Well-Known Member
That's the one mate. 25 years for my sins. Yourself??
9 years, AATC, now working at BHX for BCA, so we can both guess who the other is now! Not seen you about for a bit?
That's the one mate. 25 years for my sins. Yourself??
Villa's match thread was locked immediately at full time. Lambert surely can't stay on after this?
I really hope he does! Don't get me wrong, I think he's a good manager but he's obviously being given nothing by Lerner and I don't think he can work with what he's got at the moment, which is a bunch of young and mediocre players with no confidence at all. I was even "shhhhush"-ing the Bradford fans when they started singing "sacked in the morning"! Mind you, I remember singing that to Gregory about 99, absolutely certain he would... he didn't. Which was a shame because he was such a smug little tw*t!
He has been backed by Lerner, Villa are the forth highest spenders this season, he just hasn't spent it well.
Anyway I personally hope they get relegated, I can't stand them.
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lol was just going to commiserate them on there misfortune ;-)Like I really want to waste my time going there?
If they get Chelsea they're virtually guaranteed European football. Swansea shouldn't be allowed in but doubtless would be.
Not sure they would be -- don't know the rules on that now
Welsh teams seem very happy to scab off English football for all the associated perks but in the same breath spout Anglophobic crap on a constant basis. In my eyes they and the other Welsh clubs in our system should be booted out and left in the Welsh Premier.
Maybe they'll have a play-off with Total Network Solutions or Airbus UK or something?
Welsh teams seem very happy to scab off English football for all the associated perks but in the same breath spout Anglophobic crap on a constant basis. In my eyes they and the other Welsh clubs in our system should be booted out and left in the Welsh Premier.
You seem to be under the impression that the Football league was solely English and the Welsh somehow cheated there way in, and also that the English are never Anti-Welsh? Very confusing.
Now that a Welsh system is in place I see no reason for them to not go play in it. Wales, just like Scotland, is a country which has Anglophobia as a firm part of its national identity yet they remain happy to enjoy the prosperity that comes from being England's neighbour. It doesn't go both ways.
Saying that Anglophobia is a firm part of a Welsh/Scottish national identity is the same as saying that The EDL or the BNP are the true representatves of an English national identity. Welsh teams have played in the Football League since it was founded because they (along with Scottish teams) were invited too.
No it isn't-I have lived in Scotland long enough to know it is far from a minority view. Those other teams were invited as they had no system of their own at the time. The Scottish one was formed soon after but a Welsh one didn't till the early 90s. The Scottish sides quickly went into their own leagues so no reason why Welsh sides can't either. Edinburgh is as close to England as Swansea is, I'd wager.
The vast majority of my family are Scottish and Welsh, they want England to lose in sports etc. but as for out and out racism? Bollocks. At least no more racist then the pathological hatred the English have for the Krauts, or of course their dislike for the Frogs, Yanks, Jocks, Taffies, Paddies, Pakis etc. The Welsh sides were invited to join The Welsh Prem but (most) declined as it would have been a massive step back for them. Imagine if Coventry were suddenly asked to join a league where they had no hope of achieving anything apart from beating sides like Bedworth Town every weekend.
Did I say racist? Don't think we'll see eye to eye and comparing Coventry playing in their own domestic system to Welsh clubs hijacking another is simply not valid.
What is Anglophobia if not racism? And you can't accuse Welsh clubs of hijacking anything as they were invited to join the football league, which was the only league around for them to join at the time.
Brilliant, a harmless thread about villa turning into "pathological racism" :facepalm:
EDIT: not aimed at you BSB
That being the case I'm sure you'd be happy for the Old Firm to join in, and for away days at Inverness and Aberdeen? If they love Wales so much and want to improve Welsh football, they would go.
Swansea have a perfectly fine system now in place which they could go to.
Not really. They're in the most lucrative division on the planet on merit and have a long history in the English system, how could such a move be justified now? It'd be an insane sanction based seemingly on the idea that Welsh teams are ok, so long as they don't get uppity and start being good.