Got a feeling Thorn will walk !! (1 Viewer)

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
Has anyone got the same feeling. I expect Sisu to sell players for peanuts because they are only interested in cash deals as part of their exit strategy. Don't expect any sell on clauses in any deals done. These sort of deals would prove they will put us into admin. If Thorn loses 2 or 3 key players I wouldn't blame him if he walked away.


New Member
I wouldn't blame him, but remember this is his big chance at being a manager. He has probs been waiting for this for years, so I doubt he would walk away


New Member
Must admit if it was me i would, how can he be expected to do a job with no backing. it would be ashame as at last we have a manager who wants to play attractive attacking football!! unfortunately without the resources to do so!! lets hope he stays and proves me wrong!!


Active Member
I don't think he will. Like the rest of us, he needs to pay his bills. His chances of getting another managers job will be limited and he will be breaking his contract therefore receive no compensation.


Well-Known Member
AND, why walk when you know a pay off is round the corner, like it has been for every other manager we have had in this division !


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't blame him, but remember this is his big chance at being a manager. He has probs been waiting for this for years, so I doubt he would walk away

Big chance at being a manager? Big chance at completely tarnishing his reputation and not getting another job in management more like! If I was him I'd walk if we sell more players and bring in no replacements for them!

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Where would he walk to? He has no proven track record as a manager yet, and as BobbyDazzler says, he still has bills etc to pay like the rest of us. If I had just walked out of a job a few years ago without another to go to, my missus would have strung me up by my balls!


Well-Known Member
He's pretty much a dead man walking!
Unfortunately (as with many clubs) he'll end up taking the blame for poor results later on as the board looks for a scapegoat.
As regards compensation isn't he only on a one year rolling contract anyway?
Sack him around end of january and they'd only have to pay him a couple of months wages. Also then the new manager wouldn't be able to ask for a new transfer budget as the window would be closed.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Why would he be sacked? He hasn't done anything wrong. He could then sue the club for unfair dismissal - and win - and also, why would SISU hire yet another manager (for probably the same wages) whether or not he was was better or worse than Thorn? The club would be in a worse state and paying out compensation. No, Thorn will stay in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
if i was in thorns position i would stay its a win win for him, if the players get sold and we end up getting relegated the fans know its not his fault, if he keeps us up (no hope of this at the moment) he will be seen as some sort of GOD !! we all know the problems and they are not thorns doing its down to the board so for me he will stay and i hope he does.


Facebook User
He won't walk sure it's a bad as it is might aswell hold on as manager and hope for take over before jan transfer window, that's the best he can hope for!!


Well-Known Member
I see it that Thorn is in a no lose situation, if he gets relegated he can say that it was lack of backing, everyone being sold and having to throw in a bunch of kids, If he keeps us up, it will be seen as a miracle and he will be given the tag as one of the "next great managers".


Well-Known Member
if i was in thorns position i would stay its a win win for him, if the players get sold and we end up getting relegated the fans know its not his fault, if he keeps us up (no hope of this at the moment) he will be seen as some sort of GOD !! we all know the problems and they are not thorns doing its down to the board so for me he will stay and i hope he does.

Sorry, but it may not be his fault but he would certainly get the blame.

Think everyone has conveniently forgotten how last January we had a terrible injury crisis and brought no players in at all in the transfer window and we subsequently plummeted like a stone. Boothroyd was totally blamed for everything all and got sacked and it has certainly tarnished his reputation.

If we do really, really badly and get relegated and Thorn gets the sack there will not be many clubs who would touch him with a barge-pole believe me! Think us as City fans would be accepting and not blame him at all but everyone else would see him as a complete and utter failure.


Well-Known Member
i do belive nobody will touch him if we get relegated, but you are right he would get the blame and i think that would be so wrong, but that is how football is unfortunatly.


Well-Known Member

Think City fans will back him to the hilt to be honest.

The outside world will not be so forgiving though.
A few things going for AT:

  • tries to play attractive football
  • has the backing of the fans
  • has won the "Dressing Room"
Not many of our long list of previous managers have achieved this despite big names, big reputations and big egos.

Considering the tools currently at his disposal AT has not yet tarnished his fledgling reputation and I see him continuing to play attractive football, getting the best out of hs players and sticking with his game plan.

Come 11.01 pm on Tuesday night might make or break him - but he has enough pride and passion to continue the job he started irrespective.



Well-Known Member
As regards compensation isn't he only on a one year rolling contract anyway?
Sack him around end of january and they'd only have to pay him a couple of months wages.
A 1 year rolling contract means that should he be sacked, AT will always receive 1 years the contract is continually renewed with 1 year's notice


he will get the boot before then, i think sisu will invest in players and bring in a couple of loans,,, if that is the case and Thron doesnt get results they will get rid. end of october i give him to


Well-Known Member
He won't be sacked. The only reason he would be sacked is poor results and danger of relegation.

Well..SISU don't care about results or relegation they will only be bothered about money needed to pay off Thorn and money to hire a new manager.

Clive Plattini

When the Telegraph asked for a question for AT at the next press conference I replied with a question about whether he is concerned that this poor season will destroy his managerial career. The CT obviously chose something far more inane like are you trying to sign a player.

I think if he fails here the rest of the footie world will ignore the circumstances and that will be it. As for walking, this will do him no favours as no one will hire him as he has almost no experience. I hope he stays and he could perhaps have a half decent season in League 1 next year.

Colonel Mustard

New Member
I would blame him if he walked away blaming SISU's stewardship.

He should know as well as anyone that he was hired as the cheap option. He knew what he was taking on when he accepted the job...or does anyone believe that he was promised millions to spend? To walk away would be an actual admission that he wasn't up to the job.

No, it's not an easy role, but he - or any other manager - would build a very strong reputation if he could keep this side up, as so few are expecting it. This is what good management is all about.


Well-Known Member
I would blame him if he walked away blaming SISU's stewardship.

He should know as well as anyone that he was hired as the cheap option. He knew what he was taking on when he accepted the job...or does anyone believe that he was promised millions to spend? To walk away would be an actual admission that he wasn't up to the job.

No, it's not an easy role, but he - or any other manager - would build a very strong reputation if he could keep this side up, as so few are expecting it. This is what good management is all about.
He was promised the same budget Boothroyd got. Has he had that? Not a chance. SISU have screwed AT over as well as the fans.

Colonel Mustard

New Member
He was promised the same budget Boothroyd got. Has he had that? Not a chance. SISU have screwed AT over as well as the fans.

Was he? I have no recollection of that.

And even if he was, he must have known what the score was, and his utter lack of experience give him no entitlements. Thorn took the job, rightly, because it was a huge step-up in his career. He's 45, I doubt anyone else was lining up to offer him a management chance (certainly not at the Championship fast-track level), so it was the right move for him. Let's not pretend that he only took the job on the back of financial promises.


New Member
At some point you have to say I have done my best but ~ then list exactly what has happened.


Well-Known Member
Was he? I have no recollection of that.

And even if he was, he must have known what the score was, and his utter lack of experience give him no entitlements. Thorn took the job, rightly, because it was a huge step-up in his career. He's 45, I doubt anyone else was lining up to offer him a management chance (certainly not at the Championship fast-track level), so it was the right move for him. Let's not pretend that he only took the job on the back of financial promises.

Colonel Mustard

New Member
Ha, Thorn 'promised the same transfer budget as last year' - City had a summer of free transfers in 2010. He knew what he was getting into.

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