Can you not make the old template available as a choice?
The template hasnt changed, just the logo!
Can you not make the old template available as a choice?
Can't you duplicate the template with the old logo?
That would need another template creating, haven't got time at the minute to create another theme for the site
I think also if you create an alternate theme, you have to replicate any tweaks made to the original theme otherwise the pages might not work correctly?
What size monitor / resolution are you using?
As Clive Platt said, Killer lifting the cup would look good.
Houchens header?
Gary Mabbutt?
1960's - George Hudson (see my thread - "George Hudson" - 18/09/11)
1070's - Tommy Hutchison (see my thread - "Tommy Hutchison" - 16/09/11)
1980's - Cyrille Regis
1990's - Dion Dublin
2000's - Mo Konjic
2010's - Richard Keogh
Excellent work Nick, looks fantastic, still could do with sorting out the badge slightly better though
I don't have the patience ha