Hoorraahhh (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Hoorraahhh it's been closed can we all call a truce on he said this first blah blah blah bullshit for a bit now please it just does not get anywhere but only starts to put big divides up on here, and starts to alienate people with differant views.
What next I am not going to post on that thread because he has.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to end up with half the forum on "ignore" at this rate!


New Member
I wondered who would be the first to start a thread like this - might have known who it would be. :(


Well-Known Member
Why's that then disorgansied1, you have not got to read it or post on it if you feel that strongly against me that is your problem however I do not know what I have done to offend you?


New Member
We really need an irony button on this site.


Well-Known Member
I might not like or agree with what you say D1 but would not try and ridicule you for what you say or post and say oh thought it would be you who said that :(.
So to have post after post of people slagging each other off makes for a good forum then?


New Member
I do not make a habit of calling people names - nor have I joined in with the who said what debates that dominate the site - in fact I'm sorely tired of them, along with all the people claiming opinion are facts.

My post was ironic and a comment on the fact that too many people here seem to delight in posting negativity, however if you can't see the irony in starting this thread then I really am wasting my time.


New Member
"The problem with the internet is that it's not 100% reliable." Albert Einstein.


Well-Known Member
others have posted on other threads regarding some idiots who always get personal and have always got to be right and have the last word

It was no suprise that the biggest culprit responded to justify himself about how he is better and always right

Some dicks are truely amazing and blocked from my veiwing as they are really tedious

No doubt will be responding to this and thankfully I will be oblivous to it


Well-Known Member
others have posted on other threads regarding some idiots who always get personal and have always got to be right and have the last word

It was no suprise that the biggest culprit responded to justify himself about how he is better and always right

Some dicks are truely amazing and blocked from my veiwing as they are really tedious

No doubt will be responding to this and thankfully I will be oblivous to it

He must be biting his lip off not responding and defending himself or would that expose him


New Member
When things start to go wrong ie with the club it always causes differences of opinion and divisions we dont need divisions and a split in the camp as we havnt got enough supporters to make two camps


Well-Known Member
He must be biting his lip off not responding and defending himself or would that expose him

I can say this now as you won't see this and I won't get embarassed.

I love you cloughie with all my heart, it may be the love that dare not speak it's name, but I want to shout it from the rooftops.

You are more than a font on a screen to me, you're everything a man(or a woman, I'm easy) could ever need.

Will you civil partnership me?

Love LS xx


Well-Known Member
Good job you can't see that cloughie as lordsummerisle just called you a c***

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