In memory of Rosalind Cooke (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Agreed RIP :(

Ros was my dad's cousin, but I only met her once or twice.


Well-Known Member
She was instrumental in getting my nan to look after David Smith and then Dougie McGuire whilst they were at City.


CCFC Finance Director
From all the comments by ex players etc Rob it would seem she was greatly respected and loved by a lot of people


New Member
Sad news of an unknown and unsung Sky Blue heroine. I hope they pay tribute to her personality and her hard work for the club at the first game of the season.


Sky Blue Sheepy

New Member
Agree with above, it would be good to have some sort of tribute during the Leicester match (half time of before the match for example)


Well-Known Member
From all the comments by ex players etc Rob it would seem she was greatly respected and loved by a lot of people

Yeah just read them mate.

Despite being loosely related I wouldn't claim to have known her and would have walked past in the street, but still hard not to bring a lump to the throat when reading all of those comments from some people we remember as club legends.

Dad told me of the news last week and mentioned about her work at the lodge but I never realised what a huge part she seems to have played. It reads like a huge void will be left.

Ernie Machin

New Member
The lifeblood of the club. Makes you nostalgic for a time when there was such a thing as a community club. RIP Rosalind.


CCFC Finance Director
Wouldnt presume to know but I would assume that her's and your families Rob would welcome some sort of a celebration of her life and achievements at CCFC. I really think that far too often people like her are overlooked and undervalued and the reality is clubs cannot operate well without them. She was important to the club and players for decades and we should not be shy in showing our appreciation. Some sort of recognition shouls happen at the Leicester match certainly gets my vote


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure the away fans would give the respect deserving. She stamped her mark and it would be nice to be commemorated at Ryton I would have thought and would expect some of those under her wing to maybe attend her funeral. That would be more fitting imo, but I'm sure her close family will have thoughts on how they would want the club to recognise her.


CCFC Finance Director
What ever the family thinks best Rob :) but I hope the club approach them to do something without being asked to


New Member
I can only hope half as many people say something nearly as nice about me when I shuffle off.


Well-Known Member
RIP,moving words,she sounds like a fantastic lady

man city should have brought her over to whip balotelli into shape !


New Member
Met her loads of times at Ryton and she was a lovely lady.Helped my dad a lot when he was having a tough time under Bobby Gould. R.I.P x x

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
I must be truthful and say that I have not actually heard of Rosalind, but anyone who devotes their time to the club as she seems to have done should certainly be remembered by at least a minutes silence (or in this day and age a minutes round of applause) before the first match, for all she has done.
RIP Rosalind



Well-Known Member
I'm not sure the away fans would give the respect deserving.

I think in this case it'd be ok. When we had a few silences/applauses for the soldiers the away fans seemed respectful, and I can't see them feeling a need to cause offence over what seemed to be a very nice lady indeed.


It would be a bit sick for the fans to boo something like this...

She sounds like a legend and that a big part of the club has been lost, best wishes to her family and I hope the club do look after her family and honor her well.


Well-Known Member
I'd put money on no away fans booing. If there's one thing that can unite people, it's a nice old lady.


Well-Known Member
I hope you're right, but I just thought as it's synonymous with Coventry and not a war hero and bearing in mind who we're playing, then it only yakes a few idiots to spoil it for the decent majority. I think this is why I always prefer a minutes applause to a minutes silence. Mind you tbf I have been guilty of it in th epast. Away at Walsall when the Queen mum died, I got a mate of mine three times in the minute by ringing his phone during the silence. He was stood two seats away and everyone around us was in hysterics ( I think partly because we were so p*ssed). Very funny, but more than a bit disrespectful.


New Member
RIP Ros.
She certainly seems to have touched the hearts of many people at the club and fans alike. She will be a missed by many im sure.

Wouldnt it be fitting to have a minutes silence at the family fun day for her? less chance of interruption and it seems more suitable to her role at the club....just a thought

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