Liquid Gold
Well-Known Member
Depends how much you drink. If it’s just a gentle 5 pints or so then go out, exercise if you can, drink water and eat. If you go through 20 drinks and other stuff then you just have to wait it out.
When I was about 19 I worked at R Whites Pop merchants at Bodmin Road in Wyken. As a drivers mate and for a few months me and a driver called Larry a hard drinking Irishman, did the pub and clubs round in Coventry and surrounding areas. Loved the job and got on great with Larry as he was funny and loved to mess about. We would drop off the pop to the pub or club and always have a free pint on the house.I can back up what you say about the "slops", BBR. When I worked at the Jules Verne as the cellar-man, any slops from the trays under the beer taps was put into a bucket and at the end of shift, down in the cellar, I'd take the tap from the barrel of Ansells Mild and using a metal funnel, pour the slops in. It had to be the Ansells because that was the only beer in large wooden barrels that you could take the tap off. All the other beer came in pressurised metal barrels. Strangely enough, I was always complimented by the customers on how good my beers were! By the way, the wooden barrel was a "tun", which held around 200+ gallons or 1,600+ pints making the taste of any "added slops" unknown!
2 this morning or 2 this afternoon? (Lightweight! Lol!Came out at 2 and still out.
Disgusting .Uber says I got it at 3.
Neck two pints of water before bed and you are sorted the next day no matter how much you drink.
Don't drink heavy much but last night I had 4 pints and felt it at the gym this morning so would say it's my cut off point if I'm going to do something physical.
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