Lack of gratitude? (3 Viewers)


Facebook User
Why the issue in discussing it? Is there a law where we cant chat amongst ourselves, it's a democratic forum if you don't like the subject don't input....easy really.


CCFC Finance Director
because thats what you do on a forum ......... express an opinion on anything you choose to? Dont have a problem him expressing his opinion what i dont like is deriding or belttling others because they have a different one or want to express that opinion.

Just my opinion


New Member
Okay you are right I am convinced by your arguemnt.

Let's not talk about anything any more unless its the most serious of issues surrounding the club.

Sky Blue Sheepy

New Member
Tbf I think it's a nice change from the usual stuff on here lately!
Back on topic: When I left my old job to move to my current one, I did thank the people I was with, I enjoyed working with them and learnt a lot from them so why wouldn't I? Gunnar has learnt a lot from us and got his break into English football, Westy has now gone to a Prem club and was well like by most fans and King was adored and defended by us despite huge criticism from everyone else so I wouldn't have minded a "thank you" from any of them. Players like Kevin Kyle (however bad he was) I will admit had little to be nice to us about, but then he hardly gave us much to be nice about so fair enough there.


New Member
:D nah It really isnt that important Rob - if he thinks he won I am really not bothered, I think I have done enough to prove I am not an entirely witless Sky Blue fan :D though I admit to having some moments - I bought a season ticket after all and keep going back season after season for punishment :whistle:

To be fair I didn't think I'd won anything, I was making a point as opposed to point scoring.

I don't understand why supporters feel players who have left should offer thanks, I clarified it by mentioning the quickness in which our supporters can turn on a player if he has a bad game or two.
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Let's keep the debate about player loyalty on topic....

I can see why people go, if I got offered double to go to a new job I would be off like a shot :)

Footballers are in the spot light, like the celebs it is part of their job nowadays. A thanks to the fans wouldn't go a miss though, especially from King. I think he did say the fans were amazing to him but nothing after he signed for the Blues.


New Member
Look at it from the point of view of the players individually, then ask yourself whether you would be saying thanks?

Westwood; I would imagine he'll get a warm reception should he ever come back to the Ricoh in opposition. But, although he was a great keeper for us, he still had a few who couldn't wait to get on his back once it became apparent he wasn't going to sign a new contract.

Gunarsson; similarly to Westwood, he was hero worshipped during his 1st season, but once his 2nd and 3rd weren't quite up to the same standards, some of the fans turned and didn't need much excuse to get on his back.

King is a different case altogether. There was quite rightly some opposition to his signing, but I think he won most people round with his performance on the field. But unlike the other two he really is in a no win situation. If he says nothing he'll be slated, and if he offered some thanks he'll be slated and accused of being patronising and condescending. Damned if he does, damned if he don't.

Westwood and Gunarsson have probably thought it best to say nothing due to having a minority of fans turn on them before. Once again, a minority of big mouths who want to get themselves noticed, ruining it for the silent majority.


New Member
But football supporters being the way they can be at times, they'd possibly see this new player signing for their club talking about his old supporters glowingly, and before he's even played a game he's got a few questioning his commitment.


All the players just kept their heads down and moved on. I would rather they did that than going and saying shit about the club.. like a certain Mr Bellamy.


New Member
Its nice that as Cov fans, whatever our differences are we are all united in our hate for Craig Bellendamy! :)

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