Homophobic chanting (8 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
I've slowed down on the old imbibing, much to my chagrin.

My wife is showing my daughter and her boyfriend Mrs. Maisel on Amazon. From episode 1 it is dynamite and supports everything my fuckwit drunken diatribes espouse (although I would say that).

Fuck off with your victimhood. And fuck off with your hate too. Can't we just find the middle ground? Where people respect each other; where the wankers that really do wish ill on others are bang to rights and people just taking the piss are free to do so? Where the extremes (from neo-Nazis to Antifa/Corbs) are rightly satirised to oblivion?

God, I miss the 1970s. We marched against real racists (NF) and hoped for a better future. But now I ask myself if it was all really a charade by the fuckwit Left. Were we all conned into opposing an evil threat only to accidentally endorse a greater threat - the Socialists?

Just be nice to each other, people. Forget the faux anguish and be nice. And fuck off you extremists Left and Right. Peace and Love. xxxx

Johhny Blue

Well-Known Member
Ah yes, I too remember the horror stories of people being scared to come out as fat/bald/ginger in fear that they might be ostracised by their community, assaulted or potentially even killed. What a valid and in no way demeaning comparison.
People were scared to come out as ginger? Now your’e really stretching your argument


Well-Known Member
Or calling people fat bastard or slap head etc etc. Where do we draw the line ?
Perhaps we should all just stop saying anything and watch the game

If you need to draw a line why not start with a basic understanding of structural disadvantage? Very few people have excrement put through their letterboxes because they are bald, drawing attention to their baldness is a different order of insult to that experienced by minorities, women and the marginalised. You might hurt an individual’s feelings by being rude about their hairline but it doesn’t tap into an endemic and systematic level of bias against bald people as a category.

Alternatively as you hint, we might want to start to construct a positive view of our own support and team that doesn’t depend on a jaundiced view of the opponents and their fans. Let’s not hold our breath though

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Or calling people fat bastard or slap head etc etc. Where do we draw the line ?
Perhaps we should all just stop saying anything and watch the game

When was the last time you heard of someone being attached for being fat or being bald? People die at the hands of homophobes.

I have some sympathy with the argument that we are turning in to a permanently offended society but your point is nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Even if it isn’t homophobic (it is by the way), can we not chant chants that are witless, ancient, and embarrassing!

If you’re going to chant something that supports marginalisation of minorities can it at least be original and funny?


Well-Known Member
Even if it isn’t homophobic (it is by the way), can we not chant chants that are witless, ancient, and embarrassing!

If you’re going to chant something that supports marginalisation of minorities can it at least be original and funny?

" I' d rather be a twink than a bear, rather be a twink than a bear, rather be a twink, rather be a twink, rather be a twink than a bear" ?


Well-Known Member
I've slowed down on the old imbibing, much to my chagrin.

My wife is showing my daughter and her boyfriend Mrs. Maisel on Amazon. From episode 1 it is dynamite and supports everything my fuckwit drunken diatribes espouse (although I would say that).

Fuck off with your victimhood. And fuck off with your hate too. Can't we just find the middle ground? Where people respect each other; where the wankers that really do wish ill on others are bang to rights and people just taking the piss are free to do so? Where the extremes (from neo-Nazis to Antifa/Corbs) are rightly satirised to oblivion?

God, I miss the 1970s. We marched against real racists (NF) and hoped for a better future. But now I ask myself if it was all really a charade by the fuckwit Left. Were we all conned into opposing an evil threat only to accidentally endorse a greater threat - the Socialists?

Just be nice to each other, people. Forget the faux anguish and be nice. And fuck off you extremists Left and Right. Peace and Love. xxxx


This thread took a turn. Corbyns a Nazi and Socialism is the real evil?

Fuuuuck me. Some people need to put down the Yank propaganda vids on YouTube.


Well-Known Member
When was the last time you heard of someone being attached for being fat or being bald? People die at the hands of homophobes.

I have some sympathy with the argument that we are turning in to a permanently offended society but your point is nonsense.

If you need to draw a line why not start with a basic understanding of structural disadvantage? Very few people have excrement put through their letterboxes because they are bald, drawing attention to their baldness is a different order of insult to that experienced by minorities, women and the marginalised. You might hurt an individual’s feelings by being rude about their hairline but it doesn’t tap into an endemic and systematic level of bias against bald people as a category.

Alternatively as you hint, we might want to start to construct a positive view of our own support and team that doesn’t depend on a jaundiced view of the opponents and their fans. Let’s not hold our breath though

By this logic misogyny (which I see on here regularly without the PC police arriving) should be treated worst of all. More women are killed or attacked because of it daily than BAME and LGBT put together.

Yet it’s not a hate crime and it’s not policed on here.

Interesting that.


Well-Known Member
Even if it isn’t homophobic (it is by the way), can we not chant chants that are witless, ancient, and embarrassing!

If you’re going to chant something that supports marginalisation of minorities can it at least be original and funny?
Arrrr so it’s ok if we run it past you first, and if you think it’s funny?


Well-Known Member
Arrrr so it’s ok if we run it past you first, and if you think it’s funny?
No, its not OK either way, I suspect you missed my point... but if you’re going to be bigoted at least say something that has taken the use of two brain cells rather than none...


Well-Known Member
No, its not OK either way, I suspect you missed my point... but if you’re going to be bigoted at least say something that has taken the use of two brain cells rather than none...
I think your missing the point, there’s a difference between, banter, bigotry and hate crimes!


Well-Known Member
Still think this is all way too deep for somebody being told they look gay in pink as humour at the football
It's because it's not humour, at the football or anywhere else. I heard it from block 33, it didn't make me want to laugh.

Deleted member 2477

Cant believe this thread is still running. Its as interesting as the Bright and Chaplin threads.
Who dares to wear a pink shirt at the next home game


Well-Known Member
Im against Rasicm in any type of form and its not acceptable at football but I think this is a bit OTT and taking it abit too far...

Racism in football: Garth Crooks fears 'Cantona moment' unless action taken
Racism in football: Garth Crooks fears 'Cantona moment' unless action taken

The latest sh*t that has been on Twitter directed at Pogba and Rashford is brain dead and moronic. However, I can't help but think the likes of Crooks and the like fuel this big time.
It's easy to get a fake Twitter account, use a VPN and then say anything u like without fear of being caught. Then basking in the shit*y glory of making the papers for being a tw@t online to highly paid players from teams you despise. It's kids not the KKK and the commentators who are offended feed their perverted egos.


Well-Known Member
On the homophobic stuff. I think it's wrong to chant anything at people who were born that way. Black, homosexual, Ginger, Bald, facial disfigurement, handicapped. If genetics did something to u that you had no control over it's scummy to make people feel like sh*t for something they can't change and probably makes them feel self conscious/marginalised to differing degrees.

The next level down is things people can change such as weight, hairstyle etc.


Well-Known Member
The latest sh*t that has been on Twitter directed at Pogba and Rashford is brain dead and moronic. However, I can't help but think the likes of Crooks and the like fuel this big time.
It's easy to get a fake Twitter account, use a VPN and then say anything u like without fear of being caught. Then basking in the shit*y glory of making the papers for being a tw@t online to highly paid players from teams you despise. It's kids not the KKK and the commentators who are offended feed their perverted egos.

Interesting angle. Let's somehow blame Garth Crooks and Lenny Henry for the behaviour of online racists.


Well-Known Member
On the homophobic stuff. I think it's wrong to chant anything at people who were born that way. Black, homosexual, Ginger, Bald, facial disfigurement, handicapped. If genetics did something to u that you had no control over it's scummy to make people feel like sh*t for something they can't change and probably makes them feel self conscious/marginalised to differing degrees.

The next level down is things people can change such as weight, hairstyle etc.
You can't change your hairstyle if you are bald.


Well-Known Member
Interesting angle. Let's somehow blame Garth Crooks and Lenny Henry for the behaviour of online racists.
That is not what I am saying at all. My point is that these moronic idiots go about their business in anonymity loving the negative headlines that they helped to create. Have a look at the accounts these hateful messages are sent from, they are in the vast majority of cases from spoof (keyboard worrier) type profiles. Sadly some people are just plain sad and giving their small minds and empty lives the satisfaction these types of headlines in a sick way spurs them on. Should the likes of Crooks say nothing, no. But the focus should be on lobbying Twitter and social media platforms to make sure people are accountable to their words. If this is done I can see these types of posts stopping very quickly.


Well-Known Member
You can't change your hairstyle if you are bald.
And that's why, Otis, I put bald in the genetic list (see above) If somone has a bad haircut they can change, while I would not pick on it personally, it's not as bad as laughing at someone who was like a friend of mine born with no hair.


Well-Known Member
That is not what I am saying at all. My point is that these moronic idiots go about their business in anonymity loving the negative headlines that they helped to create. Have a look at the accounts these hateful messages are sent from, they are in the vast majority of cases from spoof (keyboard worrier) type profiles. Sadly some people are just plain sad and giving their small minds and empty lives the satisfaction these types of headlines in a sick way spurs them on. Should the likes of Crooks say nothing, no. But the focus should be on lobbying Twitter and social media platforms to make sure people are accountable to their words. If this is done I can see these types of posts stopping very quickly.

I agree with a lot of what you have written ccfc1234. I would also say there has been a very well documented rise in racism since the Brexit vote but that's for another channel.

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