Insufficient priveledges to reply to this thread (1 Viewer)

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
WTF is this all about? came to answer a post in the thread about retained players and got this bollux message.

Didn't realise we had a hierarchy in place.


Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
Players Leaving.

I've just noticed the thread is closed but in the bottom right hand corner of the last post it says about insufficient etc etc. Just change that piece of crap text to read thread closed.


"bollux", "piece of crap", "Didn't realise we had a hierarchy in place.", "explain", "WTF is this all about?"

Not really sure the need for giving it loads, the thread was closed and a link to the correct thread put there to prevent multiples. There are padlock icons, it says thread closed for replies.

Nothing to do with a hierarchy.


Well-Known Member

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
Underneath post three of that thread on the RH side are these words.

(You have insufficient privileges to reply here.)


Well-Known Member
Well I'm guessing it's related to admin and moderators being the only ones capable of inputting, once a thread is closed.


Well-Known Member
Threads closed you absolute pleb. You've answered your own question.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
Time to own up.

I only wanted to see how long I could keep this thread going before all you self righteous pricks became indignant.

You lot can be so thick at times.

Now you can. Lose the thread


Super Moderator
Quick, Quick, cover my Hugh Jarse and try to make it look like I'm joking.

Hopefully everyone else is as thick as me and doesn't realise I actually am that stooopid.

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