Just who is running the ccfc asylum ??? (1 Viewer)

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
@ Torchy......
The abuse will be returned ten fold Battery Boy!:slap:


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I thought the FL were adamant that the share was in Ltd and it was the administrator that was still investigating? Apart from Les Reid's tweets about entries being made on the register I haven't seen anything official from the FL saying anything other than the share is in Ltd....I may have missed something as I have to admit I'm finding it difficult to keep up!

That's how I see it too. More likely SISU don't like the answer THEIR administrator has come up with so have told him to keep looking till he gets to the answer they want to hear. Tossers.


Well-Known Member
Tut, tut, tut, childrens toys at your age:pointlaugh:

It will take more than that to embarrass me. Had a great game of Subutteo with my lad last night.


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New Member
Sisu says the club is ccfc holdings, in which case TF is running the club.
ACL says the club is ccfc limited, in which case the administrator should be running the club.
SISU claimed the GS was in Holdings, which means SISU run the club.
The FA state that they believe the GS is with limited, which means they now take back their GS from the club.
But if the GS is in limited, then Holdings should be in administration also.
Which means the administrator runs the club.
But he says ACL shouldn't be dealing with him and should deal with...

I see that SISU, far from ignoring Coventry's heritage, have taken inspiration from what we all hold dear:



Well-Known Member
I used to have Subbuteo but the rules stifled the fun for me, so I'd just play with them as toys and recreate goals. If any real life goals were scored using 7 foot-tall orange Adidas Tangos, of course.

The Cov team was sold out at Intershop, so I got Real Madrid and painted the Cov kit over them instead. Holla!


Well-Known Member
Well my son is a "slider" rather than a "flicker". Obviously, that is totally unacceptable but I'm giving him a bit of leeway due to his tender years.

I still have a few of the old City strips, some I did myself and some I bought from the fantastic Toy Town back in the 70s.

I used to have Subbuteo but the rules stifled the fun for me, so I'd just play with them as toys and recreate goals. If any real life goals were scored using 7 foot-tall orange Adidas Tangos, of course.

The Cov team was sold out at Intershop, so I got Real Madrid and painted the Cov kit over them instead. Holla!


Well-Known Member
Table football is where I'm a stickler for the rules. No spinning! It's like being the sumo in Street Fighter and just doing the hundred-hand slap. No etiquette, no panache. No soup for you.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
I once bought a team thinking it was Blackburn Rover(Loved that kit) When I got it home it was Bishop Aukland Royal Blue and Sky Blue halves. I was gutted because the shop wouldn't give me my money back, I'd lost my reciept on the bus. Much easier to get refunds nowadays.:eek:


New Member
ccfc corinthian figures.jpg I have over 200 corinthian players from the 1990's,any player from another side which played for cov I painted them in the kit when they were at cov.I think I have 25 players now in cov kits.
Dennis wise was one of the last ones I did.
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Well-Known Member
I once bought a team thinking it was Blackburn Rover(Loved that kit) When I got it home it was Bishop Aukland Royal Blue and Sky Blue halves. I was gutted because the shop wouldn't give me my money back, I'd lost my reciept on the bus. Much easier to get refunds nowadays.:eek:

It's crazy how many teams they covered when it was at its peak, I remember getting a catalog and they had pages of Italian non-league sides.


Well-Known Member
Anyone remember Chad Valley Big League? It was a good game but you HAD to paint the players, they came just flesh coloured with tins of red, white and blue paint. I didn't really like painting stuff myself. Toy Town in Leam used to have hundreds of teams. I used to get one a month with my pocket money.


Well-Known Member

Best song about Subbuteo ever written.

Though think it may have been mentioned in My Perfect Cousin as well, but just as an aside.


Well-Known Member
"He always beat me at Subutteo, 'cos he flicked the kick and I didn't know!"

Though think it may have been mentioned in My Perfect Cousin as well, but just as an aside.


Well-Known Member
No, not that one. I loved Striker, Lord. THere were two versions, the one with the diving goalie was best, but yeah the heads were easy to break.

Talking footie games, anybody remember the board game Footballo, played with dice.


Well-Known Member
Cup Final was a pile of crap. Two outfield players, one with an Iron Sheik curly foot for 'lobs' that just ended up like Kevin Malaga long balls into the kitchen. The same people made a cricket equivalent (Test Match?) which was ace.


Well-Known Member
What about the cricket game? Was it called Test Match? I hated cricket but this was pretty good fun. There was some kind of strange contraption for rolling a ball bearing down towards the batsman.
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Well-Known Member
Test Match was brilliant. You were caught out if the ball settled between the cup between the fielder's legs-many a family argument about whether it was "in" or not. The only problem was that the pitch tended to get creased quite easily, meaning certain sweet-spots on the wicket would yield un-playable swinging deliveries. A bit like trying to play passing football at The Ricoh! I saved up my pocket money of £1 a week to send off for the mail-order only Test Match Scoreboard. Never did get it. What a scam.

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