Idiots 2 (11 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Russell Slade just said quite categorically on CWR that the tennis balls had no bearing on their first goal whatsoever.
Just saying.
Hes hardly going to say it did tbf, he doesn't want to piss fans off so they start on him.

On another note, anyone hear thr text from the guy who said the protest aims are to get thr club as many fines as possible and they want the to get relegation this season and next season into non league so sisu go. Fucking clueless.

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Well-Known Member
The protest today was idiotic for a variety of reasons. When they scored I definitely lost it with the fans involved, and while it was a little heat of the moment, it's evidence of the fact these protests are causing divisions amongst fans.

Was there even one chant related to the team today?

Slade may say the tennis balls had no effect, but I think he's proven how clueless he is, so that has no bearing.

Call me a SISU lover or pathetic for not throwing tennis balls on the pitch if you so wish, but if you can't see how ridiculous and pointless protests during games are then, in my opinion, you're a fool.


Well-Known Member
The players are paid to be switched on from 1st min to the last blow of the whistle, yes they hear, see and look at things going on, but they are paid to stay focused. So did the tennis balls effect the goal being scored, i doubt it, if it had effected the players in all likely hood it would not of been scored, as all 22 players seen what was happening. The goal has came about because a defending player has made a mistake, by switching off, not tracking or blocking a run not communicating by passing someone on, simple as that. And that is why Slade has said it a week of training has not been implemented.

If you play Millwall, who are bigger all over the pitch and are known as being a physical side , then that is up to the manager and players to react to where and when this becomes the most dangerous situation you face during the game. On the other side we have been scouted watch and have shown an inability to defend set pieces, not just today, but throughout the season and teams will pick on it as they did today. We have to hold our hands up and say as a club we are not good enough the table doesn't lie and our results are a combination of a few factors. If you asked the players they might be more disrupted by the ongoing problems within the club, that divines what happens off the pitch. those who complain about the protest are doing Sisu's job at misdirecting noise from really what is the root cause of this matter.

Say what you will but these players need to know what the futures hold as much as those who pays the money to support, we are a very sad looking club with distraction, harm and no end in site which ever party you want to put this on the facts dont lie, we are dying a slow death.
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Well-Known Member
I mean what happend with the tennis balls and how did it cost us the game?
Did the ball hit the tennis balls and go in like?


Well-Known Member
The protest had nothing to do with us losing, we are just that bad.The hold up was no different to a player being injured, it last a couple of minutes.

The squad is piss poor, the management is shocking. And fans are just fed up, and willing to blame anyone and everything at the moment. Instead of being split we need to stick together. I back protests and support any fan willing to stand up and make a effort. But let's be honest does it matter, sisu don't care, they are not even at the games.


Well-Known Member
Russell Slade and Barry Quinn said the protest wasn't to blame for the goal.

I agree - all 22 players were held up by the protest. City players switched off as per usual. Shite defending as usual. But posters in here will bang on about how the protest cost us a goal - bollocks. What's the excuse for the second goal then other than we're shite.

Quinn made a good point - the delay could have been due to an injured player so as professional footballers you should always be concentrating.

I wish I could be paid 1k a week and have no blame.


You fuled the thread about tennis balls, no one knew much about this expect on here.

Really? The bloke in front of me said it was all over Facebook all week.

I guess I imagined a fair few fans abusing the scoreboard corner and clapping them too?


Russell Slade and Barry Quinn said the protest wasn't to blame for the goal.

I agree - all 22 players were held up by the protest. City players switched off as per usual. Shite defending as usual. But posters in here will bang on about how the protest cost us a goal - bollocks. What's the excuse for the second goal then other than we're shite.

Quinn made a good point - the delay could have been due to an injured player so as professional footballers you should always be concentrating.

I wish I could be paid 1k a week and have no blame.

Apart from it being the 3rd time it has happened?


Well-Known Member
Could be wrong, but it seems some people are trying to directly attribute the piss-poor defending that led to the goal to a few tennis balls and a brief stoppage a few moments earlier.

Wow, just wow.

You have to question what motivations they have to do this really. Very strange.


Well-Known Member
Of course the tennis ball stunt was a big effect on the goal being conceded.

That's why teams never make subs etc when defending set pieces.

Also had the effect of pissing off a lot of city fans half of block 22 stood up and sarcastically applauded the muppets and thus caused yet more a rift between fans.

I'm now at the point where I think people who are that upset and want to protest should do so my staying away, you're not helping you're making things worse


Well-Known Member
Russell Slade just said quite categorically on CWR that the tennis balls had no bearing on their first goal whatsoever.
Just saying.
Manager comes out a blames protesting fans for costing them a goal and possibly 3points.
Fans absolutely hammer said manager for shit team selection, shit tactics and for being a massive c**T for even dreaming to blame the fams for this situation.
He may aswell tie his own fucking noose aswell!!

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You have to question what motivations they have to do this really. Very strange.

A fair few today must have thought that, or they think it's fucking pointless anyway and even more pathetic it's when we are defending a corner?

Never seen division between fans like today after that stunt. That's all that was achieved.


Well-Known Member
Really? The bloke in front of me said it was all over Facebook all week.

I guess I imagined a fair few fans abusing the scoreboard corner and clapping them too?

Were you fueling it up on there too. I have to say that the lengths you go to to generate some faux anger is impressive.


Were you fueling it up on there too. I have to say that the lengths you go to to generate some faux anger is impressive.

Were you there today Tony to see what happened? I didn't need to fuel anything.

I guess that will be denied as ever happening too right?


Well-Known Member
Bore off trying to be a hero

The joy on the faces of some people throwing the balls was strange. Very excited by it
Didn't take part in the protests today.
But as others have said Charlton protests have been far worse then ours but they still seem to win games.
Have their protests got across probebly not.
But sooner or later it will, this will not be settled overnight.
Maybe next year the protest will die off as there will be no one left.
Ether way the Club is fucked.


Well-Known Member
Well, there are probably more than 3 of that aren't there?
Good point - we let that many in , thus impossible to do a protest without a goal going in!

I personally thought the tennis balls looked shit. I didn't throw one - but let's no hide the fact it was an awful goal to concede. We're doomed - we cannot defend and cannot attack.


Well-Known Member
We were on top of this game before they scored?

You don't bother anyway do you? Pipe down

We were beating Bolton and getting a good result . Against sheff u
Come on Nick would we have scored?
Who would have scored?
We were shit.

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