Well-Known Member
If true, any idea how many members we have?
no idea,not that many id say...5k max?
luckily i am 1 so should have a final ticket if everything goes according to plan
If true, any idea how many members we have?
Well there was a bloke there today buying 5 tickets who said he may not even go but if we get thru it at least guarantees him 5 tickets for the final for the sake of £25
I'm not happy with fookers buying tickets and not even supporting the team, this was always the danger when stacking so much potential reward on a five pound ticket !!
Well there was a bloke there today buying 5 tickets who said he may not even go but if we get thru it at least guarantees him 5 tickets for the final for the sake of £25
Well there was a bloke there today buying 5 tickets who said he may not even go but if we get thru it at least guarantees him 5 tickets for the final for the sake of £25
Well that bloke is an idiot. There will be plenty of wembley tickets available ( if we get there ). He's just wasted £25 if he's not going. What a muppet
He'll look to sell his tickets he don't want (because he'll have 5 priority tickets) for profit, like people did v Spurs, and there may be takers (not as sure as Spurs because there were only 5k available, whereas we'll have 40k for JPT), either way, the guy is still a dick.
The club needs to be appplauded here for doing tickets for a fiver, they know the more people at the ricoh for this game the more chance of us getting to wembley and earning more money.
Its more than money anyway, if someone said to me you can get relegated and win the jpt or stay up and loose it i would rather get relegated, football is about winning things. i would rather be somebody for a day that nobody for a lifetime.
The same happened with the Chelsea game, thats why despite people queueing right round the ground for tickets there was still the odd empty seat. People buying up what they could then trying to sell on for a profit.
<br />What time did the tickets go on sale this morning? I logged in at 8.45 so I'd be there before they went on sale, not only were they already on sale but there were only 3 wheelchair seats left in the east stand and I think that is out of 37.
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Season ticket holders seat are reserved untill next week i think which would explain why there is only 3 seats.
When we get to Wembley mate you watch all the people who cba crawl out from under their rocks