sky blue john
Well-Known Member
Quality when i think the sisu muppets can't drag us any lower, they manage a corker !!!!
I've just listened to the Hinckley Chairman being interviewed on Radio Leicester. I'll try to give a summary of what was said.
At the end of last week the Hinckley Chairman invited Fisher to a reserve game. He asked Fisher how our reserve team were getting on (in terms of where they are playing) and Fisher's response was "We're not doing too good on the first team front".
The Hinckley chairman said he saw an opportunity to raise the ground share subject after this comment.
He said that Hinckley have made an offer to ground share with Coventry. He claims league rules only require them to appease season ticket holders (6,500) and they could do that easily by putting in temporary stands to bring seated capacity up to the required number.
He was really trying to sell the idea of this and said they would be a better option than Nene Park. It would also be a lifeline for Hinckley football club.
There was no clue given as to Coventry's response but my feeling from the interview is that this story seems to be coming from the Hinckley end. They would love this to happen to solve their own financial problems.
Quality when i think the sisu muppets can't drag us any lower, they manage a corker !!!!
Nothing else to say
This one you can't blame on Fisher or sisu ...
I completely agree. What would you have sisu do? Carry on paying £1million a year, with no concessions? Our club will die. Agree to £400,000 rent a year with half of the concessions? Our club will die. We need a fair rent with full concessions. Lets not kid ourselves, CCFC will come through this, with or without the help of ACL. As proved with talks with rushden & also Hinckley.
Anyone who doesn't agree with you is an idiot. BrilliantThey offered full concessions on match day. Anyone who thinks sisu is being hard done by is an idiot
If SISU move CCFC to Hinckley/Rushden/Northampton, All of you ST holders should demand your money back, because none of these grounds will have the capacity to take you all AND pay at the gate supporters, both home and away. Glamour76, what makes your post more substantiated than that of Procdoc? We've all got opinions. Remember, by lack of investment is the reason we are where we are, and we have SISU and nobody else to thank for that. :facepalm:
We have all the owners of the club since relegation to thank for no investment.
@ Gendel..
All the old "Chestnuts" coming out now. Think back to the raping of Cov City fc. by SISU on take over by said company. "We are going to invest £20m straight away and take this football club forward back to the Premier league" (Famous last words of Ray Ranson):facepalm:
The magic words spoken...(invest £20m straight away and take this football club forward)...No, no SISU...Thats reverse gear!:thinking about:
They have so far injected £40m+ into the club. How much more is needed to call it 'investment'?
In my view for it to be called "investment", money has not only to be put in - but has to be used in an intelligent way.
They "invested" money last year to plug losses. They tried to reduce these losses by arbitrarily cutting costs, with the result that we were relegated, so cutting our revenue by much more than they had "saved".
On your measure they "invested" last year. On mine they didn't.
@ Godiva...
Please read carefully the first"Quote".. "We are going to invest £20m straight away and take this football club forward back to the Premier league" (Famous last words of Ray Ranson)
That quote was made on takeover of Cov.....What was the first thing SISU did?.....Sell Scott Dann, and Danny Fox?!?!?
A "No Brainer" from where I'm sitting.
@ Godiva...
Please read carefully the first"Quote".. "We are going to invest £20m straight away and take this football club forward back to the Premier league" (Famous last words of Ray Ranson)
That quote was made on takeover of Cov.....What was the first thing SISU did?.....Sell Scott Dann, and Danny Fox?!?!?
A "No Brainer" from where I'm sitting.
They were in fact signed within months of SISU's arrival.
Days even lol
I've got to get this in quickly....Grendel are you there?......Dann and Fox were bought for an "undisclosed" amount (Some thought around 100k each) although Grendel may say with his "estimated guess" that it was millions(Joke)
Hinckley is a tight little ground, have good facilities and the pitch looks in good condition. If they built a temp stand over the open end above the all weather pitches they could get capacity up to around 7k.
They were in financial trouble but thats getting sorted out by a chairman who actually cares about his football club.
The Ground share would save two clubs even if only on a temp basis, we could even use there first team as a feeder for our club.
I think the whole idea is only if ACL lock the City out which I do not think will actually happen.
Sorry if I being a bit thick here but what's the point of all this anyway?
Surely CCFC are committed to renting the Ricoh anyway so why bother saying you'll go somewhere else - ACL can still come after the club for the future rent
Any idea when the contract ends????
If no agreement is made with ACL, then the only option for the club is to declare insolvency, go into administration, reconstruct and move to another stadium. As sisu via ARVO has secured all assets, ACL will have nowhere to turn to regain the outstanding rent - neither the already owed nor the future (remaining of the contract). ACL will also face considerable loss going forward, and the possibility Yorkshire bank call in their loans.
The club will be deducted at least 10 points and relegation to league 2 is not unthinkable. The fan base will decrease even more and at the end of the transition, even Hinckly Park may look oversized for CCFC ver 2.0.
See where you're coming from Godiva ,but surely if they declare insolvent ,go to Admin they may get rid of the lease in CCFC ,but will lose player registration ,League registration and the name Coventry City.
Through my line of work I met someone today that was consulted regarding the legal action ACL filed against City. He wouldn't give any details away, but when I suggested it was just a posturing gesture he just replied " I wouldn't be too sure about that, they hate each other".
Ha ha what a joke..