I haven't read up on any of it in great detail but I can tell you now it's a token gesture with an election coming up. The idea that joe bloggs is gonna be sat next Roman Abramovich or Khaldoon Al Mubarak in a boardroom making decisions is totally nonsense.
There are 2 ways to get fans involved with the running of a club: Total fan ownership, something similar to what Portsmouth did which would be great but I don't think realistically with the sums of money involved in the modern game will work for the mainstream, particulalry higher up the divisions. The second model is the German model, a membership type sceme in which people get to vote for the president who runs the club and the fans always retain a controlling stake. Big business can invest, as Adidas has in Bayern I believe, but only upto a 49%. That's the way we should go; it's a million miles away from how our system is currently set up though so it's really a pointless debate imo.