Legal action dropped (1 Viewer)


New Member
Grendel, I can't be bothered to quote your illiterate, confused and ill-informed post, but it is not an answer to my question.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you get your head out of your arse and work out that CCFC wouldn't own the ground but a hedge fund that do dodgy deals and do not stick to the law would. For example when did they last have their books up to date like they should?

You clearly haven't read a word of my post as I never mentioned ground ownership.

Out of interest if the club was owned by another party what would your stance be? Mine as a fan of the club would be they get ownership as cheap as possible even if that brings down ACL Higgs and created a huge hole for the council. Do you think the same?


Well-Known Member
Grendel, I can't be bothered to quote your illiterate, confused and ill-informed post, but it is not an answer to my question.

In other words hunt is saying he doesn't want to research the answer regarding council owned grounds.

Coventry city were given the worst deal of all council owned grounds in 2005 and for sure that's a fact you can never argue against - is it hunt!


You clearly haven't read a word of my post as I never mentioned ground ownership.

Out of interest if the club was owned by another party what would your stance be? Mine as a fan of the club would be they get ownership as cheap as possible even if that brings down ACL Higgs and created a huge hole for the council. Do you think the same?

Totally as long as it was the club or the club would benefit from any possible deal however it was worked out if a parent company owned it. If the club were to benefit and we were back in coventry then it would be a bonus.

If it was another acl situation where we paid silly rent and were strangled we would be no further forward but I don't think we would be in a situation that bad.

ohitsaidwalker king power

Well-Known Member
In other words hunt is saying he doesn't want to research the answer regarding council owned grounds.

Coventry city were given the worst deal of all council owned grounds in 2005 and for sure that's a fact you can never argue against - is it hunt!

Remind me- was this before or after SISU took over CCFC?


New Member
Grendel, I refer you to my previous post - in fact, take that as my answer to everything you have to say in the future. Life is far too short to be arguing with a nebbish like you.


Well-Known Member
You clearly haven't read a word of my post as I never mentioned ground ownership.

Out of interest if the club was owned by another party what would your stance be? Mine as a fan of the club would be they get ownership as cheap as possible even if that brings down ACL Higgs and created a huge hole for the council. Do you think the same?

The same people that baled us out when we had nothing.
The people who had the gaul to break even after investing a vast sum of public money in the facilities for a fallen Premier League football team.


Well-Known Member
You clearly haven't read a word of my post as I never mentioned ground ownership.

Out of interest if the club was owned by another party what would your stance be? Mine as a fan of the club would be they get ownership as cheap as possible even if that brings down ACL Higgs and created a huge hole for the council. Do you think the same?

If I thought we had decent owners I would look at it a bit differently. But I would never want to see a charity lose out on millions. ..especially a local to Coventry charity that helped out my club when we were absolutely f#cked.


Well-Known Member
Grendel, I refer you to my previous post - in fact, take that as my answer to everything you have to say in the future. Life is far too short to be arguing with a nebbish like you.

In other words you can't argue the point and you know I'm right. Fair enough.


The same people that baled us out when we had nothing.
The people who had the gaul to break even after investing a vast sum of public money in the facilities for a fallen Premier League football team.

Surely baling us out wouldn't have been backing us into a corner with a deal that would strangle us?

I don't get why people would choose acl over our club back in coventry?


Well-Known Member
The same people that baled us out when we had nothing.
The people who had the gaul to break even after investing a vast sum of public money in the facilities for a fallen Premier League football team.

So what? I don't support sisu the council ACL the charity - I couldn't give a fuck about any of them. I want the club in Coventry and I want the ground and ACL for as little money as possible. Anyone saying otherwise isn't a fan in my view.


Before. So the council actually proved themselves greedier and more mercenary than sisu could dream of being by ripping us of at our lowest point. Why? Does that make you proud? Makes me angry.

Didn't fletcher say that the club were pretty much backed into a corner and had to just take it? I might be wrong though.


Well-Known Member
In other words hunt is saying he doesn't want to research the answer regarding council owned grounds.

Coventry city were given the worst deal of all council owned grounds in 2005 and for sure that's a fact you can never argue against - is it hunt!

And you keep going on about this high rent as though ACL were ripping the club off. When the finance was sorted interest rates were much higher. So the interest was much higher. So the rent had to be higher. The ones running our club didn't want a sliding scale rent depending on what division we were in. So the amount was agreed on. But you know all this already. ...but strangely never mention it.

Now it has been refinanced SISU are taking the piss but you blame ACL for it all.

Jack Griffin

I don't see why people expect CCC to bail out the football club (again), one bitten twice shy.

Timmy said we are never coming back (to the Ricoh), now Joy wants the freehold or nothing... I think another year may see movement towards some sort of agreement.. I don't think it will see a land purchase by SISU & a submission of planning permission.

I don't expect anything to happen this season & probably not next season either.


Well-Known Member
And you keep going on about this high rent as though ACL were ripping the club off. When the finance was sorted interest rates were much higher. So the interest was much higher. So the rent had to be higher. The ones running our club didn't want a sliding scale rent depending on what division we were in. So the amount was agreed on. But you know all this already. ...but strangely never mention it.

Now it has been refinanced SISU are taking the piss but you blame ACL for it all.

That's just rubbish in afraid. I suggest you do some research into the deals all clubs had in 2005 and come back to me. Start with Swansea and stoke.


Well-Known Member
Markets dictate prices. Apart from CCFC, who is in the market to play at the Ricoh?

A price is only relevant if the owner wants to sell. Apparently CCc don't want to sell. Not to sisu anyway.
On a side note - if CCc did actually put the freehold up for sale, isn't there some EU regulation requiring kind of a public auction? In that case the market would decide the price.

ohitsaidwalker king power

Well-Known Member
Remind me- was this before or after SISU took over CCFC?

Before. So the council actually proved themselves greedier and more mercenary than sisu could dream of being by ripping us of at our lowest point. Why? Does that make you proud? Makes me angry.

Neither- It makes me wonder why SISU "missed" it to be honest? Poor 'likkle' SISU...


Neither- It makes me wonder why SISU "missed" it to be honest? Poor 'likkle' SISU...

Whilst agree it took a while to notice and sisu.should have negotiated at the time I don't see why it makes it sisus fault and acl are innocent simply because that's how it was when sisu took over?

James Smith

Well-Known Member
Everyone from CCFC/SISU have said that we've moved on (and that includes the now slightly less invisible woman Joy) so maybe we should too as fans? Sisu obviously aren't coming back to the Ricoh as Joy says Plan A is a new stadium, which is a shame but tough as they own the club and can do with it what they like.

They're funding us whilst we're at Sixfields whether we go or not, protests are proving ineffective and we're not playing badly as a bonus. So I don't really give a rats arse about the Ricoh, maybe Haskell might make them a serious offer or something. However now that Joy herself has said it's a new ground we'll be building I'm waiting for that. As I say sounds like ACL have given up getting us back anyway.

For the record I don't like SISU and find the fact that we're not in Coventry a disgrace but it appears that we can't do anything to change this.
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Well-Known Member
Didn't fletcher say that the club were pretty much backed into a corner and had to just take it? I might be wrong though.

Your right. But they had painted themselves into the corner by poor management of the move to the new stadium.
ACL made no great profits and almost went under when they lost £1M in rent.
All would be hunky dory with the rent if we had stayed in the PL or got back quickly.


Your right. But they had painted themselves into the corner by poor management of the move to the new stadium.
ACL made no great profits and almost went under when they lost £1M in rent.
All would be hunky dory with the rent if we had stayed in the PL or got back quickly.

I totally agree that the past owners didn't help the situation...


New Member
I'm really frustrated by the constant chirping about what ACL (and by extension CCC) 'should do'. Some fundamental points:

1) The have a responsibility to the council tax payers and electorate of Coventry, not just Coventry City supporters.
2) However poorly communicated they clearly moved twice within the administration process to try and get an agreement, Sisu didn't, knocked them back and maintained their aggressive stance.
3) Tim Fisher keeps spouting that they've 'moved on'.
4) Joy says any new stadium won't be within the jurisdiction of CCC, removing any future linked revenues, jobs etc from CCC.
5) Whether you believe it or not ACL maintain that they have a profitable business.
6) Any properly audited and responsible public body should not enter into negotiations around the sale of any publicly funded asset with a company that has any pending actions from Companies House.

If somebody bought the War Memorial in the Memorial Park, and then moved it out of Coventry should we negotiate the sale of the Memorial Park to the same company just so they can be reunited?


Well-Known Member
That's just rubbish in afraid. I suggest you do some research into the deals all clubs had in 2005 and come back to me. Start with Swansea and stoke.

So these new grounds that these clubs never paid anything for and sold all rights to that you are going on about?


Well-Known Member
Everyone from CCFC/SISU have said that we've moved on (and that includes the now slightly less invisible woman Joy) so maybe we should too as fans? Sisu obviously aren't coming back to the Ricoh as Joy says Plan A is a new stadium, which is a shame but tough as they own the club and can do with it what they like.

They're funding us whilst we're at Sixfields whether we go or not, protests are proving ineffective and we're not playing badly as a bonus. So I don't really give a rats arse about the Ricoh, maybe Haskell might make them a serious offer or something. However now that Joy herself has said it's a new ground we'll be building I'm waiting for that. As I say sounds like ACL have given up getting us back anyway.

For the record I don't like SISU and find the fact that we're not in Coventry a disgrace but it appears that we can't do anything to change this.

I don't think you can say protests are proving ineffective

SISU will never turn around and admit that.

They will just start doing things they don't normally do ......
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Well-Known Member
Like submit the accounts on time?


Well-Known Member
So, what affect have they had so far?

I don't think you can say protests are proving ineffective

SISU will never turn around and admit that.

They will just start doing things they don't normally do ......


Well-Known Member
Everyone from CCFC/SISU have said that we've moved on (and that includes the now slightly less invisible woman Joy) so maybe we should too as fans? Sisu obviously aren't coming back to the Ricoh as Joy says Plan A is a new stadium, which is a shame but tough as they own the club and can do with it what they like.

They're funding us whilst we're at Sixfields whether we go or not, protests are proving ineffective and we're not playing badly as a bonus. So I don't really give a rats arse about the Ricoh, maybe Haskell might make them a serious offer or something. However now that Joy herself has said it's a new ground we'll be building I'm waiting for that. As I say sounds like ACL have given up getting us back anyway.

For the record I don't like SISU and find the fact that we're not in Coventry a disgrace but it appears that we can't do anything to change this.

When SISU really do move on then I will also, until then I live in hope that we get back to the Ricoh in whatever deal, with whatever owners and give ourselves a real chance of promotion in the next 3 years.


Well-Known Member
So, what affect have they had so far?

The one big effect is that Joy has come out of hiding and Timothy has gone quiet. Joy is the one that makes all the decisions so this can only be a good thing.


Well-Known Member
So, what affect have they had so far?
Have said many times before, as have others, that this is a war of attrition. I think we'll really see the effect NOPM is having after the judicial review appeal verdict. Should then become apparent, pending outcome obviously, which of the two parties has the financial ammo to prevail.

In the meantime, it does seem a bit curious that Sisu have suddenly started to engage in a PR campaign. An attempt to belatedly engage the hearts and minds of the fans perhaps, the vast majority of whom can see the Gobshites for what they are...


New Member
Joy only comments when she has to!
Don't kid yorself, the recent interview was for the fans!
It was aimed for the legals & at potential investors!

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