headless players (1 Viewer)


I've been watching the city now for over 30 years remembering players from 1987 who were average players but worked there socks of for 90 minutes for peanuts and who played for the shirt , now these days I'm looking at the worst city team I have seen who don't give a sh.t as long as they get paid, there's no one leading by example, every game I have seen this season the other team seem to have a game plan to there game we have players running round headless, at this moment it must be the worst time to follow city but hard for me to turn my back on them , I just hope I'm at that game where I can say that was the game that turned us around, but I know it will be a long long time waiting.


Well-Known Member
Every other team seems to be able to close us down and deny us space and time on the ball and yet the somehow apparently find lots of time on the ball themselves.

We are hurried into making passes without thought and purpose at times and it is indeed like headless chickens.

I bet the stats on time of possession all season tell there own story to in terms of how we let the opposition keep the ball.


New Member
To play a closing down style you need to be very fit and physically srtong. Two areas where we are lacking. We need to play like we did in the last 10 minutes for 90 minutes but I really don't think we are capable. Think Harlepool will be interesting on Saturday. If no new Manager is in before Wednesday we might stand a chance if appointed today ot tomorrow we have no chance! (Unless AT gets the job.....)


Well-Known Member
If AT gets the job we will be losing 1-0 in the 89th minute, but will go on to then win 2-1.


Well-Known Member
Our problem lies in our non tackling central midfielders. Both Bailey and Jennings run for miles during the game without actually kicking the ball (or the opposition for that matter) or making an effective tackle.
When either of them has possession of the ball they want an eternity to make their decision as to who and where they will pass-resulting in the opposition stealing the ball with minimal effort.
I can see why Derby have let Bailey go out on loan, if he was any good he would be pushing for a first team place but seems to me that his main aim is to keep his kit clean and not get involved in any physical stuff.
Jennings just isn't good / quick / fit /clever enough, shat out of several 50/50's on Saturday.
They might have raved about him at Motherwell but Scottish football ain't all that is it?

We are crying out for a "real" dirty bastard who takes no prisoners and who would also lead the team by example.

This must be Robins priority, even if he couldn't do all the running-we have plenty of kids who can do that, whatever happened to Paul Robinson who was training with us did he sign for anyone else?


New Member
Cov1987, understand your frustration but there have always been players who fans thought didn't sweat enough in any era. Thirty years ago? Peter Bodak, Jim Melrose, Gerry Daly etc. All good footballers on their day, but a lot of the time fans gave horrendous flak to. And peanuts, they were earning 10 times + what the average fan was taking home. They might have been earning £800 a week in those days, but how much were we getting? All relative.
Saturday. We hit the post twice, Carl Baker hit the post twice, on Saturday, their goalie made a couple of cracking saves. Wood gave away his third clumsy penalty of the season, it was a debatable pen. There was a hint of offside for their 2nd. They were better than us I'll admit, quicker on the ball. But this idea that we don't try, nah.
Like you I'm looking for that game where they turn it around. Thought Crawley was it. A game where we weren't that good but battled for it. A weird season so far. The gulf between this - the Third Division - and the Championship is vast.


Well-Known Member
and so, all the more reason to have a 'general' on the pitch,
this has been sedly lacking for many years,
yet, players out of contract show up many,
MR alluded to this a while back


Well-Known Member
How I dream of a leader like George Curtis or Terry Yorath in the side....

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