Well-Known Member
That would possibly be the final straw for me until they left.
I would have to give it all some serious consideration
I would have to give it all some serious consideration
That would possibly be the final straw for me until they left.
I would have to give it all some serious consideration
That would possibly be the final straw for me until they left.
I would have to give it all some serious consideration
Stuart Linnell raised a very good and valid point at the weekend. Should such an arena that can attract the likes of Bruce Springsteen be run by what is effectively a local committee and the fact they are in such trouble because the football club is withholding a million quid is very worrying.
Stuart Linnell raised a very good and valid point at the weekend. Should such an arena that can attract the likes of Bruce Springsteen be run by what is effectively a local committee and the fact they are in such trouble because the football club is withholding a million quid is very worrying.
And look at the list of incompetents sisu have employed to run CCFC in recent years, with king of the clowns deluie heading a long list of failures who have had to scuttle away
How many failures have gone from ACL ..........I'm struggling to think of 1
It doesn't take a geniuse to work out they should never never let sisu own any part of ACL
The won't go out of business - they will sue CCFC for the money... besides ACL have assets - CCFC have next to none - far more likely for CCFC to go down over this I'm afraid
Horrible thing to say as a civ fan, but morally that is the correct way it should pan out if SISU continue with their stance.
Stuart Linnell raised a very good and valid point at the weekend. Should such an arena that can attract the likes of Bruce Springsteen be run by what is effectively a local committee and the fact they are in such trouble because the football club is withholding a million quid is very worrying.
I think the whole issue is divisive wingy. There are, if you like, sides being taken about the off field stuff. Only time we look to be travelling generally in one direction is when we are supporting MR and the team. Even then opinions differ.
It puzzles me that so many business people buy into the spin that comes out of the club. Simply accept it as true, without making any check into it at all. Did they become successful in business acting like that ? certainly not so why is football different. To inquire, to have your eyes open doesnt stop passion for something you love! You could say the same about those coming out staunchly in favour of ACL but to a far lesser number, find the facts dont just simply believe. A lot of this is media led, and ill informed led at that. The facts are there but it doesnt make a headline does it.
My own take on it is that I have had no reason to disbelieve the statements coming from ACL, to my knowledge I do not believe that they have issued false information or deliberately misled. Not saying they havent put their own spin on things, nor am i saying they would be wrong to do so, but the feel i get is honest. The facts that I know support their argument to a large extent
On the other hand you have CCFC and SISU. Again i wouldnt deny their right to put their spin on it, nothing wrong with that really. But the track record they have in respect of providing facts, transparency and integrity is simply not very good. They wheel out others to back them up, providing them with the ammunition, but the facts simply do not match their "reality". They have a much louder voice in the media because they have an agenda, they rely on fans love for the team, and the fact that for all sorts of reasons the Charity & Council can not issue similar emotive statements to match their own. Why do people simply accept what they say when they know the track record - do leopards change their spots ? - clearly use of media, limited facts, emotional statements etc are a tactic they have used before why think they wont use again?
Between the two you have a local media that repeatedly proves itself fairly inept. I understand the problems they have because they have to maintain a relationship with the club, if they dont the club will kick them out. They have to retain a relationship with ACL, Council and Charity but because these three have their basis in the community as a whole know they will not be kicked out, because the bodies involved have to be seen to be open to public scrutiny. Hardly a level playing field. CWR have to try and take a balanced view, (for the life of me I can not see how having Linnel involved meets that criteria) to do so should mean that they back no one. But from the interviews I have heard I would say they favour the club. The CT in my view has lazy reporters and they take the easy path coming down on the balance of things for CCFC. The information as many of us have proven is out there - our media report but they carry out little real investigative journalism.
In the middle of all this is the public of Coventry and surrounding areas, in particular the fans. Unfortunately it is a sad fact that the quiet voice is rarely heard and he who shouts loudest is believed - not because they are right but simply because they shout loudest. As such it is very difficult to fault joe public if they come down on the side of the club. The ordinary fan just wants to see his team win, rarely understands the finances (why would they ?), they will come down on the side of their heroes on the pitch. Clever PR people know this. Fans will hear the club first, see it reinforced in a less than inquiring media and conclude that the club is being shafted by the bad people at ACL...... if ACL, Council, Charity hadnt held the club back look at the success we would have had is the message peddled .......... fantasy but it is taken by many as reality.
When it comes to football, owners, directors, managers, players, fans ignore logic, ignore the facts, dismiss common sense and good business practice...... all for the thrill of seeing a bag of wind hit a net more times than the other team over 90 minutes (plus added time) .......... we all do it, then sit wondering how the hell did we get in this mess :thinking about:. Then we go through it all again next week :facepalm:
I want our club successful, viable, vibrant. I do not want to take sides and I certainly do not want to side against it. However i have a strong sense of fairness, right and wrong, and what the owners are doing appears self centered, uncaring, money driven and wrong to me. It isnt that i am against our team at all, but i am certainly against its owners
I don't like diagreeing with OSB but actually at the moment, if it is true that CCFC owe £1m+ to ACL and that ACL can't pay to service their loan, the Directors' duty is not to ACL but to their creditors. In this case it is to the bank. (Just as CCFC's directors' duty is to ARVO as its largest creditor.) The ACL directors will have to do whatever is necessary to protect their creditor.
So the question is what will the Bank want ACL to do and what will ARVO (Seppala) want CCFC to do. The directors of ACL and CCFC are hostages to their creditors.