Home fans in South Stand v Preston - Trial Confirmed (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
You don’t want to trial it for a sell out, if you have problems they get amplified ten times.

Exactly. Although it seems odd that we need to trial it all given we split the south Stand for the play off semi.


Well-Known Member
The vilification of the supporters - 99% of whom are season ticket holders - who stand in 14/15/16 is a disgrace. Name-calling the people who actually create an atmosphere at games and make it a better experience for every one else in the stadium is shameful.

Haven't seen anyone doing that.


Well-Known Member
The whole corner have been called chavs twice that i've seen

Yep, while there's a few bits of bad behaviour, let's not kick the people in 14-16 as without them the place would be silent.

We've had a few problems post COVID but most have been banned since. There's been no real issue at a Coventry match for a long time. I genuinely can't remember the last bit of real trouble, especially inside the stadium bowl.

Eventually, you lose the issues once the odd individuals are kicked out. When you grow crowds by 10,000-15,000, there's going to be additional people causing problems.


Well-Known Member
My idea would be a sliding fence for segregation from the front to the back, not sure how it could be designed but if it was reasonably easy to move in say half a day it would be cost effective to either allow more away fans or home fans depending on demand, the extra revenue would pay for it, if the club want to know more about my idea fire away or pm me ... :)


Well-Known Member
The whole corner have been called chavs twice that i've seen
I think you are referring to me. When I said chavs don’t fuck it up. I was referring to the people who will be sitting in the new opened area. And if anyone fucks it up it will be the chavs, the coke snorting one’s who couldn’t fight out a wet paper bag.


Well-Known Member
Why will they? There's less chance at issues because behind the goal everyone is on the same level. At the moment because of how 14 curves around there's more opportunity for fans to face and goad each other. This will be far easier to police and there will still be separation.

Because we have some feral little tramps who attend games to spend 90 minutes trying to 'kick off'


Well-Known Member
The whole corner have been called chavs twice that i've seen

Same for elsewhere though

I sit in the family zone with my 2 kids. But because i sit in the family zone I made up some kids so i could get a cheap ST. Which is what all those in FZ do apparently

Same as corporate, they're all posh Kenilworth sniffers who go to compare salaries not watch the game

Those in the corner are chavs who create a mega atmosphere but smell

Horses for courses bro

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
I know you're not the only one thinking this, but I really don't get it. Doing what they've done means we've got fans behind both goals (just!). I want away fans shoved in the worst spot, and that's what this is to me. Plus, it's the way the stadium was built.

The only issue I can see is standing. Some will want to stand in those blocks, lots won't. Hard to police and enforce when it's next to whole blocks that stand all game. Hopefully it self-regulates and people figure out whether it's the right area for them or not.
It’s taste and fancy though isn’t it

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Since when is creativity an important factor in away support ? Never heard of "creativity" as something anyone refers to in football atmosphere They made a noise. There weren't many of them. No one likes them, they don't care . We all heard that .
Fair play.
Did we? As I said they were very quiet from block 15 and the little noise they made was mocked.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
they made noise but did you hear them sing. Not a good look when they can’t string 2 words together. What was the point in that. Noise yes. Creativity ..,nothing.
I was in the north stand. We could all hear them. Considering there were probably less than 1000 they made themselves heard. Couldn't care less what noise they make, the important thing is they made themselves heard.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Did we? As I said they were very quiet from block 15 and the little noise they made was mocked.
You were probably on your phone to your IRA mates all match.


Well-Known Member
A lot of the gossip on here are talking playing championship clubs, this experiment is for PL games and clubs, STs will sell out and there will be a waiting list, hopefully from next season.


Well-Known Member
Although demand for tickets has been high, how many games have we actually sold all available tickets for??.....

Won't this just spread out the demand making parts of the ground look a little more sparsely populated than currently!?

Preston seems a strange game to try this ... Not really likely to sell out with the ground in its current state .....is it!???
Very much so. Wasn't it after a Preston game there was a bit of trouble, so they pushed the away fans as far away as possible. And that didn't work either. Some Coventry fan broke the barrier and slapped some Sheffield United fan, and still made his way back into the crowd, unbelievable.


Well-Known Member
Great news this is being trialled. Hope it sells well and there isn't problems.

Btw, does anyone know up to now why it seems to be that away fans seem to be sold tickets nearest our fans first? Seems odd if they're worried about problems and aggro? Why haven't they started them in the far corner and worked across?


Well-Known Member
Who cares what the away Fans requirements are, who’s side are you on?

”The clubs are allocated 3,000 tickets or 10% of the stadium capacity if lower, for away league matches. For League Cup matches the away allocation is 10% of stadium capacity and for FA Cup matches the away allocation is 15% of stadium capacity.”


Well-Known Member
The issue is there is likely no need to move, the "trial" is actually using the configuration that we used against Boro in the play offs.

The plan is that city fans will be in 6,7,8, 9 etc and the away fans in the rest and then to turn the corner into safe standing.

It's not an attachment to the corner, it is more a case of what the configuration will be like in the future.
If that’s the plan, why trial it the other way round?


Well-Known Member

”The clubs are allocated 3,000 tickets or 10% of the stadium capacity if lower, for away league matches. For League Cup matches the away allocation is 10% of stadium capacity and for FA Cup matches the away allocation is 15% of stadium capacity.”
No they are not, Norwich and West Brom.
Only give us 2k

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