Until you realise they read your emails and search your bins at home while you're in hiding.Enjoyed this at the start but the new series is so over dramatised.
Would love a go at trying to evade and get away though.
Hopefully they like emails from Nigerian Princes and crusty tissues.Until you realise they read your emails and search your bins at home while you're in hiding.
Lad who won series 1 is fixing my boiler this afternoon. I'll ask him what he thinks of this series.
I still really like it but you're absolutely right, it's more than a bit farfetched now. You kinda have to suspend your common sense & enjoy it for the entertainment it is, as soon as you dig into it there's all kinds of questions. The escape from Isle of Wight at the start was just plain daft, they could have easily caught all of them at that point if they'd wanted.
I think it is a legal obligation within the show. They have to hand phones over and at times, divulge info.Yeah, they were literally above them in a Helicopter.
The other thing is why are their friends and family handing over their stuff and grassing on them? It isn't actually a police investigation so just tell them to do one and close the door.
That bloke who literally said where he took them. At least tell them the wrong info.
I think it is a legal obligation within the show. They have to hand phones over and at times, divulge info.
I also believe that they have to try, or at least attempt to try and make it back home to visit too.
I read up on it somewhere. Secrets of Hunted, or something like that .Yeah that's a bit shit then and not realistic.
The same as when they managed to get the Kia's location because it had a tracker within minutes.
I think it is a legal obligation within the show. They have to hand phones over and at times, divulge info.
I also believe that the contestants have to try, or at least attempt to try and make it back home to visit too while they are on the run.
Yes, heard the same thing. Two nights only in any one place.Also a rule (I believe) that they can only spend 2 nights at any given location. And have to cover a certain mileage.
Also a rule (I believe) that they can only spend 2 nights at any given location. And have to cover a certain mileage.
You kinda have to suspend your common sense & enjoy it for the entertainment it is, as soon as you dig into it there's all kinds of questions.
Yeah, but on here you leave your common sense at the door, but still keep your angry head on.Bit like posting on here
Would love to do it. Met the old gaffer, Blecks once. Was a nice fella and gave a fair bit of info on what went on. It’s like a mini Race Across The World. Applied for the next series of that. Bet it’s a great experience.