This poor fella was so close to saving the Amazon, so close..
This is just a rabid cult. Any legitimate environmental concerns are drowned out by these crazies. It's completely dishonest and will make not one jot of difference. A woman waving a broomstick in the air screeching about Brazil burning, I'm not sure if it's tragic or hilarious.
Brazil is burning.
I don't think it will make any difference but at least they're trying. Can't knock anyone for that.
You can, because it's bollocks. Brazil isn't burning, the comments from Brazilians in that twitter thread say it all, half these people don't have the first clue what they're protesting about.
I have a business installing renewable energy systems. In total those systems have produced 1300MWh of green energy. I'm not on a moral crusade, it's a living (not a particularly good one) but I do care and believe in it. I've worked stupid hours today, stressed beyond belief, and then I see these melts prancing around with broomsticks thinking they are changing the world. They're doing more harm that good and making a mockery of the whole issue.
You can, because it's bollocks. Brazil isn't burning, the comments from Brazilians in that twitter thread say it all, half these people don't have the first clue what they're protesting about.
I have a business installing renewable energy systems. In total those systems have produced 1300MWh of green energy. I'm not on a moral crusade, it's a living (not a particularly good one) but I do care and believe in it. I've worked stupid hours today, stressed beyond belief, and then I see these melts prancing around with broomsticks thinking they are changing the world. They're doing more harm that good and making a mockery of the whole issue.
What harm I they doing?
People in this country have protested about all sorts of shit for centuries. Fair play to them. Sometimes it brings about great change, sometimes it achieves fuck all.
And Brazil is burning, well, the Amazon rain forest, though I actually agree with Bolnasaro, us trying to tell them what to do is colonialism and he's within his rights to tell us to get fucked.
As for the Twitter thread, It's by John Paul Watson of infowars. Their followers believe all sorts of mad shit.
They harassed the parents of Sandy hook victims because infowars said it was fake and the bodies were child actors.
They shot a pizza shop worker because they thought Hilary was running a child sex ring in the basement of the shop even though it didnt have a basement.Please don't tell me you believe that as well?!
How much bleach and hair dye have those two put in to the water system, will you please think of the fishy’sYeah, really 'adult':
What the fuck is that bloke doing sobbing with the picture of his kids on the floor?
I bet his kids are going to grow up a complete mess because their dad is a fucking weirdo more than anything.
What the fuck is that bloke doing sobbing with the picture of his kids on the floor?
I bet his kids are going to grow up a complete mess because their dad is a fucking weirdo more than anything.
Extinction Rebellion dad SOBS as he's 'so frightened' for his kids' future
Just found it, what a helmet.
Exactly, he should be frightened for his kid's future acting like that.
I agree that we need to look at things with the climate/environment and plan accordingly, but people like him just undermine effective work and ideas to tackle the issue.
Because he looks like an hysterical joke.
So one individual looking like a hysterical joke is enough to put the brakes on tackling climate change. You’re going to have to go into more detail.
Don't think it's been said it would put the brakes on it.
Just that it undermines things.
The man crying on the floor was an embarrassment to the human race (I don't tend to behave like that at meetings on climate change!)
You can, because it's bollocks. Brazil isn't burning, the comments from Brazilians in that twitter thread say it all, half these people don't have the first clue what they're protesting about.
I have a business installing renewable energy systems. In total those systems have produced 1300MWh of green energy. I'm not on a moral crusade, it's a living (not a particularly good one) but I do care and believe in it. I've worked stupid hours today, stressed beyond belief, and then I see these melts prancing around with broomsticks thinking they are changing the world. They're doing more harm that good and making a mockery of the whole issue.
Use your common sense, why do you think it undermines it when all people see is a bloke sobbing on the floor acting like a bitch rather than somebody putting their points across properly?
people used to use this sort of rhetoric against the suffragettes.
Did they do much to act in such a laughable way like he did?
according to their detractors at the time, yes.
Just my opinion, but I'd say the suffragettes were on the right side of history, maybe in time, it will judge that these people were as well.
I am only detracting about the one bloke in this instance.
I'm sure his kids will get ripped the piss out of the next time their dad is acting like a c**t like that.don't get me wrong, I'm not saying his particular brand of protest appeals to me but I think fair play to people who get up and do something when they feel strongly about an issue.
And if his kids are like mine, it won't affect them in the least but they will rip the piss out of him non stop from now on.