Euro 2016 Prediction League Champion!!
It nice that my abilities at predicting random results are being recognisedIs there someone award winning that has replied to this thread?
It nice that my abilities at predicting random results are being recognisedIs there someone award winning that has replied to this thread?
Steamimg pile of horse shit as usual. He's had weeks to compile this nonsense and I'm sure that he will have hoodwinked a few with his comments and how well he's come across. The new tactic of distancing himself from the owners and the litigation is also a nice attempt to get back onside. That ship has sailed I'm afraid. Several references to the potential for the legal proceedings to cease, again offering snippets of hope without actually committing to whether or not it is realistic, when in reality he will know full well, being the lap dog of joy.
A couple of things that made me chuckle;
TF: The animosity towards the club’s owner in my personal opinion is quite inappropriate.
SBA - Should Butts Park go ahead, what is the rough timescale?
TF: If we were to go ahead, our planning team thinks it can be done within three years, but that would require all parties in the city to work together.
Good to see he's still consistent with his timescales. 3 years it is then.
Also made me laugh about the demoralizing effect chanting 'SISU OUT' has on the players once the whistle blows. Funny that, it was chanted at Port Vale for 90 minutes and it was our best performance of the season.
Disappointed that no-one asked him 'how on earth have you remained in your position after overseeing the most miserable period in the club's history?'. He was untenable 3 years ago. Perhaps they did, no doubt he vetted the minutes himself before they were published the fat fuck. I'm sorry but I cannot stand the bloke.
Trouble is, Frankly, yes, there has always been the Butts there, but Cov get an average attendance of 1,200 and the capacity of the place is just 3,000.
It's a massive increase to 25,000. The environmental impact in terms of footfall and noise pollution is going to be absolutely huge.
I've got a 50M swimming badge![]()
Fair play. You've given me flashbacks to Mrs Lee at Ernesford Grange pool shouting "LEGS LEGS LEGS" at me throughout my childhood. Ironically the award winner I'm looking for has mates who are well out of their depth.
NO!They have the best interests of CCFC et heart. They are real fans. Are you Tim Fisher?
Fair play. You've given me flashbacks to Mrs Lee at Ernesford Grange pool shouting "LEGS LEGS LEGS" at me throughout my childhood. Ironically the award winner I'm looking for has mates who are well out of their depth.
Just my opinion...................
There is really nothing new in what is being said. There are elements of truth, some nonsense, some poetic licence & embellishment, contradictions with previous statements and to be honest nothing much of substance. More words, with little proof and even less action.
It is good to see the finances moving in the right direction but the bottom line is that the club will still make a net loss after tax and interest, breakeven and self sufficiency are about cash not profit and profitability relies on £2m player profits per year
In essence what he is saying is nothing can/will change from the current situation for the next three years so get used to it, support the team and lay off Joy because it is everyone else's fault........ honest.
each of us has own opinion but cant help thinking some of the reaction to this release of this "information" demonstrates how desperate the City fans are for any crumb of good news.
Then of course you have to wonder why and timing ........
Like I said just my opinion
The Wasps bulletin board is equally enthusiastic about our results and demise.
have you ever been round the site? Access is terrible, and I'm not talking about by car, I'm talking about by foot. There is now no access from Albany road and only a small railway arch to access from the Melbourne Road side.
The Albany theatre is a listed building, so has to stay, and the owners of the retirement village, currently trying to knock out units at £174,000 a time are bound to object.
It's OK superimposing a picture of a stadium onto the site but there are many other issues to resolve, shoe horning a stadium in there is the easy bit.
Damned if they speak , damned if they dont?
"TF: What we’ve done is discuss with all the teams, including Coventry United, and encouraged them to play there in the interim as it proves that football can be played at BPA."
This is absolute horse shit and there's been no discussions between Fisher and Cov Utd. The man is a grade a joke and again is trying to take CCFC supporters for mugs. What a clown.
Also, it shouldn't be forgotten that there is already a 410 space car park next door to the Butts Park Arena.
Waiting...TF: So, Butts park, where are we? We’ve previously developed a scheme which comprises a stadium, residential, a hotel, student housing and retail.
I read what you say and there probably is room to extend what is there now, but it's more than that, Fisher quotes 23/25000 for a start, the mans potty. If the ground was full or let's say 20k with away fans etc. Most would be coming out of the ground and walking towards town, a security nightmare crossing the slip roads of the ring road all this will have to be taken into consideration. Fisher will have to put planning application for 25000 and get permission for that not 25000 and scale it down to 10000, so any judgement would be for 25k. This is a non runner and I believe Fisher knows it.Hi Clint, yes I've been to the site.
I have been to The Butts many times over a very long time period as I grew up not so very far away from it.
I first went there as a 9 year old to use the running track (that was when Godiva Harriers were based at The Butts). I've ridden bikes around the cycle track (something that incurred the wrath of the uniformed bloke who used to be in the little hut by the changing rooms). I've played tennis there and even had a go at bowls.
I don't think access to the site is that bad, certainly no worse than some other football grounds.
Unlike other posters, you know about the railway bridge in Sovereign Road
View attachment 5776
There is another access under the railway line at Broomfield Place (the other side of the park), this is part of the viaduct so the arches are much larger than the bridge at Sovereign Road.
View attachment 5777
I think something is achievable at The Butts, but people need to remember it isn't an out of town site and they need to think differently.
Oh yes, do explain where !!It's easy to attack him but he does put forward some reasonable arguments and there is clearly another side to to the story than evil sisu
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Trouble is, Frankly, yes, there has always been the Butts there, but Cov get an average attendance of 1,200 and the capacity of the place is just 3,000.
It's a massive increase to 25,000. The environmental impact in terms of footfall and noise pollution is going to be absolutely huge.
OK, now explain where this lot goes...
Well one thing that no one has mentioned is the accounts.
Is that because there's nothing negative for the Ostrich brigade to shout about?
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Hi Clint, yes I've been to the site.
I have been to The Butts many times over a very long time period as I grew up not so very far away from it.
I first went there as a 9 year old to use the running track (that was when Godiva Harriers were based at The Butts). I've ridden bikes around the cycle track (something that incurred the wrath of the uniformed bloke who used to be in the little hut by the changing rooms). I've played tennis there and even had a go at bowls.
I don't think access to the site is that bad, certainly no worse than some other football grounds.
Unlike other posters, you know about the railway bridge in Sovereign Road
View attachment 5776
There is another access under the railway line at Broomfield Place (the other side of the park), this is part of the viaduct so the arches are much larger than the bridge at Sovereign Road.
View attachment 5777
I think something is achievable at The Butts, but people need to remember it isn't an out of town site and they need to think differently.
I'm not an architect, so I can only give answers from a layperson's perspective.
Football stadiums almost always have voids under the stands, one would imagine the idea is to fill some or all of those voids with the things that have been described. Also, if refer back to my post #83 on the thread 'Coventry City ground share with Coventry RFC at Butts Park Arena could be back on' you will see that when I superimposed a plan of the Union Berlin stadium on the site there are unoccupied spaces at the front and rear of the site - these could also be used for the additional activities that have been described.
But as I say, I'm only a layperson. I am sure an architect could come up with some ideas to make best use of the site (and I suppose those involved in the project may already have had some preliminary work done to see what is feasible).
It is good to see the finances moving in the right direction but the bottom line is that the club will still make a net loss after tax and interest, breakeven and self sufficiency are about cash not profit and profitability relies on £2m player profits per year
You have just illustrated the extent of your ignorance on the subject. I'm sorry but you are simply applying wishful thinking which won't solve the actual problem.
If there are preliminary plans that lets see them! We won't cause they don't exist.
Oh dear, what a response.
Let me ask you a question, what's your expertise in these matters?
you're right, the bridge I was referring to as on Melbourne Road side is Sovereign Road.
Do you not think there is a potential bottle neck and health and safety issue there if thousands of people were trying to swarm through it? It looks very narrow to me to be used as access for large crowds.
I think key to the whole thing would be securing access from Albany Road, since the building of the retirement village the only potential access is between the retirement village and the theatre which is currently blocked. I think this would need opening up.
Of course, no obstacle is insurmountable................if you throw enough money at it!
Relatively little, but I have a degree in Civil Engineering and worked on various road and industrial estate projects for almost a decade before I moved to a different profession.
So I have some background in what (was) involved in planning, construction and estimation.
...and I studied some planning at university.
Your attack on my previous post was rude and entirely unjustified. It does make me wonder what your agenda is.