Kate McCann (1 Viewer)


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IMO she should be prosecuted.

But then again, she would just use the money she's made from exploiting her daughters disappearance to be bailed out.


New Member
No I haven't - but then again I haven't left my kids on their own while I went out boozing. If her name was Kerry Catona she'd have been shot.
It's Maddie I feeel sorry for.


That's not my point - we don't know how we would react or how desperate we would be if in similar circumstances - we have all done things we have regretted, fortunately not with the same catastrophic results.
Glad that the investigation is potentially being opened up though - we all would like to see some answers.


New Member
i know one thing. i wouldnt have time to write a book if my daughter went missing! :facepalm:


Well-Known Member
Somethings have just never seemed right to me, they seem like they are trying to cover up something, Aren't they both doctors as well so you would think they would understand leaving 3 kids alone in a foreign country is not something you want to do, even in the UK you wouldn't leave them without supervision. I don't have kids and even I know it's stupid to leave them by themselves for any length of time.

Shes been missing 3-4 years now and I doubt she'll ever be found.


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That's a really bad point of view - have you ever had someone close to you go missing?

No. But I wouldn't be so stupid as to drug my children, then leave them alone in an unlocked villa in Portugal.

Another point, when the Portugese and European police came to see them in Portugal, both Kate and Gerry McCann fell to the floor, put their hands behind their heads as if they had done something wrong. Something is very fishy about them two.


Somethings have just never seemed right to me, they seem like they are trying to cover up something, Aren't they both doctors as well so you would think they would understand leaving 3 kids alone in a foreign country is not something you want to do, even in the UK you wouldn't leave them without supervision. I don't have kids and even I know it's stupid to leave them by themselves for any length of time.

Shes been missing 3-4 years now and I doubt she'll ever be found.

I have to agree. Something is really dodgy about them and I have thought that from day 1. It is the poor girl I feel sorry for.

If it was a woman in Wood End her kids would have been taken from her.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
I always looked on this case with an open mind, but somehow she doesn't seem right to me. I can't put my finger on it, but I just don't trust her. When it first happened I thought that they had something to hide because of their strange behaviour - no real emotion shown etc, but then, what were their motives? Certainly not gain, surely? Would any mother "sell" her child? What else could have happened? Did Maddie die of some sort of "cot death" and because they were doctors they panicked? I don't know. It's all very confusing.


New Member
They should have been prosecuted when it happened. Feel sorry for the poor kid, but have nothing but contempt for the two loser parents. Folks are correct, if it happened to a mother in Wood End they would have been prosecuted and any other kids taken away. The parents must have shit for brains to leave their kids alone in a foreign country like that....just to go drinking. Doctors......hah, I thought you had to have some brains to be one of those!


Well-Known Member
totally agre with most of these statements. Surely they could be prosecuted for neglect??


Well-Known Member
What not even if advised to? Not if it got your missing daughters face back into newspapers and on televisions around the world again? Not if it got at least one person second glancing at a young blonde girl just in case it was her? Personally I would do my utmost to keep her face in the public domain and if this meant writing a book which led to people slagging me off and accusing me of making money off it then I personally wouldn't give two fucks.


Well-Known Member
Good excuse when the missus asks why I was staring at the hot blonde in a mini skirt.

Sorry love, I was looking for Maddie

I know I did think that but couldn't think of another way to put it without sounding noncey.

Oh and my original post was meant to quote N1xon about writing a book.


Well-Known Member
If they had done anything untoward wouldn't they have slipped quietly away by now thinking "job done"

Personally I feel it is overwhelming guilt that drives them on. Shows the class divide in that she is held in such high regard whereas a single lower class Mum would have been crucified.


Well-Known Member
Their globe trotting antics and papal visits were less than welcome, as is the Wood End woman you're all referring to. Two wrongs have rarely, if ever, made a right and I hope they go on being prosecuted for a similar misdemeanour. I'm trying really hard here not to get on my soap box about the welfare state ... so I'll leave it there


Well-Known Member
nope wouldnt have time to write a book! but hey i wouldnt leave my daughter alone on her own at such a young age!

Look I agree that they fucked up big time and paid the ultimate price but I just believe that they are trying to keep their daughters name and face in the public eye which I, personally, think is what they need to do.


Super Moderator
Look I agree that they fucked up big time and paid the ultimate price but I just believe that they are trying to keep their daughters name and face in the public eye which I, personally, think is what they need to do.

I just wonder how much money they've made from keeping her name in the public eye.


Well-Known Member
Harsh to say, but in some ways I would think they would prefer that she was not found alive - knowing what kind of people are out there sometimes it can be worse.

Regardless of what you may think of them, as a parent it would be your worst nightmare.


Well-Known Member
If they're using the money to hire private investigator's etc. to try and track down their daughter then I have absolutely no problem with it. If they are doing it for purely their own monetary gain then they are sick in the head.


If they're using the money to hire private investigator's etc. to try and track down their daughter then I have absolutely no problem with it. If they are doing it for purely their own monetary gain then they are sick in the head.

Isn't it a limited company they have rather than a charity? ;)


New Member
i hear kates goin to write a follow on to her book. she got the idea of the next book off OJ Simpson!


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This was an article in the news on 18 October 2007.

In the media spotlight: Kate told her mother she has been persecuted because she is too skinny
Kate McCann looks exactly like most of the mothers I see waiting at school gates near where I live: casually-dressed, pleasantly dishevelled, with a lithe prettiness which is miles from made-up glamour.
Without the central tragedy of her life, would you give her a second glance in the street? If you did, you'd probably think in passing: 'She looks nice.'
Yet Kate McCann this week told her mother that she believes she has been persecuted because of the way she looks. That she has been portrayed as a bad parent because she is slim, and doesn't look like a comfortably rounded hausfrau cutting cookies with one hand while a baby is glued to her ample bosom.
Apparently she said: 'If I weighed another two stone, had a bigger bosom and looked more maternal, people would be more sympathetic.'
Can this be true? We live in the Yummy Mummy era, when glamour and mumsiness are allowed to stroll hand-in-hand down the high street, and countless columnists have called into question the old stereotypes of capable 'Fifties, pinnyclad motherhood'.
Hence the 'slummy mummy' who muddles along, makes mistakes and knows a dash of lipstick will make her feel better.
And for most of us, it's all just fine. We live in a tolerant age when we don't demand conformity to the stereotypes any more.
But perhaps - given Mrs McCann's comments this week - some of us do.
Certainly it's very hard to untangle the issue of looks and behaviour, since what we are like is partly expressed in how we look.
We have to analyse Kate McCann's heartfelt outburst in relation first to her experience in Portugal, and then to how it's been for her since she returned home.

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