George Hudson (2 Viewers)

Some of the posts picking their best 11 of all time included George Hudson but most SBT's were not around at the time to witness one of the greatest players of all time play for CCFC.

GH was bought from Peterboro in 1963 replacing current legend Terry Bly causing absolute mayhem for City fans BUT the maestro promptly scored a hat trick on his debut against Halifax Town and another legend was born.

It wasn't just the quantity of goals, 162 in 296 games, but the sheer brilliance of most of them.

George was not a big guy, about the same size and stature as Kevin Philips, but boy could he put it about.

With his swarthy looks and style of play you would have thought he was of Brazillian stock but he was just a normal English guy from Manchester.

Some of his goals defied logic and it is tragic there was no media in those days to capture this mesmerising character and his goals.

George stayed with us for three years top goal scoring every year until he was sold to Northampton in 1966 missing the push to Div 1 the following year.

Such was his popularity thousands (yes thousands) of City fans actually watched George play at Northampton for a number of games - simply wouldn't happen in todays game.

George is still alive and kicking in Manchester aged 74 and is a frequent guest of the Sky Blues Legend match days.

His career goal total of 162 in 296 games would equate to 25+ goals per 46 goal season.

What a player.

Any one else have fond memories of George ???


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Oz Howie

Was my favourite striker by a mile with so many great goals and assists that were just as 'did I really see that". However, thinking of today's formations, would he still be best played as a striker or top of the diamond?


New Member
Absolutely brilliant player. He could bring a ball down with his foot from above his shoulder and pass with his other foot in a nano-second (he did this many times in a game). Johnnie's right...this guy was pure magic with a ball...without doubt the best City player ever to wear the shirt (although Hutch came pretty close).


Well-Known Member
I agree. Pure class ! Hero worshipped him. Agree, the best player ever to wear a Sky Blue shirt. Met him last year at a Legend's function - modest guy.


Well-Known Member
Hold on, how many goals did he score for us and in how many games? Because you've put he played 296 games for us and then he played 296 games in total in his career? Cheers for the insight though. Be lovely to pick up a player like that again - fingers crossed for Cody!


Facebook User
KG82, i think he meant of his career goals, 62 were for us!! Thats how i read it anyhow
Sorry folks - 62 goals in 113 games for CCFC - 162 goals in 296 games in career.

it was late at night is the excuse !!!



Well-Known Member
it was an absolute pleasure to watch the 'hud', for anyone in doubt, trawl through the numerous cov evening telegraph reports !!!
'hudson on ice' was a classic, snow covered pitch, what skill !!!
i won't spoil it for anyone, read those reports


New Member
George Hudson is my dad and I never got to see him play so it is great reading these reviews about him.

Some of the posts picking their best 11 of all time included George Hudson but most SBT's were not around at the time to witness one of the greatest players of all time play for CCFC.

GH was bought from Peterboro in 1963 replacing current legend Terry Bly causing absolute mayhem for City fans BUT the maestro promptly scored a hat trick on his debut against Halifax Town and another legend was born.

It wasn't just the quantity of goals, 62 in 296 games, but the sheer brilliance of most of them.

George was not a big guy, about the same size and stature as Kevin Philips, but boy could he put it about.

With his swarthy looks and style of play you would have thought he was of Brazillian stock but he was just a normal English guy from Manchester.

Some of his goals defied logic and it is tragic there was no media in those days to capture this mesmerising character and his goals.

George stayed with us for three years top goal scoring every year until he was sold to Northampton in 1966 missing the push to Div 1 the following year.

Such was his popularity thousands (yes thousands) of City fans actually watched George play at Northampton for a number of games - simply wouldn't happen in todays game.

George is still alive and kicking in Manchester aged 74 and is a frequent guest of the Sky Blues Legend match days.

His career goal total of 162 in 296 games would equate to 25+ goals per 46 goal season.

What a player.

Any one else have fond memories of George ???


Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
I remember as an 11 year old in 1963 sitting on the old white wall that ran along the old Spion Kop, singing along with everyone else: "♪♫♫♪♪ Georgie - Georgie - Georgie Hudson, Georgie - Georgie - Georgie Hudson, Georgie - Georgie - Georgie Hudson, the Sky Blues go marching on! ♪♫♫♪♪ " (Sung to the tune of "Glory, Glory Alleujah!") Thousands of sky blue scarves waved in the air and a rush of blood to your heart when he was on the ball! Really happy memories of a City Superstar! Bless ya George! ;)


Well-Known Member
long live the man who set CCFC alight, i post on here purely because i'm CCFC through & through,
first went to 'highfield rd' in 1956, always a fan,
& then !!!!
watched 'the hud' in awe, at his imperious best,
one kick-off, 'hud' back-heeled the ball to ronnie rees standing on the 1/2 way touchline, ball went straight to his feet,
outrageous skill, astounding player, born too early,
the 'COV TEL' archives can be read, & photo's viewed,
and if anyone is in doubt, ask 'george' or 'john',
would never dismiss the fabulous skills of 'hutch' or 'gibbo' & many more.
& how lovely to hear his daughter is on the forum,
current day equivalent ?
mmm, rooney, silva, but they are predominantly 1 footed,
hudson = the sky blue legend,

You would have been exceptionally proud of your dad who for us more "mature" CCFC fans was an absolute living legend.

I think he was that good he could have played in some of the Premier League teams today !!!

Words fail me at some of the unbelievable goals he scored for us with many defying the laws of gravity (both him and the ball).

I just wonder if there was indeed any TV/film footage in those days, similar to match of the day - I shall have to do a bit of foraging ref that.

Although I have seen him at a distance at the CCFC legends days I would love to meet him face to face and thank him for his truly spectacular spell with the SKY BLUES.



Well-Known Member
nice one 'jr' & 'collette', can anyone conversant with transposing information, copy those reports, by 'nemo' - derek henderson,- i think,
truly magical days & nights,


Well-Known Member
My dad ( gone now) always said he was the best he ever saw, and a chap i used to work with many moons ago used to drink with him at the pippin on a friday night...till quite late ! I never saw him play but all older fans have the same view of him.
"Current Day Equivalent" - say the last 20 years ???

I think he is a combination of Paul Gascoigne (for outrageous skill) and Gary Linekar/Alan Shearer (predatory instinct).

The closest single player to the Hud would have to be, dare I say it, yes it has to be Eric Cantona.

The one thing GH did naturally was hang around that pen box to maximise scoring opportunities, not go walk about on the flanks or chase an opposition player down the pitch like our current "forwards"


I was none too pleased when George Hudson was bought to replace our then centre forward, Terry Bly, who was a fine player who had scored 25 goals for us in just 32 matches. However, after watching the 'Hud' score a hat trick on his home debut, he soon became my first real hero and no player has managed to dislodge him from that pedestal. He was unique. The speed in which he controlled the ball, spotted the pass and delivered it was unbelievable, as was his ability to score some of the most innovative and outrageous goals I have ever seen.
George was so popular that the Management would never reveal that George was injured and unable to play until everyone was in the ground just before kick off. They knew how the gate would be affected if supporters knew that he wouldn't be playing. I feel so priviliged to have seen him play.


Well-Known Member
yep, 'dsb', 'jr', & 'we',
good comparisons, a footballing genius,
law, shearer, gascoigne, & cantona, rolled into one,
as a mere stripling i was at an away game, qpr, i think, and standing in amongst their fans, i heard things like,
'jesus christ he's good',
'need to sort him out',
'stop 'im'
& 'we could do with him',

As long as the real incredible George Hudson is with us and the poster "George Hudson" too (and me) this thread will go on and on like the Mousetrap in the West End.



Well-Known Member
Brilliant! If only there was some archive footage's not possible to describe in words the magic he brought to the game. A player and a team to be well proud of.


New Member
I started watching the City when I was 5 I'm now 63. Without doubt GH was the best player ever to pull on a sky blue shirt. Taking the ball down on his barrel chest was the thing I remember most. The closest player too him was Cyrill Regis but GH scored more often. I remember through the mists of time him taking the ball down on his chest from a goal kick flicking it over the CH(he had his back to the goal & the CH) running onto it and blasting it into the net.

Why did he leave? Apparently his drinking got out of hand and JH moved him on.

George would be playing for the likes of Chelsea or Man Utd today. He was that good and you had better beleive it.


That game and "that goal" was scored against Southampton and the Centre Half was Tony Knapp - believed to be one of the finest goals scored by the maestro whilst at CCFC,

As you indicate off field discipline was a bit lax in those days ref drinking and smoking and it amazed me how these players who liked a fag and a pint or three managed to maintain their form and fitness and play two games a week regularly.



Well-Known Member
I was only a nipper but I still remember the goal he got against Colchester to make us Division 3 Champions from the Kop. I remember all the kids at schools saying they were only going to watch the reserves when Jimmy Hil drop him. My dad used to say he was the best player we ever had and should have played for England, and that included Tommy Hutch (my favourite)


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if there is any footage of him playing at all anywhere? I was too young unfortunately and didn't start going up the City until after he had gone. My dad says George Hudson was the best player he ever saw play.

All opinion says there is no footage available at all - I can't really believe that - probably because George didn't play First Div (Prem today) so whatever coverage then was confined to the top league of the day.

However I am going to dig around and see what I can find - I'll keep you posted.


Could other fans of the great man dig around as well



New Member
City were on tv for the 2nd Round of the FA Cup in December 1963. Against Bristol Rovers. George played in that game. Whether that film survives I don't know. It was possibly filmed because of our cup run the previous season when we got to the Quarter finals v Man U. Pretty certain the BBC filmed it. It was a very big thing in those days. Though not the first time the cameras had been at the ground. They filmed the Southend game in 1962. Believe you can see that film on the site run by - is it Dean? Loads of Coventry stuff.
George was a terrific footballer and could easily have played top level. Yeah, like Cyril, he used his chest. But he was a lot bigger than Kevin Phillips, someone mentioned him. George had a swagger, didn't always run around a lot. But he had it. Led the line. Composed on the ball, did the unexpected. Often shot early, hit the ball first time. Sold a lot of dummies.
He also had a library ticket for Stoke Library as I used to see him in there. And spoke to him once. Just to balance up the drink stories!

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