Joy Seppala meeting at Ryton Report (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
The message that came through from Joy was that they wouldn’t rule out a deal to return to the Ricoh, but that it would have to be on the right terms and in the best interest of the club.

Obviously it's a good thing if Joy is going to start communicating more, hopefully we'll get more sense out of her than Fisher. Think the news that she won't rule out a return to the Rioch is the only new point to really come out of this. What we really need to know now is what they would consider the right terms. To me if what they want is reasonable they should let the fans know as the pressure will be on for ACL to accept. By keeping it unknown it just causes people to assume they want everything handed over for nothing.

Rest of it seems to be going over old ground. Think we've already heard everything else from Tim.


New Member
Obviously it's a good thing if Joy is going to start communicating more, hopefully we'll get more sense out of her than Fisher. Think the news that she won't rule out a return to the Rioch is the only new point to really come out of this. What we really need to know now is what they would consider the right terms. To me if what they want is reasonable they should let the fans know as the pressure will be on for ACL to accept. By keeping it unknown it just causes people to assume they want everything handed over for nothing.

Rest of it seems to be going over old ground. Think we've already heard everything else from Tim.

I think there are loads of things that they could make public that would improve the relationship with fans but they won't, and as you say, it just leads people to speculate.


Well-Known Member
Maybe, but do we know what level of information FOIs have to give? They may only have to report formal discussions. I don't know.

i don't know either. what i do know is that informal discussions don't move things forward so if they are serious about building a new ground someone needs to light a fire under them.

Sky Blues

Active Member
1. They didn't quote 15 minutes to me, but they did say it was the day before the start of the season and the football league were prepared to start the season with 71 clubs.

2. No news on terms for the Ricoh - a deal that works for the club. It's unlikely they would share that anyway given it would be a commercial negotiation.

3. Informal discussions with planning authorities. I mentioned before that ccc aren't exactly popular with neighbouring councils. I imagine it's all hush hush as they're scared the council may jump in.

Thanks KH.

I'm still not clear what the issue was re: Coventry being close to not starting the season. Were Sisu unsure whether they wanted to cover the losses for the season? Was it the terms being demanded by the Football League? etc.

Re: question 2. I wasn't expecting them to reveal precise terms, but was wondering if you heard anything that would go towards confirming or denying the suggestion JS would only consider returning if they could get the freehold. Or, put another way, was there any indication of what is meant by "a deal that works for the club"?


New Member
Thanks KH.

I'm still not clear what the issue was re: Coventry being close to not starting the season. Were Sisu unsure whether they wanted to cover the losses for the season? Was it the terms being demanded by the Football League? etc.

Re: question 2. I wasn't expecting them to reveal precise terms, but was wondering if you heard anything that would go towards confirming or denying the suggestion JS would only consider returning if they could get the freehold. Or, put another way, was there any indication of what is meant by "a deal that works for the club"?

Unfortunately not, she wouldn't go into it - I asked about freehold or lease and nothing definitive came back. Perhaps les Reid pressed her on it, hope so, it's pretty critical


Well-Known Member

Did you get an opportunity to ask her

If she does not rule out returning to the Ricoh has she accepted Anne Lucas' open offer of a meeting?

If not why not and how does she expect to return on her terms without speaking to the council?

Sky Blues

Active Member
Maybe, but do we know what level of information FOIs have to give? They may only have to report formal discussions. I don't know.

It appears the question asked in the FOI concerned "formal" discussions:

The next question is: What is a formal discussion? At a guess, one could speculate it would be one for which there is a paper trail - e.g. a meeting in the diary or an exchange of letters or emails. A quiet word at a civic function or a casual telephone conversation I guess might not count.

Of course, each authority might take a different view on what "formal" means...


New Member

Did you get an opportunity to ask her

If she does not rule out returning to the Ricoh has she accepted Anne Lucas' open offer of a meeting?

If not why not and how does she expect to return on her terms without speaking to the council?

I'm afraid I didn't, again - it was on the list but i just never got round to it, again though, I can't imagine it's something les Reid will have failed to ask in 2 hours.

I'm trying to make notes on things I've missed so I can try and get her to answer them, even if it's just via email or something for now.


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid I didn't, again - it was on the list but i just never got round to it, again though, I can't imagine it's something les Reid will have failed to ask in 2 hours.

I'm trying to make notes on things I've missed so I can try and get her to answer them, even if it's just via email or something for now.

you have her email address? you must have made quite an impression ;)


Hopefully it will clear a few things up but actions do speak louder than words. If they have changed how they want to do things they just need to show it.

On the pitch side they have started to


Well-Known Member
@ the last few posts, whilst i hugely applaud your efforts KH, i am disturbed by the fact that you can only go to her via TF,
this individual has fronted, or chosen to proffer sisu's points for far too long,
not only that, but he is by a huge % regarded as being nothing but bad for CCFC,
did JS say @ any stage that she has faith in him ?


@ the last few posts, whilst i hugely applaud your efforts KH, i am disturbed by the fact that you can only go to her via TF,
this individual has fronted, or chosen to proffer sisu's points for far too long,
not only that, but he is by a huge % regarded as being nothing but bad for CCFC,
did JS say @ any stage that she has faith in him ?

Why would that disturb you though? How many club owners would hand out mobile numbers to fans?


because nick, i have zero faith in TF,this, due to incessant words from him

I can understand that, however I assume Tim Fisher has met with fans before so can be the go between with them and joy.

She is never going to just give her details out to fans, especially when grown men are stood about drawing pictures of her.


Well-Known Member
TF may have met with fans, but, imho, has never listened to them, but merely given 'lip service',
by all means start a poll,
to the effect,
as a Coventry City fan, do you think TF is good for CCFC ? Yes / No


New Member
Chiefdave has it right. Nothing new except possibility they would return to the Ricoh, which clashes radically with what Fisher said in the early summer. But all very vague.
We heard it all from Onye, Ken, Len et al.
Slashing ticket prices, giving away tickets, no transport to Northampton for the few. No sponsor in the proper sense. No ground plans, no sites bought, no contact with any councils, no accounts submitted and on and on...
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Well-Known Member
Yes looks like this latest PR stunt may have united the fans more then tearing them apart.
Even some posters that normally back them are now slowly changing there tune. Shame Sisu don't change theirs same old record just changing hands...

Chiefdavehas it right. Nothing new except possibility they would return to the Ricoh, which clashes radically with what Fisher said in the early summer. But all very vague.
We heard it all from Onye, Ken, Len et al.
Slashing ticket prices, giving away tickets, no transport to Northampton for the few. No sponsor in the proper sense. No ground plans, no sites bought, no contact with any councils, no accounts submitted and on and on...


New Member
Letsallsingtogether, it is a myth that us fans are not united. 90%+ don't go to Sixfields. The vast majority aren't visitors to this site. They are just silent, steadfast in their disbelief that any owner would take the club out of the city.
The myth is spread by a few on here who are ...I'll try to be civil here, misguided, selfish.
You're right - just a PR exercise.
Not knocking you King Harvest, nothing personal. Sure you did your best.
Not holding my breath over Les Reid's article either. If it had contained anything of significance you could put your house on it the Telegraph would've been talking of 'Sensational Developments.'
4 'home' games in City fans. Just keep saying NO. Good away games coming up. Get tickets direct from the away clubs.


Well-Known Member
Read kingharvest's report, many thanks. Absolutely nothing said that hasn't already been said by her minions past and present.

Leads me to conclude that NOPM is working.

War of attrition folks, keep the pressure on.

Deleted member 5849

So how does the CET story tally with your impressions after your meeting, kingharvest?


New Member
I haven't managed to read the whole story yet, just the snippets posted on here. She's probably being slightly modest about not knowing anything about football, she spoke quite well when i met her although i've no doubt her interest/knowledge is limited.

It doesn't surprise me how firm she is about the council. I could tell she has great resentment. Her analogy about it being the equivalent of being continually beaten up by somebody, and how difficult it would be to forgive and move on comes through in the telegraph interview.

I'll try and give it a full read and see if it throws anything up. I'm also going to try and get some clarification on some of the things people raise over the next few days following my notes and the telegraph interview - if i can.


New Member
Thanks for the post. Sorry, do not believe or trust Sisu after all this time of poor management and communication, I'm a member of the CC London Supporters Club and had the chance to grill Sisu a few years ago. Remember it went very poorly in terms of direct answers back then more a PR stunt. If you sign a contract then you read all the T&C's before taking it on, not sudddenly realise it was a mistake later. Yet to see how much Sisu have spent (invested) in the club and how long will it take them to recover the losses of low crowds at Sixfields, the cost of the land and building the stadium (as if) and the probably low attendances at the new place due to loss of interest from previously attending fans. If they are genuine they should offer a fair price for Ricoh now, otherwise I hope the council call their bluff and sell the land to developers now that the housing market is improving. "Forget the past look to the future" is the remark of every abusive partner and frankly thats what Sisu seem to be.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the post. Sorry, do not believe or trust Sisu after all this time of poor management and communication, I'm a member of the CC London Supporters Club and had the chance to grill Sisu a few years ago. Remember it went very poorly in terms of direct answers back then more a PR stunt. If you sign a contract then you read all the T&C's before taking it on, not sudddenly realise it was a mistake later. Yet to see how much Sisu have spent (invested) in the club and how long will it take them to recover the losses of low crowds at Sixfields, the cost of the land and building the stadium (as if) and the probably low attendances at the new place due to loss of interest from previously attending fans. If they are genuine they should offer a fair price for Ricoh now, otherwise I hope the council call their bluff and sell the land to developers now that the housing market is improving. "Forget the past look to the future" is the remark of every abusive partner and frankly thats what Sisu seem to be.

So you hope the club dies. Brilliant can't wait for your second post.

Jack Griffin

Thanks for the post. Sorry, do not believe or trust Sisu after all this time of poor management and communication, I'm a member of the CC London Supporters Club and had the chance to grill Sisu a few years ago. Remember it went very poorly in terms of direct answers back then more a PR stunt. If you sign a contract then you read all the T&C's before taking it on, not sudddenly realise it was a mistake later. Yet to see how much Sisu have spent (invested) in the club and how long will it take them to recover the losses of low crowds at Sixfields, the cost of the land and building the stadium (as if) and the probably low attendances at the new place due to loss of interest from previously attending fans. If they are genuine they should offer a fair price for Ricoh now, otherwise I hope the council call their bluff and sell the land to developers now that the housing market is improving. "Forget the past look to the future" is the remark of every abusive partner and frankly thats what Sisu seem to be.

Yeah, pretty much as I think.. I can't trust SISU, if they have a plan to finance & build a new stadium then let them. I'm prepared to wait & see if it happens.. meanwhile the Ricoh has to find a way forward itself..

I'm pretty sure ACL are holding fire on any radical decision to alter its usage for a year or 2.. but if Otium get planning & backing for a stadium (on land they haven't yet bought) I think they'll make a move to change usage in some way.. and it is a dead cert they have various contingency plans.


Well-Known Member
I'm not so sure Jack that they have. What sort of plans do you think that they have.....bearing in mind that the NEC is only a few miles up the road and to compete with them for events would be one hell of a task.


New Member
So you hope the club dies. Brilliant can't wait for your second post.

No I don't, I think Sisu have the club on life support and hope against hope that they do the right thing for the fans and bring them back to the Ricoh properly.
The next best option is that they sell up to someone more trustworthy and go.
The fear is they are the ones who killing the club and upsetting the fans so that like Les Reid they clamour/accept for the Ricoh to be sold to them cheap and even then all they do is congratulate themselves for adding to their land portfolio but still don't care or build the club.
I say do judge them on what they have done in the past, we would not have been relegated if they had not sold off our better players as soon as they could, how is that trying to build the club ?
Please try to make a coherent argument for your views not misrepresent and slag off other peoples.

Jack Griffin

I'm not so sure Jack that they have. What sort of plans do you think that they have.....bearing in mind that the NEC is only a few miles up the road and to compete with them for events would be one hell of a task.

Well options might be..

Exist on representative Rugby/Football Matches, e.g Stuff like Cup Finals/Semi Finals, Rugby Internationals, U21 Internationals, Women's Internationals & a pre-season football tournament involving some top European clubs.
Convert to "O2" Midlands.. & host One Direction type concerts all year, would require investment for a roof & the sporting venue would be lost.

I've no connection, but I can't believe there isn't a plan.. or possibilities


Well-Known Member
Well ,I hate to say this and I wish it was not so, but I think that they are pretty much fucked without the football club. I have no doubt that Shitzu have also come the same conclusion.

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