Hull tickets (10 Viewers)


this and also why can’t when general sale hits can’t anyone get a ticket and back to the rule of 6 tickets.

I bought my ticket for Norwich and general sale was 10am and I can’t buy any more. Why? Don’t get it

They want all away tickets assigned to an ID - so if you have them linked to your network, you can buy more


Well-Known Member
Around 150 left with pay day tomorrow/Friday. Should sell out. Means we've sold, already, 300 at general sale.

Agreed with others above, make it 2+ tickets per holder at general sale. A few were tweeting the club earlier saying they wanted to take friends but had to make 3 extra accounts to take them.

Harry Krishner

Well-Known Member
These games would have sold out in a couple of hours last season - admitedly to gangs of lads out on the piss for the day.

One ticket per supporter no really takes the steam out of away ticket sales. It also means if you're not a ST holder, you can't organise travel etc. until late on.


Well-Known Member
This exact game didn't sell out last year.
Yeah, but let's not facts get in the way of a good moan, eh? I still for the life of me can't understand how it prevents people going. I am of the thought process it should be come members +4, or whatever, at general sale, but even if it's not. If someone is willing to travel to Hull for a game of football, why the fuck can't they spend 60 seconds setting up an account online?

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