Hoffman... where the f**k are you ? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Roll on next season so we can actually have something to talk about

He didn't waste his time did he?

Walked off into the sunset with a suitcase full of cash and the club in meltdown financially, and some people still suck him off.

If there is one reason, and one reason only to be suspicious of any bid(if there is of course) from Hoffman, it's that Ranson is apparently associated with him.

You'll never let that go will you? So he got himself a nice hefty pay packet... How is that in any way relevant to the bigger picture and our club going down the swanny? It's not and you're beginning to sound Partridgesque with your bitter ramblings.

Fitting that kduffy has come to lend a hand though. You two are about as fun as AIDS.


Well-Known Member
You'll never let that go will you? So he got himself a nice hefty pay packet... How is that in any way relevant to the bigger picture and our club going down the swanny? It's not and you're beginning to sound Partridgesque with your bitter ramblings.

Fitting that kduffy has come to lend a hand though. You two are about as fun as AIDS.

So you made it up then - at least we know.
Of course I cannot 100% guarantee that he is working 'tirelessly'. He may just be working hard.

We shouldn't forget that there's also a very realistic chance that he's been sitting at home in a Leicester shirt scratching his arse and laughing at our predicament.

I apologise unreservedly for my gross misrepresentation.

Seriously, what do you two get out of this?


Well-Known Member
Of course I cannot 100% guarantee that he is working 'tirelessly'. He may just be working hard.

We shouldn't forget that there's also a very realistic chance that he's been sitting at home in a Leicester shirt scratching his arse and laughing at our predicament.

I apologise unreservedly for my gross misrepresentation.

Seriously, what do you two get out of this?

Just ask a couple of questions a bit deeper than the poor comedy one liner answers you get it exposes a lot.


Well-Known Member
Making up quotes about me saying Cov will be reformed as Man Utd is one thing

Your last comment should not normally not dignify a repsonse.

However here goes If you are struggling in a debate with me about about the future of CCFC then please do not resort to what you have.

Also by the way, if I am correct in what I think you may be getting at then you have the wrong serious illness.

If I am wrong then I dont know know what you are talking about.
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Well-Known Member
Making up quotes about me saying Cov will be reformed as Man Utd is one thing

Your last comment should not normally not dignify a repsonse.

However here goes If you are struggling in a debate with me about about the future of CCFC then please do not resort to what you have.

Also by the way, if I am correct in what I think you may be getting at then you have the wrong serious illness.

If I am wrong then I dont know know what you are talking about.

My comment was in reference to your remark to GSS about resorting to cheap humour. I was trying to illustrate GSS own brand of humour something I (and it seems you) do not find very amusing.


Well-Known Member
That's what I am talking about

In that case apologies. Thought it was a bit random.

However that comment regarding aids has nothing to do with me!

The only thing that possibly made any sense to me was that you were refering to my comment about Bob Monkhouse and 2003 hence my response.

Jimmy Hill's Chin

Well-Known Member
I think Hoffman quite likes his "prince across the water" status. The potential saviour of CCFC. Alas, the reality does not back this up and other than a few Key's tweets there is very little to suggest Hoffman ever has been serious about trying to buy the club either on behalf of investors or himself. We have more chance of trying to find an extremely wealthy overseas benefactor like Southampton and Leicester have done than rely on Hoffman. We ideally need to find someone rich enough to buy the stadium outright so our unique business structure is no longer an impediment.


Well-Known Member
I think Hoffman quite likes his "prince across the water" status. The potential saviour of CCFC. Alas, the reality does not back this up and other than a few Key's tweets there is very little to suggest Hoffman ever has been serious about trying to buy the club either on behalf of investors or himself. We have more chance of trying to find an extremely wealthy overseas benefactor like Southampton and Leicester have done than rely on Hoffman. We ideally need to find someone rich enough to buy the stadium outright so our unique business structure is no longer an impediment.

isnt hofman trying to do that ?

wont be long before we can ask him face to face at the pre season friendlies

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Just ask a couple of questions a bit deeper than the poor comedy one liner answers you get it exposes a lot.

Absolutely agree with that. It's as though their vocabulary can't stretch to more than one sentence. They give the impression they are intelligent, but haven't got the common sense they were born with. They buzz in and out of conversations, drop a four or five word comment "If you're lucky" then buzz off. They rarely start a thread, but are first in, with their sarcastic comments on others. I've been vilified for "Biting" at posters comments, (I put my hands up to that one) but I've never deliberately attacked a poster first. only if provoked. No problems whatsoever with debating....but won't stand for personal attacks.


Well-Known Member
There's danger of some kind of turf war breaking out here, factions feuding and all that jazz. Roll on the actual football starting again.


Well-Known Member
You'll never let that go will you? So he got himself a nice hefty pay packet... How is that in any way relevant to the bigger picture and our club going down the swanny? It's not and you're beginning to sound Partridgesque with your bitter ramblings.

Fitting that kduffy has come to lend a hand though. You two are about as fun as AIDS.

Ranson(and the money he screwed out of us) is totally relevant to the bigger picture and our club going dowen the swanny.

My memory may be a little hazy, but at least don't re-write history like yourself.

Was it, or was it not, Ranson who brought in Sisu as "saviours" of the club? Was Ranson not installed as Chairman of the club, who appointed Coleman and Boothroyd, in the first couple of years spent a fair sum of money to achieve similar or worse positions and results than previously?

Was it or was it not Ranson who many times proudly declared "We are debt free", in fact seem to remember he said we were one of only three clubs in the country who were.

Ranson apparently had a reasonable proportion of the club alongside Sisu, nobody would have begrudged him taking a hefty proportion of any profit or success, but taking a hefty bonus for failure, whilst it seems to be the norm nowadays sadly, still leaves a nasty taste in the mouth.

Ranson is totally blameless according to you, yet he's the biggest root cause of what we're going through now, power without responsibility?

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Keyboard warriors blight every forum and this is no exception-makes it difficult to have proper debate and gets pretty tiresome.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
There's danger of some kind of turf war breaking out here, factions feuding and all that jazz. Roll on the actual football starting again.

I can appreciate your sentiments ajsccfc, but who can say for certain that we will actually "Kick a ball in anger" at the start of the season.:eek::)


Well-Known Member
He didn't waste his time did he?

Walked off into the sunset with a suitcase full of cash and the club in meltdown financially, and some people still suck him off.

If there is one reason, and one reason only to be suspicious of any bid(if there is of course) from Hoffman, it's that Ranson is apparently associated with him.

Interesting comment Lord.

My understanding was that when SISU/Ranson took the club over, RR put Prozone in as his investment.

As I recall this was valued at one time at several million pounds - which given that Prozone was sold last year (?), he lost.

On that basis he would have had to have got his hands on fairly hefty piles of SISU's cash to "walk off into the sunset with a suitcase full of cash".

Could you share what you know?


Well-Known Member
Keyboard warriors blight every forum and this is no exception-makes it difficult to have proper debate and gets pretty tiresome.

I agree BSB. However a proper debate to me is when someone makes a comment such as

"You want liquidation and that is f'ing stupid" (not aimed at me I might add)

You then try to get to the bottom of what would liquidation actually mean for the club. To see if this statemnt is villified or wrong. To me this is a true debate and an important one when considering the future of our club.

That is what I tried to do unfortunately I tried to have the debate with the author of that particular post. Probably not my wisest move. As he now seems to think I am a stalker, from Planet Zog and all I managed to achieve was to irritate him as I was distracting him from Bob Monkhouse :)

However despite the lack of an actual intelligent debate I was trying to stimulate, I do think it has a got a bit of info flowing. The stuff from Astute and another chap who has found you lose 70% of your debt by going into admininstration was interesting, to me anyway
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Well-Known Member
Ranson is totally blameless according to you, yet he's the biggest root cause of what we're going through now, power without responsibility?

We now have a new person to blame :eek:

The biggest root cause could be selling HR and not having a replacement that was ours. As usual I could be wrong, but trying to think how Ranson could be blamed more than anyone or anything else :thinking about:


Well-Known Member
Interesting comment Lord.

My understanding was that when SISU/Ranson took the club over, RR put Prozone in as his investment.

As I recall this was valued at one time at several million pounds - which given that Prozone was sold last year (?), he lost.

On that basis he would have had to have got his hands on fairly hefty piles of SISU's cash to "walk off into the sunset with a suitcase full of cash".

Could you share what you know?

Pro-Zone was paid for by the club for a fair sum, was in the accounts two or three years ago, also some proceeds of the subsequent sale were used to pay him off.

His wages and interest on loans in the "sticky" " FAQ2- Money Talks", but some bits from that:

Directors Remuneration In the accounts from 2008 to 2010 there is only one Director that has been paid – RR. He was paid via Arley Group £169750 (2008) £294500 (2009) £303125 (2010). There is nothing in the accounts so far published that indicates any other directors have been paid. Just to be clear disclosure is required by the Companies Act and if not done would be disclosed by the independent auditors in their report. Total cost of RR’s services & interest to 31/05/10 £1.23m

Loans. Much is discussed about the SISU and other loans. Here are the facts as have so far been made available. On takeover the net liabilities of the group were discounted down by £35m leaving net debts of £8m for SISU to fund plus £3m losses from takeover until 31/05/08. By 31/05/08 they had provided a loan of £11m, this money loaned to the company to pay its debts. During the year to 31/05/09 these loans to SBS&L had risen by £12.4m to £23.4m. A further £700k was provided in 2010. Not all of that cash came to CCFC some would have covered the June 2008 acquisition of Prozone Group and funding its liabilities. Bear in mind that the funding SISU investors provide are loans to SBS&L that doesnt mean it all filters down to CCFC Ltd although because of cash flow difficulties much will have. RR was able to say we dont owe any banks but neglected to make clear we sure as hell owed SISU – we were never debt free as claimed. In fact there was £1.5m owed to RR’s own company Arley Group PLC in addition to SISU loans. The SISU loans do not charge interest those from Arley Group PLC did £153745 (2009) £310059 (2010).

Hope that clears some of it up for you, one of the many reasons that I wish the accounts for the last year had been published is to see just how much went out to him before the end.


Well-Known Member
I can appreciate your sentiments ajsccfc, but who can say for certain that we will actually "Kick a ball in anger" at the start of the season.:eek::)

Until something more concrete regarding liquidation comes up I'm not massively worried about that to be honest (at least 90% of rumour about Cov comes to nothing, good and bad), I think people are fretting about a worst-case scenario. I'm still confident we'll be drawing 0-0 in those big glamour ties come August.


CCFC Finance Director
RR had not been paid in full for putting Prozone into the deal DTD and when he left was owed over £1.5m plus interest which looks like it was accruing at 10% per annum. (per the 2010 accounts). All done through the Arley Group which was RR's company

He may well have had a sell on clause for Prozone to get a share of that profit and he may have had a severance package also..... but that is all guesswork

I think he did ok out of the arrangement

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
I never liked RR when he "Captained" SISU in the takeover, but started to warm to him in the latter stages before he and Hoffman left.
As DTD quite rightly states, RR put up Prozone as his investment, and consequently has lost out on millions of pounds.
Has anyone seriously thought why he and Hoffman walked out?...Could it be that they saw what SISU were doing to CCFC and wanted no part of it? My opinion of course.


Well-Known Member
Pro-Zone was paid for by the club for a fair sum, was in the accounts two or three years ago, also some proceeds of the subsequent sale were used to pay him off.

His wages and interest on loans in the "sticky" " FAQ2- Money Talks", but some bits from that:

Directors Remuneration In the accounts from 2008 to 2010 there is only one Director that has been paid – RR. He was paid via Arley Group £169750 (2008) £294500 (2009) £303125 (2010). There is nothing in the accounts so far published that indicates any other directors have been paid. Just to be clear disclosure is required by the Companies Act and if not done would be disclosed by the independent auditors in their report. Total cost of RR’s services & interest to 31/05/10 £1.23m

Loans. Much is discussed about the SISU and other loans. Here are the facts as have so far been made available. On takeover the net liabilities of the group were discounted down by £35m leaving net debts of £8m for SISU to fund plus £3m losses from takeover until 31/05/08. By 31/05/08 they had provided a loan of £11m, this money loaned to the company to pay its debts. During the year to 31/05/09 these loans to SBS&L had risen by £12.4m to £23.4m. A further £700k was provided in 2010. Not all of that cash came to CCFC some would have covered the June 2008 acquisition of Prozone Group and funding its liabilities. Bear in mind that the funding SISU investors provide are loans to SBS&L that doesnt mean it all filters down to CCFC Ltd although because of cash flow difficulties much will have. RR was able to say we dont owe any banks but neglected to make clear we sure as hell owed SISU – we were never debt free as claimed. In fact there was £1.5m owed to RR’s own company Arley Group PLC in addition to SISU loans. The SISU loans do not charge interest those from Arley Group PLC did £153745 (2009) £310059 (2010).

Hope that clears some of it up for you, one of the many reasons that I wish the accounts for the last year had been published is to see just how much went out to him before the end.

Just for my understanding are the accounts not published because SISU have not submitted the books


Well-Known Member
Until something more concrete regarding liquidation comes up I'm not massively worried about that to be honest (at least 90% of rumour about Cov comes to nothing, good and bad), I think people are fretting about a worst-case scenario. I'm still confident we'll be drawing 0-0 in those big glamour ties come August.

However just a thought it may not be the worst case scenario.

The worst case scenario could be SISU fail to acquire a share of the stadium. They also fail to get the rent reduced or a share of catering etc...

They then as oppose to going the Admin/Liquidation route decide the club need to run at a profit.

The current biggest expense for the club is wages.

Revenue will decrease from last year. That is a going to take one hell of a long time with lots of cuts to eventually break even then run at a profit.

Our only income will be sponsership, tv rights, cup runs, merchandising and ticket sales. A lot of these depend on success if you have to drastically cut the wages success does not often come hand in hand.

So the worst case scenario may not be administration/liquidation.

It maybe as ironic as it sounds, sound business turning a loss making business into a profit making one. Which selfishly for a fan that is going to be a horrible long depressing boring journey (IMO)

SISU then whilst making profits may think they will be able to sell.

I would guess after a further relegation they would consider venues as well, are they legally tied into the Ricoh for a minimum period of time?

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
RR had not been paid in full for putting Prozone into the deal DTD and when he left was owed over £1.5m plus interest which looks like it was accruing at 10% per annum. (per the 2010 accounts). All done through the Arley Group which was RR's company

He may well have had a sell on clause for Prozone to get a share of that profit and he may have had a severance package also..... but that is all guesswork

I think he did ok out of the arrangement

I would think he would be worried if still owed this money though ?


Well-Known Member
RR had not been paid in full for putting Prozone into the deal DTD and when he left was owed over £1.5m plus interest which looks like it was accruing at 10% per annum. (per the 2010 accounts). All done through the Arley Group which was RR's company

He may well have had a sell on clause for Prozone to get a share of that profit and he may have had a severance package also..... but that is all guesswork

I think he did ok out of the arrangement

OSB, didn't he get over the two years that we know about £463,804 interest on the £1.5million loan, which must surely be more than 10%? More Wonga.com levels that.

Proz-Zone was definitely paid for by SBS&L, though how much for I can't remember, the accounts featuring that were published and discussed on GMK at the time around 2 or 3 years ago, if I can find the reference will post it here.

Was certainly not given to the club.


CCFC Finance Director
not saying he gave Prozone to SBS&L Lord S........ it was valued and he got shares, maybe some cash and left some as a loan to SBS&L.

Per the notes to the accounts the actual interest charge 2010 was 156k and the balance of the loan outstanding at 31/05/10 1.56m but had accrued 310 k by then because they hadn't physically paid the interest over for 2009 and 2010. The 463804 is the addition of the interest accrual outstanding at the 2010 year end 310k plus the accrual at 2009 153k ( those figures say what was owing at each year end it is not the annual charge..... so the 153k is brought forward and included in the 310k not added to it)

Think a chunk of the Prozone sale went to settle RR - would explain part of why none of that money seems to have found its way to CCFC SBJ
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Well-Known Member
i long for the day we have to discuss who to play in right midfeild as opposed to who is a creditor

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