GMK (6 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
😁 I thought that was a Cardiff fan, with the scarf?

Burnley was the peak I’d say, after being ejected I saw them score from four different stands, got warned to ‘get out of Burnley’ and someone jumped onto the train tracks to retrieve a burger then ate it. Never been so pissed in my life.

gmk was also 24/7, you’d log in in the morning and see multiple screens of madness, never quite sure how many of them were the sadly missed badger & how many were real.

Who was the guy went nuts as he missed the coach back from Preston as he went into Hobbycraft?
Remember winning a crab in a meat raffle?


Well-Known Member
Remember winning a crab in a meat raffle?



Well-Known Member
I remember him and FishyMoores or SkyBlue Scotland going at it. Called him a burger flipper 😂
SkyBlueScotland had arguments with lots of posters. I'm sure he was involved in a rental dispute with CCC when he had Fishy Moores & ended up not paying the rent and leaving yet he was strongly against CCFC doing the same. He ended up with a burger van south of Edinburgh hence the burger flipper comment.


Well-Known Member
some of the threads in offtheknee and oggy arms has archived threads. i'm looking at what the consensus was on whether Eliot Ward should get clapped or booed when he came back (the answer was neither)

Still maintain that if the keeper dives, Ward's penalty would've gone down as one of the greatest CCFC pens.


Well-Known Member
he got a beer money fund going when McGinnity sued him didn’t he.
I had an very indirect part in GMK being started. By the time Nev started it up, I had lost contact. Knew him from Cov Poly and his ex partner and mother of his son who, was and still is, a very close friend. Did some promotions with Nev when he lived in Middlesborough Rd near to Neol Davis of the Selecter. Nevs house was falling apart when they dug out the new Fire Station.

Legia Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Wasn't Otis was one of the first GMK mainstays to come over to SBT? Not connected but another poster I remember was Japandy who unwisely decided to bring his Christian faith into a discussion, which thereafter was used as a stick to beat him with. The discussions were often not for the faint hearted with the piss taking absolutely brutal at times. Different times I guess but SBT is much gentler and fairly tame by comparison.

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
Remember someone (Hackney Fox?) doing a spoof account of Main Stand Noel, took everybody in with it.

He used to be called ‘hackneyisblue’ or something similar, someone (I’ve no idea who 😁) worked out that “1” was identical to “I” on rivals, set up an identical account and started talking about how Cov were the much better club and he’d decided to switch. The same little trick meant we had about 5 “boyslades” running around making threats


Well-Known Member
Super memories, , still see a few about, Smiles weekly, Knowl, haven't seen Texasholdem for while, hope he still has his parka, NunSkyblue still about, pipes see him about as Ashdown. USkyblue over there, hope you're well, SkyBlue Sundae sadly passed away, as has poor Kev Kelly, COAB, brilliant, a few LAST survivors including Hackney and the Festa mob. Good laugh on Bentleys Hoof aswell especially with Kev( Badger) Loads of others, great laugh.


Well-Known Member
I would agree… I’d say the most moving thing I ever read was also on gmk when MainStandNoel talked about how Steven Hughes looked him in the eye and promised to sign a new contract

anyone still got the Bob Bones GMK Top Trumps?



Well-Known Member
Why did GMK close down?

I was never a member, and had never heard of it until a few years ago.


Well-Known Member
GMK was a thing of absolute beauty. Loonatics and some sensible posts and Smiles and Badger and everyone who had a screw loose who were left wing and lived Skyblue! Some mad rows on there every week! Who remembers the Police man taking questions on a Friday night? 😉
Pretty similar to here then, strange that!

Torquay Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I remember playing for GMK . My user name was Pork_chop_hill back in the day. Smiles was the manager. edgy played up front (and a good player at the time) I can't remember the guys name who played along side but also good. Fergusons_beard played centre half and ran the show , and Bones played in midfield and liked a dribble. We played Hull and WBA rivals . Lost em both but great memories. Oh and a team talk from Oggy.


Well-Known Member
I remember playing for GMK . My user name was Pork_chop_hill back in the day. Smiles was the manager. edgy played up front (and a good player at the time) I can't remember the guys name who played along side but also good. Fergusons_beard played centre half and ran the show , and Bones played in midfield and liked a dribble. We played Hull and WBA rivals . Lost em both but great memories. Oh and a team talk from Oggy.

We played those matches at The Higgs, didnt we? There was a Central News presenter that played for that WBA team. Good player if I recall correctly.

Torquay Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
We played those matches at The Higgs, didnt we? There was a Central News presenter that played for that WBA team. Good player if I recall correctly.
Correct ...he was a decent player but can't remember his name. He had a spell presenting the Spanish football program as well


Well-Known Member
GMK was great

One thread title that always sticks in my mind was "Lampards Love Handles"

And the guy getting left at the service station thread as well

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