Latest: Fisher says 'no chance' of CCFC playing at Ricoh (2 Viewers)



What would be ideal would be to set up Coventry City AFC now, get Haskell IV to financially back us, and let SISU reap what they've sewn. Get us in the Ricoh Arena and all get behind our non-league team! Build it from the bottom with strong roots and do everything right.

Fancy it? Shouldn't be too hard just a couple of hours a week each devoted to it :p


Well-Known Member
Since SISU have to put their plans before the FLeague soon we all need to write or email the FLeague to make them aware that the plan should be rejected and the golden share confiscated.
Plus, we will not attend home matches outside Coventry except to form picket lines/protests. The FL might be influenced by the prospect of a public order issue where a few thousand protesters are outside a ground during a match. Think of the police bill SISU would have to fund.
I have done so already.

Can you post a template on here of what you wrote? I'm sure many on here would like to email the league but would be unsure of what to say.


How many MORE times - the Ricoh CAN AND WILL survive if the football team leave! It may well not survive as a sporting venue, and changing the stadium to a pure exhibition centre would cost a bit, but when you consider the NEC charges £150 m2 and there is over 7,000 m2 floor space on the pitch alone, any costs would be recouped in short order.

It is an absolute myth the ricoh cannot survive without the team! ACL know this, the council know this, and most definitely Sisu know this, which is why they are so desperate to obtain the ricoh and not bothered about the team.

For someone claiming to have the inside track, you don't seem to know that much at all!


New Member
SISU really know how to pick their people don't they....

Leonard Brody and his "text a sub" idea.....
Onye Igwe and his "diet for Sky Blue Sam" initiative....
Ken Deluded and his "I'll be Thorny's right hand man" plan....

And now we have Tim Fisher and his "arena of dreams" (no doubt with the tag line "If I build it, they will come....")

These clowns have turned out to be everything I feared they would be. On the night of the shareholders meeting where SISU strong armed us to hand over shares for nothing, it was obvious they had no plan for the club (and lest we forget it was the well meaning, but rather naive Hoffman and Elliot that brought them in). As I recall, the argument was "it's either SISU or administration". Anyone else think the other option might have been preferable?

How any could even imagine supporting this lot after the catalogue of disasters we've seen during their tenure is beyond me. They've turned our club into a laughing stock through their ineptitude on and off the pitch.

Now please Tim, go off into the sunset with your dog, Joy, Labovitch and Waggott, and give us some hope of rebuilding this club afresh, hopefully with some people who give a damn.

Deleted member 5849

When you joined this board you said you'd had a phone call from a "Journalist friend" who revealed 'facts' which painted ACL/CCC in a poor light. Now it's your "journalist boyfriend" who is feeding you these 'facts'. If you're going to come on a messageboard proclaiming you have an 'inside track' and proceed to then try and portray SISU as the injured party here, then at least get your story straight! Why doesn't your boyfriend/friend just get this story published instead of getting you to leak it on a fans forum? I smell something here...and it's either a rat or it's BS.

Boyfriends can be friends too:)


Well-Known Member
Civil disobedience to keep public attention + cost the club money for policing + not a penny to SISU buying tickets or merchandise.
This is all we fans can do.
Yesterday TF drew a line in the sand as far as I'm concerned. Everyone should join the Sky blue trust now.
Let's be clear, the gloves are off and we fans have to fight (peaceful methods) for our club. If the club dies as a result we start a Phoenix club. If SISU realise our determination they cannot win.

James Smith

Well-Known Member
then express some facts ............. so far what you have expressed is opinion stated as fact. Glad you have a healthy family life so do I but the relevance of that to this is? Believe me I know what is going on, no I do not like and am very far from foolish. What I do not know is what will happen at the Ricoh or the Club in the future

I think Grendel has posted more facts, he posted a source to back up one of the things he said in a post aimed at me.

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Leicester fan in peace.

I really feel for you guys, to be honest, and I hope if this i true that you manage to get yourself a new home in the city or as close is acceptable to your supporters. Coventry is a club with a proud history and not too dissimilar to that of my own; although of course you lot have something in the trophy cabinet we all crave twenty miles up the road. I work in Coventry (about ten minutes walk from the Ricoh in fact) and studied there for four years so feel an affinity with the place. The club is part of the local fabric and can't be allowed to die. If the current incarnation goes down then something must rise in its place, run by the supporters preferably.

There are idiots on this side of the fence who take pleasure in your plight. Most real football supporters don't though. If my city's industry had been decimated and my football club's ownership had been as incompetent as yours then we'd be in the same position as you. It only takes the wrong set of circumstances to conspire. Anyway, I don't mean to rub anything in; just to offer a bit of meaningless support, really. I hope it all works out for you. Good luck.

Thanks Fox in the snow just shows there are decent people in the football family. This is what its about I hate you when we play you but later its forgotten. This has a long way to run:wave:


Well-Known Member
Civil disobedience to keep public attention + cost the club money for policing + not a penny to SISU buying tickets or merchandise.
This is all we fans can do.
Yesterday TF drew a line in the sand as far as I'm concerned. Everyone should join the Sky blue trust now.
Let's be clear, the gloves are off and we fans have to fight (peaceful methods) for our club. If the club dies as a result we start a Phoenix club. If SISU realise our determination they cannot win.

I'm in! Where do I sign? Which way to the trenches? FRRREEEEEEEEDOOOOOOM!!!!!!


New Member
SISU think they call the shots because that's how they operate and want/need people to believe they do so that they will give in to them. In reality they aren't in as strong a position as they think they are but will fight to the bitter end, they have a 'no surrender' attitude and basically fight a war of attrition challenging people to show they have the will for the fight.

It will come down to how much Coventry fans are determined to bring about change. It might not seem like you have any power in this situation and things are just happening to you while you sit and watch, but if you act as one and in numbers you can exert a lot of influence on those that do hold the power in making decisions. The question is do Cov fans have the balls for it, to fight it all the way and not give in?

Ultimately it is the FL that decide who plays in the league, legal ownership of the various companies is one thing but who plays in the league, representing Coventry in Coventry, whether called CCFC or CCFC 2013, Sky Blues BC or any other name will come down to them. The more pressure you bring to bare on them the less likely it will be SISU. The question is what is Coventry City, is it a stadium, well they change, is it a team or manager, well they change as well. I would argue that Coventry City is a team that plays in Coventry, representing and supported by the people of Coventry. If someone buys Ltd, has things in place to play and the league grant the g.share back to Ltd, then it will be Coventry City. What assets/contracts sit in any of the other companies are just that assets and contracts of some company.

As far as history is concerned where does that history exist? In the hearts minds and memories of you fans, you carry it with you it doesn't sit as some asset on a balance sheet in a company to be bought and sold. The club is the fans and that is something that most hard nosed business people don't understand because it's about football not balance sheets.

SISU are only in control of a company and assets, you and the Football League and FA control the destiny of your club... but only if you are up for the fight.
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James Smith

Well-Known Member
I can see this on Dragons Den with them first asking Tim how he arrived at the valuation of the business.
Then Theo says why should I give you £30 let alone £30m of my kids inheritance to build another stadium in Coventry when there's a perfectly good one there?
How much have you invested in the business so far?
£69m. [shocked gasps]
And was this just you running this?
No there's another investor called Joy.
Can we meet Joy?
Erm well no you see the thing is........

I'm Out!


New Member
We go to the Coventry to liberate our club not to conquer. We will not fly our flags in their new stadium. We are entering Coventry to free a people and the only flag which will be flown in that ancient land is Sky Blue. Show respect for that.
There are some who are CCFC at this moment who will not be CCFC shortly. Those who do not wish to go on that journey, we will not send. As for the others I expect you to rock their world. Wipe them out if that is what they choose. But if you are ferocious in battle remember to be magnanimous in victory.
Coventry is steeped in history. It is the site of the Lady Godiva,reborn Cathedral and the Ricoh. Tread lightly there. You will see things that no man could pay to see and you will have to go NOT VERY FAR find a more decent, generous and upright people than the owners of CCFC. You will be embarrassed by their POSTURING even though they have nothing. Don't treat them as EQUALS for they are SCUMBAGS in their dealings. Their children will be poor, in years to come they will know that the fall from grace in their lives was brought by you.
If there are casualties of war then remember that when they woke up and got dressed in the morning they did not plan to leve CCFC this day. Allow them dignity in the death. of their name. Bury their name properly and mark their grave.
It is my foremost intention to bring every single one of you out alive but there may be people among us who will not see the end of this campaign. We will put them in their CCFC kit and send them back. There will be no time for sorrow.
The enemy should be in no doubt that we are his nemesis and that we are bringing about his rightful destruction. There are many regional commanders who have stains on their souls and they are stoking the fires of hell for SISU. She and her forces will be destroyed by this coalition for what they have done. As their name dies they will know their deeds have brought them to this place. Show them no pity.
It is a big step to take another company life. It is not to be done lightly. I know of men who have taken company life needlessly in other conflicts, I can assure you they live with the Mark of Cain upon them. If someone surrenders to you then remember they have that right in international law and ensure that one day they go home to their family.
The ones who wish to fight, well, we aim to please.
If you harm CCFC or its history by over-enthusiasm in Protest or in cowardice, know it is your family who will suffer. You will be shunned unless your conduct is of the highest for your deeds will follow you down through history. We will bring shame on neither Sky Blus Sam or our Supporters club.(psgm take mote)
[Regarding the use by TF/JS of underhanded tactis It is not a question of if, it's a question of when. We know they have already devolved the decision to find a new stadium, and that means he has already taken the decision himself. If we survive the first strike we will survive the attack.
As for ourselves, let's bring everyone home and leave CCFC a better place for us having been there.
Our business now is South.[12]


New Member
SISU think they call the shots because that's how they operate and want/need people to believe they do so that they will give in to them. In reality they aren't in as strong a position as they think they are but will fight to the bitter end, they have a 'no surrender' attitude and basically fight a war of attrition challenging people to show they have the will for the fight.

It will come down to how much Coventry fans are determined to bring about change. It might not seem like you have any power in this situation and things are just happening to you while you sit and watch, but if you act as one and in numbers you can exert a lot of influence on those that do hold the power in making decisions. The question is do Cov fans have the balls for it, to fight it all the way and not give in?

Ultimately it is the FL that decide who plays in the league, legal ownership of the various companies is one thing but who plays in the league, representing Coventry in Coventry, whether called CCFC or CCFC 2013, Sky Blues BC or any other name will come down to them. The more pressure you bring to bare on them the less likely it will be SISU. The question is what is Coventry City, is it a stadium, well they change, is it a team or manager, well they change as well. I would argue that Coventry City is a team that plays in Coventry, representing and supported by the people of Coventry. If someone buys Ltd, has things in place to play and the league grant the g.share back to Ltd, then it will be Coventry City. What assets/contracts sit in any of the other companies are just that assets and contracts of some company.

As far as history is concerned where does that history exist? In the hearts minds and memories of you fans, you carry it with you it doesn't sit as some asset on a balance sheet in a company to be bought and sold. The club is the fans and that is something that most hard nosed business people don't understand because it's about football not balance sheets.

SISU are only in control of a company and assets, you and the Football League and FA control the destiny of your club... but only if you are up for the fight.

The majority of our fans wont fight, instead they ridicule those that try. We must have the most spineless fans in football.


Well-Known Member
tide has changed now, i believe there are significant numbers that will protest. First target is the initial meeting held by Tim. Mass noisy protest outside. If you are not interested then dont moan when the club disappears. Now is the time to really show sisu what the fans think

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Sisu think they have ACL/CCC/Higgs over a barrel! Get the Ricoh for next to nothing!
However what they have forgotten is that they could sell it all plus the right to build on the site to Preston or whoever they wanted to without the Benefits of having a loss making basket case of a football club just a thought:thinking about:


Well-Known Member
The majority of our fans wont fight, instead they ridicule those that try. We must have the most spineless fans in football.

Completely agree. Look at what pompeys fans did. Can you imagine cov fans doing that, when only 8000 sign an online petition ffs?

Deleted member 5849

Completely agree. Look at what pompeys fans did. Can you imagine cov fans doing that, when only 8000 sign an online petition ffs?

And that needed fans from other clubs to bump it.


New Member
Completely agree. Look at what pompeys fans did. Can you imagine cov fans doing that, when only 8000 sign an online petition ffs?

We tried last season to protest and had 'fans' like torch and summerisle taking the piss. Their beloved sisu turned it around though didn't they. Some of our fans have got what they deserve.


Well-Known Member
Completely agree. Look at what pompeys fans did. Can you imagine cov fans doing that, when only 8000 sign an online petition ffs?

a little unfair, look a Pompy's recent history, FA Cup, Prem, etc. We have had NOTHING but year after year of spirit crushing decline with hardly a fucking thing to cheer. Is it any wonder City fans are dispirited, broken, disheartened and lost? They just need inspiring and organising, the passion is still there, just dormant.


New Member
The majority of our fans wont fight, instead they ridicule those that try. We must have the most spineless fans in football.

If that is true then your club is dead or will be consigned to a living death.

Don't condemned or ridicule them though, with the way of the world and particularly football in these time many people just feel that they have no power, that they can't change things, they are wrong, but apathy is your enemy not them. Encourage and inspire them, people will rally to the cause if they see a movement grow and start to believe there is even the slightest chance of success.

If people have slightly different ideas of how to go about things do not argue amongst yourselves it will be self defeating instead embrace and encourage all ideas, it does not only have to be one way or no way. Multiple approaches will build a critical mass of movement.

Good luck and don't give up.


New Member
If that is true then your club is dead or will be consigned to a living death.

Don't condemned or ridicule them though, with the way of the world and particularly football in these time many people just feel that they have no power, that they can't change things, they are wrong, but apathy is your enemy not them. Encourage and inspire them, people will rally to the cause if they see a movement grow and start to believe there is even the slightest chance of success.

If people have slightly different ideas of how to go about things do not argue amongst yourselves it will be self defeating instead embrace and encourage all ideas, it does not only have to be one way or no way. Multiple approaches will build a critical mass of movement.

Good luck and don't give up.

I agree with everything you say, but for some of our fans to take the piss out of those that try is a disgrace.


Well-Known Member
We tried last season to protest and had 'fans' like torch and summerisle taking the piss. Their beloved sisu turned it around though didn't they. Some of our fans have got what they deserve.

No i didnt. I said each to their own. I said there should be respect to all fans regardless of what they wish to do.

I have never used words like 'traitor' and 'scum' like others have for example.

Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2


Aware this is probably complete bullshit on SISU's part BUT...

Every Coventry fan I know (myself included) detests the Ricoh. I for one would love us to pack up and leave that place.


Well-Known Member
Civil disobedience to keep public attention + cost the club money for policing + not a penny to SISU buying tickets or merchandise.
This is all we fans can do.
Yesterday TF drew a line in the sand as far as I'm concerned. Everyone should join the Sky blue trust now.
Let's be clear, the gloves are off and we fans have to fight (peaceful methods) for our club. If the club dies as a result we start a Phoenix club. If SISU realise our determination they cannot win.
Good idea, we should all have a rumble cause loads of problems at a home/away game, it will cost sisu money for policing, they will go bust and we can all support an AFC Coventry at the Ricoh....

....oh shit we can't as we've received banning orders due to the trouble/rumble we've had a cov home/away game. ;)


New Member
I agree with everything you say, but for some of our fans to take the piss out of those that try is a disgrace.

Agree, but try and understand the feelings that are behind it when people are frustrated and under pressure they lash out in all directions often aiming it at friends, family, the ones they love with misdirected anger because they feel powerless against the ones that are doing this to them. It's difficult I know but you have to try and just soak it up not lash back.

When I was involved in trying to resolve disputes between our club and fans there were times when I work all day, jump in the car for a 130 mile round journey for a meeting with our club that would last several hours, get back in the early hours of the morning, then work through the night on stuff for the fans, have no sleep and go back into work only to find that someone posts some slating comment because I hadn't had time to send some email out, when that person had done nothing but expects you to do everything. You feel like screaming at them or just saying screw it but you can't do either if you want to achieve anything.

It's hard, really hard, but it is what you will have to do if you want your club back and in the end things will improve. Even if you don't get the exact result you want, the result you get will be better for the club and all fans than the one you would have got if you just didn't try.
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Well-Known Member
there is a thread titled Picketing; quite a few advocating a demo at the first home game and the first of Timmy's meetings. Anyone interested post to thread to keep the momentum.
Now is the time to Act; if we do not CCFC will be a distant memory


Well-Known Member
The majority of our fans wont fight, instead they ridicule those that try. We must have the most spineless fans in football.

Some just look for a reason to protest & rebel-rouse though too. THAT can put a lot of people off. They perceive it will be simple intimidation & an excuse to throw a few bricks - which only serves to make the "fighters" feel better but rarely changes outcomes. And from what I see - there are fewer mocking the ones that up for the "fight" as you see it should be done than disagree with the "fight" being taken the way you are seeking to do it. And not "fighting" is not necessarily giving up...there are those that bide there time & save the real fighting for when it matters most.
I'm there are some that will agree yours is the best way to go - some that will think it's completely the wrong way. We will never know which brings the best result.


New Member
We go to the Coventry to liberate our club not to conquer. We will not fly our flags in their new stadium. We are entering Coventry to free a people and the only flag which will be flown in that ancient land is Sky Blue. Show respect for that.
There are some who are CCFC at this moment who will not be CCFC shortly. Those who do not wish to go on that journey, we will not send. As for the others I expect you to rock their world. Wipe them out if that is what they choose. But if you are ferocious in battle remember to be magnanimous in victory.
Coventry is steeped in history. It is the site of the Lady Godiva,reborn Cathedral and the Ricoh. Tread lightly there. You will see things that no man could pay to see and you will have to go NOT VERY FAR find a more decent, generous and upright people than the owners of CCFC. You will be embarrassed by their POSTURING even though they have nothing. Don't treat them as EQUALS for they are SCUMBAGS in their dealings. Their children will be poor, in years to come they will know that the fall from grace in their lives was brought by you.
If there are casualties of war then remember that when they woke up and got dressed in the morning they did not plan to leve CCFC this day. Allow them dignity in the death. of their name. Bury their name properly and mark their grave.
It is my foremost intention to bring every single one of you out alive but there may be people among us who will not see the end of this campaign. We will put them in their CCFC kit and send them back. There will be no time for sorrow.
The enemy should be in no doubt that we are his nemesis and that we are bringing about his rightful destruction. There are many regional commanders who have stains on their souls and they are stoking the fires of hell for SISU. She and her forces will be destroyed by this coalition for what they have done. As their name dies they will know their deeds have brought them to this place. Show them no pity.
It is a big step to take another company life. It is not to be done lightly. I know of men who have taken company life needlessly in other conflicts, I can assure you they live with the Mark of Cain upon them. If someone surrenders to you then remember they have that right in international law and ensure that one day they go home to their family.
The ones who wish to fight, well, we aim to please.
If you harm CCFC or its history by over-enthusiasm in Protest or in cowardice, know it is your family who will suffer. You will be shunned unless your conduct is of the highest for your deeds will follow you down through history. We will bring shame on neither Sky Blus Sam or our Supporters club.(psgm take mote)
[Regarding the use by TF/JS of underhanded tactis It is not a question of if, it's a question of when. We know they have already devolved the decision to find a new stadium, and that means he has already taken the decision himself. If we survive the first strike we will survive the attack.
As for ourselves, let's bring everyone home and leave CCFC a better place for us having been there.
Our business now is South.[12]

What are you on?

Can I have some?

The Penguin

Well-Known Member
there is a thread titled Picketing; quite a few advocating a demo at the first home game and the first of Timmy's meetings. Anyone interested post to thread to keep the momentum.
Now is the time to Act; if we do not CCFC will be a distant memory

This is why I was amazed that so many people were saying they wouldn't try to go to any of the "fans forums"; what better opportunity to get in there and put some pressure on Fisher? Ask the difficult questions, make him publically squirm.

A room full of politely hostile supporters (and I emphasise the word politely, because threatening violence and being generally boorish does the cause no favours) would be the last thing he wants to face.


Well-Known Member
It's funny how all those who say things like 'we need to fight, no way pompey fans would have been so indifferent etc....' fail to point out that there is not a chance in hell that pompey fans would have allowed their local council to fleece their club so brazenly for so long. Not a fucking chance. Where were you rabble-rousers then? Nowhere. We should all fight for our football club of course - but its also funny that many of those saying we need to start direct action are also the ones calling for there to be a breakaway club.

So, you care about the club THAT much that your first instinct when things go tits up is to start a NEW club? Absolute jokers.

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