Ken Deluded (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Ken Dulieu - Chairman (age 64)
After a career with the police force, Ken Dulieu was appointed, inter alia, security adviser to divisions of Allied Breweries plc and Whitbread plc. In 1983, he founded K & J Dulieu Limited (trading as Capitol Consultants), later renamed Capitol Group plc in 1994 on its admission to the Official List. He was Chief Executive of the Company until its sale to Carlisle Holdings plc for £23.5 million in 1998. He became executive Chairman of Capcon Holdings plc on its admission to AIM.
Capcon Holdings plc has been providing discreet risk management services for over 40 years. These include investigation of commercial and insurance fraud, employment screening, money laundering investigations, due diligence, risk assessment, contingency planning, crisis management, research and intelligence gathering, stocktaking and audit services.

Employing 80 full-time staff, the Capcon group consults to blue chip companies and provides a comprehensive range of services to protect all aspects of our clients' business.

Capcon is the only listed company of its type. Whilst most private investigation companies are unregulated, Capcon has opted for the regulation, corporate governance and compliance of a listed stock exchange.


Well-Known Member

spot the odd one out

Jack Griffin

Mmmmmm.. they would all benefitl from a to diet, especially the fat puppet Clarke.


Yes why would we trust the former vc of Barclays and gov't appoint chairman of Northern Rock, Gary Hoffman over the man with a tan?

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