Hillary / US Election Thread (1 Viewer)

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
I think both Brexit and the Trump victory have signalled that people are fed up with mainstream politics... Or at least what they perceive it is.

That's because most of them are hypocritical liars. The problem is that Farage, Johnson, Trump, Davis and Fox are as well.

Oh, they are all part of the elite as well.


Well-Known Member
Two awful candidates and the American people make their decision largely as a two finger sign to the 'establishment'. Either of them could have been prosecuted for crimes against the state. It shows how divided the people of America are and how disenfranchised some feel. I suspect some of trumps excesses will be curtailed by senior republicans and the responsibility of office. A rocky road ahead but hopefully not as bad as some on here predict.

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What I don't get is what was the crime about using personal email? Was she using it for work stuff purposefully to hide?


Well-Known Member
What I don't get is what was the crime about using personal email? Was she using it for work stuff purposefully to hide?
Using her personal email accounts for security sensitive stuff. Essentially putting national security at risk.

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Using her personal email accounts for security sensitive stuff. Essentially putting national security at risk.

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Ah, if it was high security stuff I can understand then, wouldn't be encrypted

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
What I don't get is what was the crime about using personal email? Was she using it for work stuff purposefully to hide?
She set up a private server and used it for state business. (classified documents etc) She was subpoenaed and then deliberately bleached/deleteted 33k emails while under said subpoena. i could go on....


She set up a private server and used it for state business. (classified documents etc) She was subpoenaed and then deliberately bleached/deleteted 33k emails while under said subpoena. i could go on....

Ah, so she purposely did it and wiped it with confidential / high security shit?

Not just arranging the christmas party.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
She set up a private server and used it for state business. (classified documents etc) She was subpoenaed and then deliberately bleached/deleteted 33k emails while under said subpoena. i could go on....

Exactly. Why let them off the ball and chain! How would you feel if someone was defending someone who had sexually assaulted your daughter and claiming the rest of the world didn't understand?


Well-Known Member
Ah, so she purposely did it and wiped it with confidential / high security shit?
Not really, that's George Bush you're think of! He managed to 'lose' 22 million emails, a lot of which related to the Iraq War.

Basically she had a Blackberry prior to taking office, that was run from a server in the Clinton's home. She didn't want to get rid of the Blackberry or use two phones so she kept using it when she took office. In itself that's not unusual, Kerry, the current secretary of state, is the first to have exclusively used a government email account - and that's probably only because of the way the Clinton emails were being talked about.

The argument is that she received classified information on that email server, the counter arguement is that the confidential emails were so ambiguously marked it could be reasonably assumed that Clinton, a non-technical person, was not aware they were marked confidential.

65 emails that were secret, 20 top secret and 3 confidential were found out of the 30,000. Where it gets tricky is 2,093 were retrospectively marked as confidential which obviously wouldn't have been known at the time.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
I assume they are thrown off a building by their families.

Ahhh yes because all Muslims are extremists who throw gay people from buildings. Just like all those white Christians who feel the same way, bastards!


Well-Known Member
Ahhh yes because all Muslims are extremists who throw gay people from buildings. Just like all those white Christians who feel the same way, bastards!

I love how White Christians conveniently forget that they raped, murdered and pillaged their way across Europe and the Middle East for the best part of 1000 years.


Well-Known Member
The KKK endorsement of Trump contradicts that point slightly.
Trump was just over 1 billion and Clinton 2 billion overall.

Trump got huge amounts of TV coverage for nothing because of his existing fame and his controversial and 'entertaining' scandals. Constantly in the headlines.

The Klan wants to save America. They want America to look like America - not Mexico or Saudi Arabia....... Trump is up their street..

dancers lance

Well-Known Member
It was a choice between a nepotistic turd omelette and a shit sandwich in a hat, Murica!


Well-Known Member
First there was the Kennedy dynasty, then the Bush dynasty, then the Clinton dynasty; now we have the Trump dynasty.
I predict he wont be the last Trump to run for President.
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dancers lance

Well-Known Member
First there was the Bush dynasty, then the Clinton dynasty, now we have the Trump dynasty.
I predict he wont be the last Trump to run for President.
In a strange way Trump being voted in is the most democratic thing that has ever happened to America, the first president not to be a career politician, the first president not to be a campaigning war veteran, the first president not to part of a political family elite.


Well-Known Member
A Hillary supporter wondering what happened:


Well-Known Member
In a strange way Trump being voted in is the most democratic thing that has ever happened to America, the first president not to be a career politician, the first president not to be a campaigning war veteran, the first president not to part of a political family elite.
What I hate about him is that how he was in the campaign is probably just as he is in the business world.

He was so vile and nasty and spiteful in the campaign and then astonishingly gave that conciliatory speech.

Appalling behaviour.

Guess he just sees it as day to day business to win on through and get what he wants.


Well-Known Member
The frightening thing for our future is he's just proved that type of approach works.

So others should follow.
Yep. If it is the winning formula to bang fists and come out with chest punching sound bites that appeal to the common denominator and to be insulting and divisive, then I can see others following suit.

What happened to behaving in a professional manner and showing respect?

It amazes me how divisive he was in the campaign and then to come out and ask for everyone to work together and be united in his acceptance speech.


Well-Known Member
That's a very broad statement. Almost as broad as "all muslims are terrorists"
Of course it is. But neither are indicative of all the members of said faith.
I also think we need to get away from the notion that some hold in that Islam = bad and Christianity = good.

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
Of course it is. But neither are indicative of all the members of said faith.
I also think we need to get away from the notion that some hold in that Islam = bad and Christianity = good.
Sure, religion = bad.


Well-Known Member
Seems like some of the wilder Trump policies, like the one banning all Muslims, have disappeared off his campaign website.


Well-Known Member
In a strange way Trump being voted in is the most democratic thing that has ever happened to America, the first president not to be a career politician, the first president not to be a campaigning war veteran, the first president not to part of a political family elite.
Part of the appeal to many I think. He might get another term too if he lives that long with the Democrats touting Chelsea Clinton and Michelle Obama as their next possible representatives.


Well-Known Member
Seems like some of the wilder Trump policies, like the one banning all Muslims, have disappeared off his campaign website.
Are you surprised ? Most of his bombastic rhetoric will be watered down to fairly mainstream policies now. I would have been more concerned if the crooked Clintons had made it back in, they just remind me of the money grabbing, nest lining cunty Blairs !


Well-Known Member
Trump got huge amounts of TV coverage for nothing because of his existing fame and his controversial and 'entertaining' scandals. Constantly in the headlines.

The Klan wants to save America. They want America to look like America - not Mexico or Saudi Arabia....... Trump is up their street..

Given the Klan are an extreme right wing organisation they are not likely to endorse a democrat.

I'm sure Mitt Romney would have been an equally favourable choice.

I don't suppose being pro Europe and all you are too bothered about his lurid behaviour with women? Sex scandals boost candidates in Europe don't they?


Well-Known Member
Part of the appeal to many I think. He might get another term too if he lives that long with the Democrats touting Chelsea Clinton and Michelle Obama as their next possible representatives.
If he lasts that like, in his acceptance speech he mentioned 2 years. Maybe he doesn't know its 4 years!

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
Part of the appeal to many I think. He might get another term too if he lives that long with the Democrats touting Chelsea Clinton and Michelle Obama as their next possible representatives.
Dynasty (pronounced with a Texas accent, y'all).

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