Ken Barlow Arrested (1 Viewer)


Latest on the hit list for rape in 1968.

I wonder how many people are just trying to cash in now. I mean that was 45 years ago!


Well-Known Member
the street will be completely empty at this rate :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:


Well-Known Member
Latest on the hit list for rape in 1968.

I wonder how many people are just trying to cash in now. I mean that was 45 years ago!
Rape is rape pal, it is a hell on earth ordeal, doesn't matter if it is 45 years or 45 minutes ago, funny all these celebs getting nicked all protesting they are innocent. Can't get me i'm a star syndrome. I hope they prove it and lock him and others up, lets see how they get on eating and sleeping, by their toilet.

Joy Division

Well-Known Member
Rape is rape pal, it is a hell on earth ordeal, doesn't matter if it is 45 years or 45 minutes ago, funny all these celebs getting nicked all protesting they are innocent. Can't get me i'm a star syndrome. I hope they prove it and lock him and others up, lets see how they get on eating and sleeping, by their toilet.

Maybe he is innocent?


Rape is rape pal, it is a hell on earth ordeal, doesn't matter if it is 45 years or 45 minutes ago, funny all these celebs getting nicked all protesting they are innocent. Can't get me i'm a star syndrome. I hope they prove it and lock him and others up, lets see how they get on eating and sleeping, by their toilet.

I am not excusing it I just mean how many of the people making the claims are actually telling the truth and how many are just jumping on the bandwagon for a couple of grand from the sun?

I can't say if he did it or not but it just seems a bit dodgy how all of these other people are suddenly being uncovered after so many years unless the police went doing their jobs properly!


Well-Known Member
Get what Nick is saying.

I thought the same. Rape is a most heinous crime of course, but just wondering how you can prove it 45 years later? There surely cannot be any DNA or forsenic evidence and after so long you do have to question as to why now.

If he is innocent then surely his reputation is still tarnished anyway.

Can only assume there are witnesses here. Otherwise, how on earth do they have a case?
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New Member
Latest on the hit list for rape in 1968.

I wonder how many people are just trying to cash in now. I mean that was 45 years ago!

Valid question. But it shouldn't detract from the nature of any allegations until investigated I would hope.


Another member of the public with his reputation shattered on what could still be a false accusation. Don't get me wrong, I feel awful for those that have had this happen to them and I wish them all the best, but the people that are being put in frame should not be publicly named in till they are actually being charged and sent to prison etc. Regardless if they are innocents, he like many others that have been accused, now have to live with this claim for the rest of his life.


Well-Known Member
Another member of the public with his reputation shattered on what could still be a false accusation. Don't get me wrong, I feel awful for those that have had this happen to them and I wish them all the best, but the people that are being put in frame should not be publicly named in till they are actually being charged and sent to prison etc. Regardless if they are innocents, he like many others that have been accused, now have to live with this claim for the rest of his life.

Totally agree, the law in this country is wrong when dealing with ACCUSATIONS of this nature . If it turns out to be a false accusation is the other party going to be named ?, no would be the answer.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry too much abiout him, if he is found not guilty i'm sure he will make a nice wedge telling his side to the papers.


Well-Known Member
they have their fair share,remember Len fairclough and the swimming pool affair.

The thing here is the passing of time ,no evidence only verbatim statements ,how do you prove one like this ,all I can think is the complainant was Ignored way back nearer to when this allegedly happened.He is a bit of a devil though his current beau is around half his age .


New Member
He split up with Emma Jesson about 6 weeks ago. Did they know what was coming?

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
The anagram of Ken Barlow is Law Broken:eek:

I've just been told a mate was looking at what he thought was the sex offenders list. Turns out it was the cast list from Corrie!:facepalm:

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
Here's a link that has some interesting comment. Seems guaranteed compensation cheques are a huge driving factor with almost no evidence required for conviction. Stuart Hall seems to have recognised that and just pleaded guilty so he can get past the nightmare and move on. The whole thing seems disgraceful. So he kissed a little girl on the lips...easily done with eager parents looking for uncle 'I'm a celebrity' Stuart Hall having a laugh among the crowd with the little girl having a hug and a peck with her star for the camera. Not saying that's what happened but you get the picture...

Flying Fokker

Well-Known Member
He split up with Emma Jesson about 6 weeks ago. Did they know what was coming?

Maybe it was what was not coming?

How on earth a 44 year old woman was a lover of an 81 year old I do not know. And yes, I thought they knew it was on the way.

henry the wasp

Well-Known Member
Here's a link that has some interesting comment. Seems guaranteed compensation cheques are a huge driving factor with almost no evidence required for conviction. Stuart Hall seems to have recognised that and just pleaded guilty so he can get past the nightmare and move on. The whole thing seems disgraceful. So he kissed a little girl on the lips...easily done with eager parents looking for uncle 'I'm a celebrity' Stuart Hall having a laugh among the crowd with the little girl having a hug and a peck with her star for the camera. Not saying that's what happened but you get the picture...

How does he explain putting his hand up a 9 year old girls skirt and molesting her? I'm not saying thats whats happened but.... oh, hold on. Thats exactly what i'm saying has happened because he admitted it. A number of women who were unknown to each other, went to the police with strikingly similar stories. Someone who worked with him has come forward and said he was a sex pest.
I would'nt give a fuck how much money it would cost. If i had'nt done it, i would'nt be admitting to doing it.

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
henry the wasp. I understand that too. Not saying one way or the other but you can't believe what the police say or the prosecutors I'm afraid. I know because I've suffered that scenario in the past - not in a case like these but licencing cases where the police have out an out lied in the high court. Fortunately for me my barrister was too good for them and proved they lied. You can't go on newspapers either or any media coverage to tell it correctly.
If you read the article in the link you can see why he would plead guilty, pointless defending it.

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