kcic @ Jimmy's Hill v sheff u - provisional ideas (1 Viewer)


Sisu are probably wetting themselves at this thread.
Watch us sell it out, stuff Sheffield and have a good crowd the following week.

The same as they are planning to come back to coventry because somebody drew a picture of the muppets and put their names by it?

The walk out would get talked about


Well-Known Member
Sisu are probably wetting themselves at this thread.
Watch us sell it out, stuff Sheffield and have a good crowd the following week.
they were probably wetting themselves watching the teddy bears picnic the other week, so I'm sure their jaws must be aching by now.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
they were probably wetting themselves watching the teddy bears picnic the other week, so I'm sure their jaws must be aching by now.

Yeah, I'm sure they are loving the fact that 200 people managed to watch for free.
Along with more press against them.


Well-Known Member
Sisu are probably wetting themselves at this thread.
Watch us sell it out, stuff Sheffield and have a good crowd the following week.

exactly pusbccfc


Yeah, I'm sure they are loving the fact that 200 people managed to watch for free.
Along with more press against them.

Surely if they hated it that much they would get a screen put up to stop it?

Let's face it, is the press of people standing on a hill protesting going to make them move back?

Where is the press? There might well be press but it isn't in the lime light enough to be in peoples faces.

If thousands of fans thought the hill stuff would work, they would be there. That's why ALL fans should get something sorted.


Well-Known Member
As someone who attends Sixfields your jolly japes of walking out will NOT be welcomed - arrogant that you feel you can just turn up and do what you like after ignoring the place so far this season. As was proved with SISU out protests at the Ricoh the team were noticibly affected and you should take note of that.

Lark about on the hill all you like if it makes you fell better but dont you dare mess with the emotions and performance of a team doing so well. Pay for a ticket, come in and bloody well support the team for 90 minutes if you do. Otherwise dont bother.


New Member
Surely if they hated it that much they would get a screen put up to stop it?

Let's face it, is the press of people standing on a hill protesting going to make them move back?

Where is the press? There might well be press but it isn't in the lime light enough to be in peoples faces.

If thousands of fans thought the hill stuff would work, they would be there. That's why ALL fans should get something sorted.

The hill is public land and nothing to do with NTFC from what I understand. It's the councils responsibility.


Well-Known Member
But presumably they could put a high fence on the wall of the ground if they wanted to?

And what are the Trust concentrating on at the moment?

The hill is public land and nothing to do with NTFC from what I understand. It's the councils responsibility.


Well-Known Member
As someone who attends Sixfields your jolly japes of walking out will NOT be welcomed - arrogant that you feel you can just turn up and do what you like after ignoring the place so far this season. As was proved with SISU out protests at the Ricoh the team were noticibly affected and you should take note of that.

Lark about on the hill all you like if it makes you fell better but dont you dare mess with the emotions and performance of a team doing so well. Pay for a ticket, come in and bloody well support the team for 90 minutes if you do. Otherwise dont bother.

Nobody is organised enough to spoil your day ut at the footie, so don't fret too much! You'll be alright Jack


Well-Known Member
Probably wouldn't go in, you'd never get more than 1000 walking out.

So you wouldnt back a trust led event?

I think you may be confused, you are calling out for the trust to orgainse something, Ive offered a hyperthetical situation of the trust organising something and youre saying you wouldnt follow their lead.

Your attitude stinks of "Its my ball, and Im taking it and going home if we dont do things my way."

Its quite clear that there is a divide and without the trust that divide will never come together in time for this high profile opportunity.

In the meantime I believe the strongest message we can send to SISU is by taking 4000 to Vale on Saturday followed by 1400 at Stevenage, then 2 sell outs at Wolves and Walsall.


Well-Known Member
Nobody is organised enough to spoil your day ut at the footie, so don't fret too much! You'll be alright Jack

Not me Im worried about pal - its the effect on the team and the sheer misguided pointlessness of it. Thanks for your concern though


Well-Known Member
It would be difficult to gauge if it would help. It's about clear and concise communicatoin both pre and immediate post event about what the key aim is of any prest (or series of linked protests). This is where I feel the "Hill" protest at the Colchester game did achieve as the comms on what it was about re awareness raising as the key aim were clear (clear enough for me to follow, and therefore attend). However, the chance to move this up a gear has been diluted somewhat through lack of coordination. I shall attend the Sheff Utd "Hill" event, as the organiser has done what he can. Unfortunatley, the Trust (who are the obvious vehicle to ramp up protest) have missed a golden opportunity to draw together a clear comms plan. Hence all the squabbling (guilty of this myself - need some leadership). I would be likely to involve myself in anything that is peaceful, legal and firstly and foremost, well organised.


New Member
Fireworks going off from the hill all game ? Big rockets going off above the ground hard to ignore . Just a thought .
Loud , colourful enough ?


Well-Known Member
AndreasB - Have you ever in your entire life stood up to anything you didnt agree with!!! Its not always about the here and now and how yours or the palyers perfect day in Northampton might get spoilt!! Honestly, some of our fans are a joke. If I was as apathetic as you seem to be in respect of the off field problems I would go and watch Liverpool or Man U. Why watch football at a L1 level club if the future of our club means so little to you....pffffffff!!!


Well-Known Member
Out of interest Andreas; do you have any concerns at all about the off the field issues?

course I do - and I blame SISU about 60% and ACL/Council about 40%.....I would much rather watch the team in Coventry, but stupid stunts at Sixfields get us nowhere.


Well-Known Member
Chinese Lanterns are the easiest

both are totally pointless with regards any actual protest though aren't they?

what message does that convey to the viewing public?

fuck all...that's what.

A random bloke watching on Sky in Ipswich or Birkenhead or Carlisle will not even register that it is a protest.....it'll just look like a few kids stood on a hill letting of fireworks....wow. :sleep:

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
Has anyone come up with an idea that the majority have liked?

We deserve exactly what we are going to end up getting, fuck all. There are a few here with ego problems who seem to be poo pooing any half decent ideas because they didn't come up with them in the first place, there are others who just come here to spout shit and then there are the deranged who shouldn't be given access to bandwidth.

Unless we can come up with one idea the vast majority can agree on, we might as well stand on Jimmy's Hill in a gale force wind and piss straight into it.


Well-Known Member
AndreasB - Have you ever in your entire life stood up to anything you didnt agree with!!! Its not always about the here and now and how yours or the palyers perfect day in Northampton might get spoilt!! Honestly, some of our fans are a joke. If I was as apathetic as you seem to be in respect of the off field problems I would go and watch Liverpool or Man U. Why watch football at a L1 level club if the future of our club means so little to you....pffffffff!!!

I would be more receptive to being lectured if I really was "apathetic" It costs me a fair bit of money and time to support my team at Northampton. I chose to do so as I believed the way protests were being run by the Trust,NOPM,KCIC were totally misguided and pointless and that shouldnt stop me from supporting the team.
The REAL apathetic ones are the 5000 or so who couldnt be arsed to go to Cov games (except the bloody £5 JPT with a sniff of Wembley) once we were relegated. they are the root cause of our issues (hope thats not you). You criticize me for going to support Coventry and then challenge me as to why I dont go to Manchester United!!!! It comes to something when "joke" fans are ones who spend money going to games.


Well-Known Member
I would seriously consider driving up from Dorset to attend a mass walkout, even though I vowed never to go into Sixfields. I honestly believe that any protest at the Sheff Utd game has to be inside the stadium. It would be too easy for Sky to ignore anything going on outside, but a protest in the stadium, if done in the right place would be on the peoples TV screens all the time.


Well-Known Member
I would seriously consider driving up from Dorset to attend a mass walkout, even though I vowed never to go into Sixfields. I honestly believe that any protest at the Sheff Utd game has to be inside the stadium. It would be too easy for Sky to ignore anything going on outside, but a protest in the stadium, if done in the right place would be on the peoples TV screens all the time.

You need to be really careful about doing this. Once inside Sixfields, the evil SISU put a mind altering spell on you making you a TRUE SISU believer and you may find yourself not walking out but doing mental things like CHEERING the team and CLAPPING when they score. This can only be avoided by standing on a hill with a bedsheet that has really badly drawn characters from the Muppet show on it.


Well-Known Member
I go to Sixfields because I do not believe NOPM will make any difference to CCFC returning home but I am glad that the supporters are on the hill every game because it gets more attention than doing nothing.

I went to the legends game and will join whatever protest is organised for the Sheffield game, whether inside or out, because it is important to make a stand and get media attention. I actually liked the tennis ball idea with KCIC written on them, thrown onto the pitch before kick off, enough to delay the game for a short time without hopefully putting off the players.

I guess that most who do go in will do so regardless, would it be possible to give everyone going in sky blue ribbons to wave. That is a clear KCIC message which should be supported by all whever they feel the blame lies.


Well-Known Member
Andreas - I really don't think that the fans are the root cause of our problems. That is just a bizarre thing to state. You say that Sisu and ACL are 60/40 to blame, and then move on to watch th game at a blink of an eye - at least that is th impressoin that you give. at same time you feel it is appropriate to criticise (or inslut in some statements) those that don't attend or feel the need to protest.

Just for info,my view is that I don't think that an on pitch protest or walk would do a great deal to put our plight across in a postive way. Why not come on the hill for a discusion in with fans before going in to the Sheff Utd game - not to try and persuade you about attending, but share views and gain an appreciation of what the protests are actually trying to achieve (primarily to raise awareness through the media).


Well-Known Member
You need to be really careful about doing this. Once inside Sixfields, the evil SISU put a mind altering spell on you making you a TRUE SISU believer and you may find yourself not walking out but doing mental things like CHEERING the team and CLAPPING when they score. This can only be avoided by standing on a hill with a bedsheet that has really badly drawn characters from the Muppet show on it.
I'd wrap my head in tinfoil, then the mind altering spell wouldn't get through to me. I have no problem with cheering and clapping the team, so in that regard, the mind altering spell wouldn't be needed. There is nothing that the spivs of Sisu could do that would make me a Sisu believer.


Well-Known Member
Andreas - I really don't think that the fans are the root cause of our problems. That is just a bizarre thing to state. You say that Sisu and ACL are 60/40 to blame, and then move on to watch th game at a blink of an eye - at least that is th impressoin that you give. at same time you feel it is appropriate to criticise (or inslut in some statements) those that don't attend or feel the need to protest.

Just for info,my view is that I don't think that an on pitch protest or walk would do a great deal to put our plight across in a postive way. Why not come on the hill for a discusion in with fans before going in to the Sheff Utd game - not to try and persuade you about attending, but share views and gain an appreciation of what the protests are actually trying to achieve (primarily to raise awareness through the media).

I think I am fully aware as to why you stand on the hill(for the first half only) - it has no effect and is largely ignored - sorry but thats a fact.I have made my choice and can sleep at night and feel I am morally justified for doing so - despite this board making me feel like a traitorous second class citizen. Why dont YOU come into sixfields and watch the game instead? Oh I forgot, you do at halftime, for free.Well at least you are consistent with NOPM. Now a well planned protest outside the Council house...Im up for that if you are laying on free buses...hello? hello?


Well-Known Member
i'm sure if you ask Mr fisher when he walks around at half time they will gladly pay for that bus for you after all they have arranged cheap travel to sixfields for everyone
I think I am fully aware as to why you stand on the hill

hello Hello!!

(for the first half only) - it has no effect and is largely ignored - sorry but thats a fact.I have made my choice and can sleep at night and feel I am morally justified for doing so - despite this board making me feel like a traitorous second class citizen. Why dont YOU come into sixfields and watch the game instead? Oh I forgot, you do at halftime, for free.Well at least you are consistent with NOPM. Now a well planned protest outside the Council house...Im up for that if you are laying on free buses...hello? hello?

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