Is it time for Safe Standing areas to return? (1 Viewer)

After Bristol City announced their intention to install Safe Standing Rails for next season, this week's Cooks Question is "Is it time for Safe Standing Areas to return to English Football?". Of course many people, including the Hillsborough families will be opposed to this proposal but as Football fans, do we feel its time we had the option of standing areas? Or are seats the only way forward? After last weeks fantastic response, lets keep it up this week. Remember, all answers need to be in by 10.45AM on Thursday to be in with a chance of being on the show. If you wanna get involved in any topic brought up on the show then tweet @TheLiamCook or @Hillz_SL and we'll read out your comments. Sports Lounge kicks off at 10AM Thursday on Hillz FM (98.6) with repeats airing around 9.00PM Friday (Due to other shows over running, the start time of the repeat is not certain, but will likely start at 9.15). Thanks for your continued support. We really couldn't do it without you


Well-Known Member
Yes but not behind goals that is where swaying and surging happens trying to see etc, but would along the sides be exceptable


Well-Known Member
We stand at practically every away match already. From what I gather, the proposed standing 'model' will be like standing in front of your seat with a (safety) rail again in front of you. So, pretty much like what we're already doing. It will be nothing like the 1970's/80's. Wether that be a good or bad thing is an individual opinion.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't affect me in the slightest unless it became compulsory, so yes.

The main opposition seems to be "The Hillsbrough survivors don't like it" which is understandable, but not really a valid point for banning it.

cov soul

After Bristol City announced their intention to install Safe Standing Rails for next season, this week's Cooks Question is "Is it time for Safe Standing Areas to return to English Football?". Of course many people, including the Hillsborough families will be opposed to this proposal but as Football fans, do we feel its time we had the option of standing areas? Or are seats the only way forward? After last weeks fantastic response, lets keep it up this week. Remember, all answers need to be in by 10.45AM on Thursday to be in with a chance of being on the show. If you wanna get involved in any topic brought up on the show then tweet @TheLiamCook or @Hillz_SL and we'll read out your comments. Sports Lounge kicks off at 10AM Thursday on Hillz FM (98.6) with repeats airing around 9.00PM Friday (Due to other shows over running, the start time of the repeat is not certain, but will likely start at 9.15). Thanks for your continued support. We really couldn't do it without you


Well-Known Member
After Bristol City announced their intention to install Safe Standing Rails for next season, this week's Cooks Question is "Is it time for Safe Standing Areas to return to English Football?". Of course many people, including the Hillsborough families will be opposed to this proposal but as Football fans, do we feel its time we had the option of standing areas? Or are seats the only way forward? After last weeks fantastic response, lets keep it up this week. Remember, all answers need to be in by 10.45AM on Thursday to be in with a chance of being on the show. If you wanna get involved in any topic brought up on the show then tweet @TheLiamCook or @Hillz_SL and we'll read out your comments. Sports Lounge kicks off at 10AM Thursday on Hillz FM (98.6) with repeats airing around 9.00PM Friday (Due to other shows over running, the start time of the repeat is not certain, but will likely start at 9.15). Thanks for your continued support. We really couldn't do it without you

Yes please....

...and while we are at it, can we have a smoking area too?

...and can we take pints (in plastics) in to the "terrace" please?


Well-Known Member
The only way it will return officially is based on the German model, shown in the picture earlier in the thread. To be honest I cannot remember the last time I actually sat down at a match personally I do prefer to stand. But not everyone does, for example some older fans, young families etc. It would have to designated areas as well. However I would be totally against moving the old terrace model. That was just crazy and highly dangerous at times, I think the Hillsborough and Ibrox disasters show this.


Yes, but designated areas; not everyone wants to stand, and family stands with seats should remain.

Someone (Sky Sports?) were asking fans outside Notts County this exact question!


Well-Known Member
Like many I tend to stand all the time at away games. The barriers are a good idea though, they''ll save my shins from getting a battering by the seat in front when we score.

M&B Stand

Well-Known Member
It will come back in some way eventually in some form, but the days of swaying terraces are long gone. Sadly.


Well-Known Member
I stand at every game pretty much so I'd be more than happy for safe standing to be implemented.


Well-Known Member
The only way it will return officially is based on the German model, shown in the picture earlier in the thread. To be honest I cannot remember the last time I actually sat down at a match personally I do prefer to stand. But not everyone does, for example some older fans, young families etc. It would have to designated areas as well. However I would be totally against moving the old terrace model. That was just crazy and highly dangerous at times, I think the Hillsborough and Ibrox disasters show this.

some fat people prefer to sit as well...


Well-Known Member
I have no objection, unless the fence/railings/netting between the stand and pitch was a pre-requisite. Then I'd say no thanks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors :)
I have to admit, I would like to see them come back too, but people should have the choice of whether to sit or stand at a stadium, so there should be separate standing areas and sitting areas


Super Moderator
Yes please....

...and while we are at it, can we have a smoking area too?

...and can we take pints (in plastics) in to the "terrace" please?

You can have a smoking area outside. Preferably a few hundred yards from the ground. ;)

Seriously though, it's under 2 hours.


Well-Known Member
You can have a smoking area outside. Preferably a few hundred yards from the ground. ;)

Seriously though, it's under 2 hours.

Yeah...but I'm a city fan and have been watching them for donkeys years......

...with that amount of're lucky I've not requested a "shooting up" area....:D


You can have a smoking area outside. Preferably a few hundred yards from the ground. ;)

Seriously though, it's under 2 hours.

Noticed this a few times where people leg it to the smoking area, it's only been 45 minutes.....

I would be up for safe standing but people do need the choice, there is no point putting a few OAP's in with a standing crowd. Have safe standing towards the front and seats behind so they can still see. :)


Well-Known Member
Noticed this a few times where people leg it to the smoking area, it's only been 45 minutes.....

I would be up for safe standing but people do need the choice, there is no point putting a few OAP's in with a standing crowd. Have safe standing towards the front and seats behind so they can still see. :)

It only takes 20 mins for 99% of the addictive nicotine to leave the Bloodstream.Whats worse they seem to restrict the use Of E-Cigs which are supposedly permissable for use In any Environ.
Have to say I am currently back on the Ash after 13 yrs,and would not wish either being exhaled In my vicinity.


New Member
The Taylor Report stated that Standing was not unsafe and was not the cause of Hillsborough. The fact it's took over 20 years for this debate to gain some momentum is ridiculous. The Germans never got rid of terracing they just policed it well and respected their fans and they still have old style terracing with thousands standing on it every week, and suprise suprise no accidents! These rail seats don't look as good, but probably the only way we'll see standing in this country. Can't see the Premiership every backing it though, would mean cheaper tickets and more young working class lads going which is the last thing they want.
Morning guys! We're live on Hillz so get your answers in before 10.45 if you want it to be on the show. Thanks again for your fantastic contribution


Well-Known Member
Not interested in the German model where you have a designated standing area. I liked terracing because you could move away from the drunken bellend that was annoying you

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