They haven't taken down any of the window dressing for the club shop I notice. If we don't arrange a return to the Ricoh I wonder what they'll do with that space.
They haven't taken down any of the window dressing for the club shop I notice. If we don't arrange a return to the Ricoh I wonder what they'll do with that space.
They haven't taken down any of the window dressing for the club shop I notice. If we don't arrange a return to the Ricoh I wonder what they'll do with that space.
I was there Saturday and you can see how committed the Trust lads are.
Hats off to Moz, Cj and co for their hardwork.
The thing is, the trust are thinking of new ideas without crossing the boundary. Someone mentioned Brazil.. I'm not sure us trashing up the Ricoh or Coventry city centre would keep us in Coventry.
If you have a better protest idea, why not tell the trust?
The people on here sitting around doing nothing and giving the trust stick are the reason there isn't larger numbers at these protests.
I was there Saturday and you can see how committed the Trust lads are.
Hats off to Moz, Cj and co for their hardwork.
Crossing the boundary? What's plain Mockery and childness then? No perhaps not throwing things at Windows and what not might not work but neither will be stood of an empty 32000 seater stadium with every one taking the piss out of the current owners have said/done and our current situation, if I was Fisher/Appleton then there's your reason why they won't talk to SBT.
I will happily speak to anyone from the trust at any time, I am still awaiting someone from the Trust on this forum to answer the question "Why that way?" and the reason I ask this question pusbccfc is because that mockery maybe more detremental than good.
Yeah hats off to Moz, CJ and the rest of them for making a mockery out of our situation.. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
Nope, fair play for getting the protest together. It is just the dodgy stickers that look a bit
I think a protest idea would be to all go to a Nuneaton game instead of a city game, just the one rather than the NOPM stuff but you would get media attention from the empty home end and media attention from the large Nuneaton attendance.
Nuneaton could be changed to any other local team...
Nope, fair play for getting the protest together. It is just the dodgy stickers that look a bit
I think a protest idea would be to all go to a Nuneaton game instead of a city game, just the one rather than the NOPM stuff but you would get media attention from the empty home end and media attention from the large Nuneaton attendance.
Nuneaton could be changed to any other local team...
I woud emplore anyone from the Sky Blues Trust to tell me who gave birth to this bright idea or even as to the reasons as to why??
Cannot agree, I thought it was a great tounge in cheek idea.
Do not mind people knocking ideas but why not give them some better ideas, or better still get off your arse and do something yourself? Am sure the Trust would show support for any decent ideas.
I think it would need to be done properly, 1 game would be enough. Imagine 4-5k turning up to a local non league game and then an empty home end at the City game?
It wouldn't need words or catchy slogans, just an image of each ground side by side...
Nope, fair play for getting the protest together. It is just the dodgy stickers that look a bit![]()
It looks like it was a good turn out and got media attention so fair play but it might just be my sense of humour but these are a bit cringeworthy.
Think it's just you, mate! I was literally lolling out loud when I read them! Love it!!! LOL!
Cannot agree, I thought it was a great tounge in cheek idea.
Do not mind people knocking ideas but why not give them some better ideas, or better still get off your arse and do something yourself? Am sure the Trust would show support for any decent ideas.
SBT = embarrassing , whoever it was at Glastonbury with the Sisu out flag has achieved more coverage than this bunch of cow boys.well done that person.
I am E-Mailing the trust with a complaint and ideas as we speak I shall post it on here when it is done.
'Do something yourself' is a weak response to criticism.
And while I'm here, so is 'at least I'm doing something'
Correct you are:jerkit:
Not being funny, but when members like you reply it gives a bad picture as the responses are thoughtless and generally pointless. At least when Jan or Steve come on and reply to the points they do make sense![]()
but you dont believe in the Trust because if you did you would have joined.
Great youre not signed up to the Trust you slag them off at every opportunity you think that the protest was a joke. Our plight got media coverage again and it will continue to. You dont want to join them and yet you are sending them YOUR ideas but you dont believe in the Trust because if you did you would have joined.
My E-Mail to the Sky Blue Trust:
(Sorry if I waffle on)
Hi Jan,
This morning I was reading an article on the Coventry Telegraph website and the Sky Blues Talk fans forum regarding a protest which was supported by the Sky Blue Trust, which I have found to be appalling and embarrassing with regards to the fans of Coventry City Football Club, which took place on Saturday 27/6/13.
There were many pictures on the Coventry Telegraph website which you may or may not have seen that arecompletely inappropriate, infantile and shameful. One picture includes a number of embarrassing messages aimed at Coventry City FC’s owners the Mayfair owned Hedge fund SISU, operated by Tim Fisher and Joy Seppala and Coventry City FC Administrator Paul Appleton who is employed by David Rubin & Partners LLP.A good number of these messages are unfounded, demoralising and exaggerated“opinions” of the truth, which are frankly astonishing. It is common knowledgeat this moment in time that all Coventry City fans feel ashamed, disgusted,confused and angry with the current shenanigans that are happening daily at the club, that have been caused by numerous parties. However the Sky Blue Trust has not acted in very good faith and may jeopardise any relationship that was heldwith the club’s owners SISU. I am in full support of any protest that may take plac efor the good of the club, but Saturday’s protest except from the points I have already highlighted have also fallen over deaf ears with no one from SISU being at the Ricoh Arena and tarnishing the arena itself.
I have kept an eye on recent events of protest that the Sky Blue Trust has participated in, in London at SISU’s offices and Coventry City’s Ryton Training ground. The point of aprotest is to show disapproval to events or actions taken by a party. Although this protest may have captured the attentions of the BBC, Sky Sports, Coventry Telegraph and other sources of the media, it will fall on deaf ears to SISU,who have already stated their intentions to bring the company named Coventry City Football Club Limited (CCFCLtd) out of Administration after they were recommended as the preferred bidder by Administrator Paul Appleton, whom at any point had his reliability regarding his professionalism came into questions then this would have been brought in front of the court.
As a Coventry City fan I would like to question the Sky Blue Trust with regards to how they are going to continue from this point on wards in a dignified manner and obtaining answers for all Coventry City supporters? In my opinion the supporters do not have all the facts to the key issues at the club and whereas currently it is very easy to point the finger, some of the suggestions from Tim Fisher and SISU recently including the proposed new Stadia would be very beneficial to the club. Of course we will await to see the results of the Directors Test conducted by the Football League to see whether Otium Entertainment Ltd will be declared and Fit and Proper Test, but this E-Mail is not intended as a rant this is intended as a gentle reminder to the Sky Blue Trust to ensure that they act dignified and with the up most integrity for the fans of Coventry City FC.
Many Thanks
Not every opportunity just this one! It was a joke.
Oh well good we got Media coverage!!! So now we look like a laughing stock nationally yet SISU are no near to feckin off.
:claping hands::claping hands::claping hands::claping hands:Thank you SBT
Not being funny, but when members like you reply it gives a bad picture as the responses are thoughtless and generally pointless. At least when Jan or Steve come on and reply to the points they do make sense![]()
You were doing quite well until you got to the bit about SISU's "new stadium". At that point you lost all credibility just like SISU have.
Not being funny, but when members like you reply it gives a bad picture as the responses are thoughtless and generally pointless. At least when Jan or Steve come on and reply to the points they do make sense![]()
:claping hands::claping hands::claping hands::claping hands::claping hands::claping hands::claping hands::claping hands::claping hands:.It's a shame he's not Broken Fingered Sky Blue - then he wouldn't be able to type*! LOL!!!
(*Please be advised that I am in no way advocating the breaking of Broken Hearted Sky Blue's fingers. It was merely a joke on a CCFC football messageboard!)
See you only answered what you wanted to answer as usual
This guy andf a few others annoyed me hence the response. Jan and Steve are on the board of the Trust Im not and until tonight not even a member thats if thy will have me back. So my responses even after tonight are my personal responses nothing to do with the Trust. In other words as a fan, if my comments stop people joining the Trust just add it to the vast number of excuses people already have.