Don't usually post stuff like this, and wouldn't normally judge people for not attending, but really hope people make an effort tomorrow.
We're playing a good side in front of 2500 away fans, so we need some backing, and I think it's far too early to say the season is over.
I know some people cannot afford it, and others have good reasons not to go, but most can afford it and have absolutely bugger all else to do other than wash their hair, mow the lawn or bake a cake. Bollocks to that. Drag your arse up to the Ricoh and get behind the lads tomorrow.
We're playing a good side in front of 2500 away fans, so we need some backing, and I think it's far too early to say the season is over.
I know some people cannot afford it, and others have good reasons not to go, but most can afford it and have absolutely bugger all else to do other than wash their hair, mow the lawn or bake a cake. Bollocks to that. Drag your arse up to the Ricoh and get behind the lads tomorrow.