Help needed sky blue army (1 Viewer)

Hi there, I am currently doing a research project for my university degree on football related violence, if you are a fan who attends football games it would be brilliant if you would be kind enough to complete it, I would be very grateful, it should take you less then 2 minutes.

I am only interested in the answers of a large group of people, not the answers of individuals, and so your answers are entirely anonymous and confidential and will be used for research purposes only. You may withdraw at any time without giving a reason. The University of Sheffield has granted ethical approval.

The link is…

Thank you very much. Lets hope thorny and some new investment can turn us into the team we deserve to be! PUSB


New Member
I seem to fill out millions of these things. Really makes me wish i was doing something i was interested in for my final uni project. But because we're in groups rather than doing it individually, i got lumped with a group that wanted to do it on healthcare. Eugh.


Well-Known Member
Done. Good luck.

Cobi Jones's Dreads

Well-Known Member
That's done for you fella. :)

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