise you and they all tell similar stories to me.
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Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Poor parental guidance?

My kids are in their 30s and, having been brought up in a multi-cultural city with school friends being from all colours and faiths, just do not get racism. They aren't sheltered, we've brought them up hopefully like any other sane parents, so they haven't had any bad influences to steer them down that road.

You learn your values from your parents first, then your peers. It's unfortunate that racism is usually something you learn or are taught - or the consequence of a promised but false society.

Hill, real sorry you still get this kind of crap.

All I can do in a classroom is challenge ignorance when it comes up-there was a lot of it aimed at Chinese students when Covid first started kicking off. I don't mind taking a minute or two out of a lesson to do it either, particularly if it's boys conforming to peer pressure


Well-Known Member
When i was about 13 or 14 i walked from my house in Potters Green to a friends in Wood End, for those of you that know the area there is a big green hill you could use as a short cut. I got to Wood End and got loads of abuse and threats so never (well till i was about 16) walked that way again and walked the road way around.
My offence, i'm dark skinned as my family come from Gibraltar.
It was my first ever experience of racism, it scared the hell out of me. All i had was Pakki this Pakki that (i have to say that once i was about 16 and started walking that route again i never had it again, so not a dig at people from Wood End)
Just trying to say that living with that sort of thing is not nice and is scary, just going to see your friends means your scared of getting beaten up on the way. This is crazy, we are all the same with some cultural differences.
What i like out here in GC is that we have people from everywhere all mixing and working together and we all get on.
Since all this Virus crap happened, it's been mainly Scandies that have offered me help, oh! and one Moroccan guy who is homeless and always offers me a few cigs or beers (he has done well out of lockdown as locals know he has nothing so when they see him are buying him stuff or giving him a few euros).
He remembers before this i would get him to wash my Jeep and give him 10€ for it and give him cigs if he never had any. The point being we are all the same and if you treat people well, they will do the same for you when your in need (in most cases).
Racism sucks, i class myself as white but having been on the other side of it it just needs stamping out, it's just not right. People are people, treat them as they treat you, as (i think Otis said) we are all individuals.


Well-Known Member
What the actual fuck. They're on camera and do it anyway as they know that they'll get away with it.

There's so much of this online its astonishing. Goes way past the 'bad apples' argument. And if it was just a few bad cops why are the rest of them standing around watching?

The flip side is the footage online of a white member of the public dressed up in full combat gear brandishing a weapon in a non open carry state who was just sent on his way.


Well-Known Member
Is it any wonder racists in America are more comfortable being openly racists under Trump?

Stolen from twitter;
"name one time Trump was racist," Okay, I will

1973: The Nixon administration sued Trump for refusing to rent to black people.

1980s: Trump's casinos were accused of hiding the black staff when Trump visited.

1989: Trump took out a full-page ad, arguing for the death penalty for a group of black men (The 'Central Park Five'), effectively putting a bounty on their heads, and plaguing them with a lifetime of death threats. He was sued by the Justice Department for discrimination.

1991: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kinds of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day… I think that the [black] guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is.”

1992: Trump's casino was fined $200,000 for transferring black dealers off certain tables to appease racist patrons.

1993: Trump said Native American casinos shouldn’t be allowed because “they don’t look like Indians to me.”

2000: Trump ran a series of attack ads against Native American casinos alleging (with no proof) that they were guilty of crimes.

2004: Trump fired a black contestant from 'The Apprentice' for being over-educated.

2010: Trump argued in favor of segregating Muslims in Lower Manhattan.

2011: Birtherism. Trump alleged that Obama was Kenyan based on nothing but skin color. He never apologized nor renounced that claim.

2015 (1): Trump called Mexican immigrants "rapists" who are "bringing crime and drugs" to the U.S.

2015 (2): Trump called for "a ban on all Muslims entering the U.S."

2016 (1): Trump called for a Mexican judge to recuse himself based on nothing other than his race. Paul Ryan said this was “the textbook definition of a racist comment.”

2016 (2): Trump regularly retweeted material from white supremacists and neo-Nazis during his campaign.

2016 (3): Trump tweeted a picture alleging that Hillary was Jewish, or controlled by Jewish people.

2016 (4): The Trump campaign adopted Nixon's "Law and Order" rhetoric which was based in racial fearmongering.

2016 (5): Trump told black voters "What do you have to lose?"

2017 (1): Trump asked a reporter to set up a meeting with the black caucus simply because she was black.

2017 (2): "...some very fine people on both sides" said Trump of a violent Nazi rally.

2017 (3): Trump said people from Haiti "all have AIDS" and people from Nigeria would never “go back to their huts” after seeing America.

2018 (1): Trump called Haiti and African countries shitholes.

2018 (2): Trump referenced the trail of tears to mock Elizabeth Warren.

2019: Trump tweeted that four black and brown congresswomen should go back where they came from. Then attacked Elijah Cummings. Then Baltimore. Then Al Sharpton.

2020: Trump called black protesters "THUGS" just days after calling white protesters "very good people." Then he threatened to direct the military to shoot the black protestors in the street.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but, and it's a bit of rhetorical question, but WHY. What the fuck is wrong with people.

Same thing that makes us hate Sunderland/Villa/Leicester at its heart innit. My tribe vs your tribe bollocks.

I think so much is down to not having interacted enough. You can tell because once they know one minority person it’s “oh he’s one of the good ones”. Surely before long you can’t maintain a massive list of “good ones” alongside your prejudice.


Well-Known Member
I was subjected to some vile anti Irish comments on here by one particular poster. A dare say he thought it was ok for him to do that in order to get a rise out of me, so no doubt thinks it’s ok in that context. it isn’t - it’s offensive.

One of the reasons that I rarely use SBT now

I am Irish by the way.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Our family were on the end of anti-Irish abuse, including my mother being spat at back in the early 90s. I actually think this always had a lasting effect on me and my own identity.

The anti-Asian stuff was rife in the 90s and even early 00s. I’m sure it still goes on now as well, just to a lesser extent.

The USA really is a fucked up country though, it genuinely wouldn’t surprise me to see a civil war break out at some point soon.
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