We'll probably have to agree to disagree for the sake of other people's sanity on this forum.
I don't think I can agree on a chunk above, so it's probably best!
I think the last point is key though. If it was just genuine refugee's coming in, attitudes towards it would be a lot more positive. That also means less crime for me to worry about, and less right wing nutters for you to worry about .
Headline from Spiegel online - statistics for year 2016. 1000 attacks on refugee accommodation and 2500 attacks on refugees = 3500 attacks on refugees.
How many time have refugees set fire to their accommodation deliberately- 2 or 3 as far as I know.
I think everyone should be worried by right wing nutters.
Rechte Gewalt
Mehr als 3500 Angriffe auf Flüchtlinge