In addition to the quantitative increase in membership, the additional member services that the PFA enhanced and developed throughout the 1980s and 1990s characterises a qualitative growth. For instance, in 1985 a joint initiative between the PFA and the Football League to provide a private contributory pension scheme for all full-time professional footballers was started, known as the PFA/Football League Players’ Retirement Income Scheme. Following this, the Footballers’ Further Education and Vocational Training Scheme (FFE+VTS) was initiated in 1986. This is one of the three welfare schemes the PFA operates. The additional two are the Benevolent Fund that provides grants to members or former members needing financial assistance, and the Accident Insurance Fund, which assists former players experiencing medical difficulties due to a previous injury during their career (Waddington, 1998: 32). In 1986, Football in the Community was formed by the FFE+VTS. 90 professional clubs in the Football League and 10 clubs from the Nationwide Conference have community schemes that offer a wide range of sports and social based activities supported by the PFA as it is incorporated as a separate registered charity and the PFA allocates an annual funding budget. In 1989 the financial department of the PFA - PFA Financial Management Limited - was established. Further assistance is provided to players contemplating a post-football career through PFA Coaching, which formed in 1994 to offer all members the opportunity to gain formal coaching qualifications. In addition to the development of these services, PFA Enterprises, the commercial department of the union has been in existence since 1972 and generates revenue through partnerships with organisations such as Adidas and Sky Sports. Nevertheless, in spite of these supplementary services, the central role of the PFA has not changed. The core division of the union, set up in 1907, still provides industrial representation to its members......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................This is just a fraction of written work on the "PFA"