Would be a good way to get the word across to boycott the southampton game. Very cheap on vista print site. Hand them out outside the ground before the match. Im sure you could find loads of people on here willing to help
I gave them out and stuck them up in Longford and by tesco, got enough abuse and noticed they had been pulled down after game today....wnkers
Good shout, A standard leaflet needs to be created, Maybe stick the template on here so that people can print off there own etc.
Bet you couldn't mate. Most of the ground can't be arsed to sing "SISU OUT". Bunch of lazy spineless arseholes.
Not everyone shares your exact views on it, you realise.
Who does? You're calling most of the ground lazy spineless arseholes when you don't know what they think or why.
Good idea Dan.
Whoever printed them and put them in the gents before the game today - can you please put the template on here and we can all print out loads of them and get them into the ground.
F*ck lining SISU's pockets.
When we go down, attendances could well fall below 5,000 for next season.
So you're not just putting words in people's mouths, but also slagging them off for not saying them.
That was me I got the template off the main boycott thread, got enough abuse today. Left some in toilets of casino also. Would love to know who removed them from the lamposts leading upto the Ricoh from tesco.. Cant believe some of the negativity I was getting, was told to grow up by one guy ffs im 36 ive seen enough shit. I also got told to shut up by the spineless lot in block 18.
Bet you couldn't mate. Most of the ground can't be arsed to sing "SISU OUT". Bunch of lazy spineless arseholes.
Well I'll give you my opinion of why I don't chant SISU OUT. I sit in middle if tesco stand for a good view. Unfortunately you are an outcast if you sing in that part of the stadium! I once got a load if abuse because I jumped up when we nearly scored. The lazy git behind me would rather start a row than get his heart beating and get excited about a goal scoring opportunity. You quite within your rights to suggest I'm a bit of a defeatist but all people are different. Maybe the block 15 lot should spread themselves out round the stadium a bit. I would certainly join in if I didn't get the moaning and looks of disgust at expressing an opinion. Yes I'm a wimp! ;-)
Perhaps add a link to the online protest too and add SISU's logo as that would really annoy them.
If the idea of getting leaflets properly printed appeals to people, i just chucked this together:
Can always re-word it or change stuff if needs be (if people like it, that is). 5,000 of them would set us back £72 on fairprint. That'd only take 15 people chipping in a fiver a piece...
Got it full-size on my computer, this is just a preview i made
Well I would gladly give £5 to the cause as long as you get these things distributed. If you go ahead with this PM me and it's yours.