I'm glad we got beat tonight !!!!! (1 Viewer)

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
Obviously my heart says I don't want us to lose !!
But my head says its the only way pressure is going to mount on Sisu !!
If we had won tonight the pressure would have been off them, papered over the cracks, half of you would be hailing the kids that had to play tonight.
This way they might take up the Hoffs offer sooner rather than later and there would still be enough time to get some players in and turn things round.
I am going to go even further and say I hope we lose the next two games aswell. Anyway with the players available who are not injured we are not capable of beating anyone in this division. Obviously with everyone fit we can win some games but I can see no light at the end of the tunnel !!!!!!!!!


New Member
I hear your sentiment. I cannot say I am glad that we conceeded 2 goals to lose from the lead, however I do see this as potentially influencing SISU's decision to sell on Friday. It would have strengthened their position if we had won today. Now they have a club that they will not invest in, who have lost every game in all competitions so far in the seasons. Scoring 2 very fortunate goals. How can they justify keeping us... There is no business model. We will be relegated.


Well-Known Member
Ooh, I don't know I can go with a "glad we lost" line, TBH.


Well-Known Member
never glad that we lose though I kind of see where you are coming from. I just think of the poor hardy loyal bunch that went to the worst ground ever to be gutted all the way home

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
never glad that we lose though I kind of see where you are coming from. I just think of the poor hardy loyal bunch that went to the worst ground ever to be gutted all the way home

I do feel for our fans down there tonight also Thorny and the players but I am thinking logically its the only way to get rid of Sisu.
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Well-Known Member
Agree to an extent, if we had won it just gives the ****'s running the club thhe opportunity to argue we don't need to sign anyone.

My concern is that the results could see Thorne lose his job rather than the board sell up which would be a crying shame as for the first time in a long time we are actually playing football albeit losing games.

Genuinley think with the means to sign 3 or 4 of his own players we could do ok and entertain.


Well-Known Member
Well if we won SISU would have had a lot of pressure taken off them. So in a way maybe it's not a bad thing we lost in the long run.

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
Agree to an extent, if we had won it just gives the ****'s running the club thhe opportunity to argue we don't need to sign anyone.

My concern is that the results could see Thorne lose his job rather than the board sell up which would be a crying shame as for the first time in a long time we are actually playing football albeit losing games.

Genuinley think with the means to sign 3 or 4 of his own players we could do ok and entertain.

I agree with your coments, I think Thornys job is safe though all the fans know what he is trying to do. If Sisus did sack him then they would just make their position worse.


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't think SISU give two shits what the fans think though, if they want to get rid of the manager they will, im just waiting for the news of more player sales to tip me over the edge.

Thats enough for tonight anyway, need to get a good nights sleep in ready for the piss taking at work tomorrow.

Still, 40 quid better off at least. PUSB. SISUOUT.


New Member
It is likely that SISU don't know that we lost tonight or even that we were playing tonight. There might be some passing interest at the end of the season but only to know if we were relegated so budgets etc can be set.


Well-Known Member
sky blue john,
I made the same point on a thread last week. Head says it is the only way, we have to touch the bottom before rising like a phoenix from the ashes.
Heart feels broken and I don't know how much more I can take, feeling really sorry for the poor beggars that travel to away games.

Going away tomorrow to the Med. When I return on 1st September I'm hoping to feel rested and CCFC have a brighter future.


Obviously my heart says I don't want us to lose !!
But my head says its the only way pressure is going to mount on Sisu !!
If we had won tonight the pressure would have been off them, papered over the cracks, half of you would be hailing the kids that had to play tonight.
This way they might take up the Hoffs offer sooner rather than later and there would still be enough time to get some players in and turn things round.
I am going to go even further and say I hope we lose the next two games aswell. Anyway with the players available who are not injured we are not capable of beating anyone in this division. Obviously with everyone fit we can win some games but I can see no light at the end of the tunnel !!!!!!!!!

Sky blue John,

While I understand your words, however, I would never wish a defeat on my team, I think SISU should already be aware of the terrible situation they have got us in to without us having to lose games, IMO, they couldn’t care less about the results on the field, they care ONLY about the financial results off the field, hense the reason for the lack of playing staff, I really hope that they do agree to sell out and the quicker the better, but I don’t think results on the pitch will influence such decisions, Only my opinion John. PUSB


Well-Known Member
Gutted we lost last night and especially the way we did it. While I see your point I don't think SISU will feel any pressure. They don't care one little bit and no matter how much the fans fury builds they will not take a blind bit of notice.

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
3 games no points, Southampton also 3 games, 9 points....... you don't have to be brilliant at sums to figure it out!

Unless we register some kind of result soon, we are going to be in deep shit, SISU protest or not.


CCFC Finance Director
sorry but whatever the well meaning sentiment or whoever the owners - just couldnt wish that on the team

Il Pirata

Well-Known Member
I don't think SISU really care about results, only for what negligible impact League 1 football would have against Championship football in regards to the value of the club.

We aren't going into the PL with no investment, they know that, we know that, everyone knows that. So they are accepting anything from mid table Championship football to League 1 football.

There is no point being glad we lost, it has a negative effect throughout the club.


Three points last night would have been a lift in the dressing room, look at Juke after the whistle, he was devastated.

Sterling Archer

Well-Known Member
People wishing we lose? I was there last night and it was absolutely gut wrenching to take and reading threads like this with our own fans "happy" we lost makes me even more angry. Pathetic.

Why the frig can't we just get behind the team regardless of off-the-field matters? We had 4 teenagers playing last night, imagine how they're going to be feeling along with the others after a result like that and in the manner it was received?

Only "supporter" who wishes defeat on their own team needs their head checked especially if they think it will make the slightest bit of difference to off the field matters. Not impressed.


New Member
while i hate sisu with a passion right now, we need to get behind our boys, this is the season that they will need us the most

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