George Floyd (1 Viewer)

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
He’s such a wanker
He is. He looks like a man under a lot of pressure. His voice seems weak, he's stumbling for things to say and inevitably fills the air with off the cuff nonsense. The bravado has gone. He looks like he can't cope with the set of circumstances before him .
I have to add I couldn't care less. He deserves whatever he gets.


Well-Known Member
He is. He looks like a man under a lot of pressure. His voice seems weak, he's stumbling for things to say and inevitably fills the air with off the cuff nonsense. The bravado has gone. He looks like he can't cope with the set of circumstances before him .
I have to add I couldn't care less. He deserves whatever he gets.

Inclined to agree but I have good friends in the States and they deserve better. It can be a great country.

Darth Robins

Well-Known Member
The American Police continue to show that they're completely sociopathic, those 4 police involved in shoving that 75 year old man over and hospitalising him all got suspended without pay.

In protest, the entire Emergency Response Team they were part of has walked out.

I know Minnesota are looking at disbanding the police entirely and starting over but I think it needs doing nationwide, they clearly see themselves as far superior.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
When you've got a president who can do whatever he wants and get away with it that must filter down to other shitbags who have a sense of power
It's hardly the democracy it always bangs on to the rest of the world about. Its run by one man who is the very epitomy of those dictatorships the USA tell us are evil.


Well-Known Member
I know it's not a competition, but to imply that our police are as institutionally racist as that isn't right at all. Maybe in the 80s around the time of the Bristol, Handsworth and Brixton riots, but not now.
I think the UK police have really tried in recent years, and rightly so. There were a few false trys post Steven Lawrence and that Secret Policeman doc - but I think the last set of riots when Mark Duggan was shot by the Met Police finally sunk in. Yes there are racists still in the police, like any job, but with the advent of body cameras, more CCTV, public with phones, plus they're positively recruiting minorities and younger people who are better educated and supposedly have social morals, it's harder to hide traits like this. Daugher in law is a Yank, she is not surprised by her cops but is pleasantly surprised by ours.
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I ask myself what I have done, me, myself, and the answer unfortunately is that of just, shed a few tears, shaken my head and said it's not fair.

It's not enough and I need to do more. We all need to do more.
That's the thing, what can us naive white blokes do? We might treat everybody the same regardless of skin colour but a lot of people don't.

It takes somebody like hill and fair play to explain about having the chat. That's not right.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
The American Police continue to show that they're completely sociopathic, those 4 police involved in shoving that 75 year old man over and hospitalising him all got suspended without pay.

In protest, the entire Emergency Response Team they were part of has walked out.

I know Minnesota are looking at disbanding the police entirely and starting over but I think it needs doing nationwide, they clearly see themselves as far superior.
That was so sickening - why have they got in the habit of pushing people over backwards so they smash their skulls. So cowardly

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
That's the thing, what can us naive white blokes do? We might treat everybody the same regardless of skin colour but a lot of people don't.

It takes somebody like hill and fair play to explain about having the chat. That's not right.

I’d suggest stopping being a ‘naive’ white guy and becoming a much more ‘aware’ white guy is a good start, and no more referring to “virtue signalling” in this context, a term which is really just a sneering putdown people use to try and dismissively piss all over something which means a lot to someone else who is trying to make a difference.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
I’d suggest stopping being a ‘naive’ white guy and becoming a much more ‘aware’ white guy is a good start, and no more referring to “virtue signalling” in this context, a term which is really just a sneering putdown people use to try and dismissively piss all over something which means a lot to someone else who is trying to make a difference.
What's an aware white guy ?
Aware of what ?


Well-Known Member
I’d suggest stopping being a ‘naive’ white guy and becoming a much more ‘aware’ white guy is a good start, and no more referring to “virtue signalling” in this context, a term which is really just a sneering putdown people use to try and dismissively piss all over something which means a lot to someone else who is trying to make a difference.

David IRA O Day uses the VS a lot

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
You are already aware though so what angle are you going for now?
Actually I do think if people bang on and on too much about how white people need to be more aware/change etc it will start to piss some people off.
We need to treat people equally regardless of colour, beliefs etc. Its as simple as that.
Now, the difficulty is implementing change. That will take a very long time and how it's done is beyond me.


Well-Known Member
Actually I do think if people bang on and on too much about how white people need to be more aware/change etc it will start to piss some people off.
We need to treat people equally regardless of colour, beliefs etc. Its as simple as that.
Now, the difficulty is implementing change. That will take a very long time and how it's done is beyond me.

Right, so it’s not just white people.

You are saying we need to treat people equally, but not tell people to change? What about people who don’t treat people equally.

But yeah it’s beyond me as well. It’s been going on for centuries. Also, I couldn’t give a fuck if it pisses people off right now to be honest.


Well-Known Member
You are already aware though so what angle are you going for now?

Personally I don’t think his approach is very engaging and helpful - calling people thick uneducated idiots and quoting cliches - which he does a lot - isn’t helpful. I’ve seen two people today explain the issue today - Femi and Jamealia one was very persuasive and one a turn off. ROS will never persuade anyone - his confrontational and cliche style isn’t helpful and his obsession strange


Well-Known Member
Personally I don’t think his approach is very engaging and helpful - calling people thick uneducated idiots and quoting cliches - which he does a lot - isn’t helpful. I’ve seen two people today explain the issue today - Femi and Jamealia one was very persuasive and one a turn off. ROS will never persuade anyone - his confrontational and cliche style isn’t helpful and his obsession strange

With the greatest of respect I doubt they would care what you think of their style of delivery. As you wouldn’t and clearly don’t. Loads of people think you come across as a bit of a bellend and you’ve cracked on anyway. For over ten years.


Well-Known Member
With the greatest of respect I doubt they would care what you think of their style of delivery. As you wouldn’t and clearly don’t. Loads of people think you come across as a bit of a bellend and you’ve cracked on anyway. For over ten years.

Well if you think ROS and IRA David will change hearts and minds good luck - Dugdale makes a fair point as well as what had ROS done which people like me haven’t

I’ve been a bellend for 9 years for accuracy


Well-Known Member
Well if you think ROS and IRA David will change hearts and minds good luck - Dugdale makes a fair point as well as what had ROS done which people like me haven’t

I’ve been a bellend for 9 years for accuracy

I don’t to be fair. I don’t think I will.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Right, so it’s not just white people.

You are saying we need to treat people equally, but not tell people to change? What about people who don’t treat people equally.

But yeah it’s beyond me as well. It’s been going on for centuries. Also, I couldn’t give a fuck if it pisses people off right now to be honest.
Two points : how do you identify those who need to change. How do you do it ?
Well if you couldn't give a fuck if it pisses people off then the danger is it may create the very opposite to what it is trying to achieve.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Well if you think ROS and IRA David will change hearts and minds good luck - Dugdale makes a fair point as well as what had ROS done which people like me haven’t

I’ve been a bellend for 9 years for accuracy
9 years . Is that all ?


Well-Known Member
Two points : how do you identify those who need to change. How do you do it ?
Well if you couldn't give a fuck if it pisses people off then the danger is it may create the very opposite to what it is trying to achieve.

I could sneak about looking white asking people what they think of black people then call the A-Team. It would have to be in the winter though as I’m tanned as fuck at the moment.
And to be fair I said if it pisses people off right now. Not a great idea in the long run, although trying to be all nice about it doesn’t work either so fuck knows.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Gary Grendal

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Well-Known Member
Oh the 75 year old who was pushed to the ground, this sort of thing doesn't help at all....

John Evans, president of the local police union, told the newspaper: "Our position is these officers were simply following orders from Deputy Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia to clear the square

"It doesn't specify clear the square of men, 50 and under or 15 to 40. They were simply doing their job. I don't know how much contact was made. He did slip in my estimation. He fell backwards."

He slipped? He was clearly pushed and quite hard too.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Oh the 75 year old who was pushed to the ground, this sort of thing doesn't help at all....

John Evans, president of the local police union, told the newspaper: "Our position is these officers were simply following orders from Deputy Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia to clear the square

"It doesn't specify clear the square of men, 50 and under or 15 to 40. They were simply doing their job. I don't know how much contact was made. He did slip in my estimation. He fell backwards."

He slipped? He was clearly pushed and quite hard too.
Police unions are a massive problem in the states.

They will defend the police no matter what they have done and the evidence.

The Minneapolis police union leader is still publicly and loudly backing Derek Chauvin.

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David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Let's get Gazolba in to tell us the old man's injuries were a combination of slipping, falling backwards and perhaps just a tiny hint of being assaulted by a police officer
Gazolba thinks the floor was antifa in disguise and attack the man by dragging him down and headbutting him.

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Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
At least it’s mostly been football related - amazing how many bell ends have appeared since the virus
I've been a bellend for at least 20 years. You're being far too modest.


Well-Known Member
Virtue signalling
Politically correct
Champagne socialist
Do gooder

All just mean "not a racist / bigot"

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Virtue signalling
Politically correct
Champagne socialist
Do gooder

All just mean "not a racist / bigot"
You know, 12 months ago I'd only heard of do gooder and politicallly correct .
What on earth does " woke" mean ? I keep hearing it and I haven't a clue.
Libtard? Hahaha
I thought a snowflake was someone who was a bit oversensitive and a bit of a woose.
Jesus Christ I know nothing.
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Well-Known Member
It's good to see so many white people speaking out. At last people can see it but many pretend they don't or make excuses.
For BAME people this is nothing new. They are tired and angry.
They really don't want to keep talking about it. I heard one woman say, 'I am tired of being a priest to your white soul.'

We need to educate ourselves, do some work, listen without "Ah but ..", read some books and admit our white privilege.
White privilege means we can choose to be tired of it, pissed off by it and get on with our lives without needing to engage.

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