Leonard Brody (6 Viewers)


This guy has been brought in to speak with the fans on twitter so that SISU can make the club better for everybody.

Here are some of his tweets:

@skybluewinner uh, technically I think you insulted me, no?
@steveevans83 oh, and I love it when people express their opinions as collective fact. Logic fail.
@skybluewinner I believe you mean "you are a right twit" :)
@essjayarr and please don't insult me that I don't care. Not even going to dignify that with an answer. Ridiculous.
@dvig9 can I just echo this was DEFINITELY the right decision, no light at end of the tunnel with AB. Worst football Ive seen as a fan
@skybluechuck @essjayarr Look, I am am happy to try to communicate here, but if fans don't find it valuable, it is no problem for me to stop
@thomastanton The point is...what is your solution? I want to hear from fans. And don't make it about money! That is a cop out. G
@samdawg74 @skybluestacey Money doesn't mean a good team! It is only part of the problem...
Let's go SkyBlues! Bring Swansea down...
I wish I was paid a hefty sum for spouting some of this rubbish. Is it just me that thinks this isn't the sort of communication we need? We can be communicated to by them giving updates to the telegraph or even the fan sites.

Granted, people are giving him stick but what does he expect? If he is wants to sit on Twitter bickering with fans it just makes everything a bit pathetic!

Oh and "Bring Swansea Down"...What the hell is that?

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
The very reason I don't use Twatter!! :D


Well-Known Member
If this is how we're communicating, then I guess I'm going to have to move into the 21st century. Until now I've resisted the urge for social networking sites but I guess that I'll have to cave in by opening a Twitter account :(


Well-Known Member
the man is a idiot and dont even read the tweets i said to him yesterday, I'll put the radio on during my driving lesson and he replied 'Don't fail your drivers test'


What happened to good old press releases, press conferences, fans forums. Why can they not just give them the news like everybody else to communicate?

Fans are annoyed because they know nothing, a man on twitter bickering with them isn't going to help surely?

If they want to find out what the fans want then why not get surveys on the website?


Well-Known Member
ref his question to the fans, what would you do but dont make it about money.... simply acheieved not a lot apart from some fans coming up with ideas for cheaper tickets etc, no doubt which he pinched and presented to the board.

Plus there is no way we can solve CCFC's problem in however many characters twitter allows you!


I could have a survey whipped up in minutes which asked how could the club be improved, what do you like about the club, what stops you from coming to games etc.

It isn't complicated stuff and these millionaires with fancy job titles could surely think of that? It is basic Market Research.


Well-Known Member
Is twitter the only way he communicates with fans?

Not much help for those that don't use social networks if it is.


Is twitter the only way he communicates with fans?

Not much help for those that don't use social networks if it is.

It seems to be, in between saying where he is in the world!

I did send him a message saying I would be happy to create a forum on here where people can ask questions and he can answer them, but ignored :(

You would think if he was into this modern day communication the fans forums would be one of the places he would start.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. If anything, I'd say the Twitter character limit is the precise reason why he's choosing this medium exclusively.


New Member
Imagine if his Twitter account got hacked, or aped. The best Twitter I ever read was the Lucas Leiva one. The coach journey bit is well worth googling.

I doubt that Brody's role is completely Twitter based, there must be something else he is doing or advising on. Or perhaps some of his wonga is being used?


He is probably doing more behind the scenes, but they just seem to be missing out the basics.


I did some work for a shop, they had something on the till that said "fill in this quick customer survey and win £50 to spend"

They had 450 odd people fill it in so they got a lot of feedback about their shop and what they could improve and just gave out a £50 voucher.



New Member
I have only used Twitter for the first time this week and I have to say I hate it. Its just a series of random out of context comments from individuals choosing to answer to which ever 'tweet' they want to.
The art of conversation between two people is dead. The world has been over run by 'text speak'.

I don't have a solution for a better platform for communicating with the fans (apart from the fans' forum) but Twitter is no good.


Well-Known Member
I don't see what the problem is, so he uses Twitter. So what?

Obviously his job is not just to go on Twitter, it isnt a bad way on communicating with the fans. Lets face it what board member in the past has ever been activly in dialogue with the fans?

He's only been at CCFC like 2 months, give the guy a break!


New Member
I like him. Most people would react the way he does to those "Tweets". Generally the tweets he gets are abusive and one called him a Twat.

He could choose to ignore them or come back at them. I'd come back at them.


I like him. Most people would react the way he does to those "Tweets". Generally the tweets he gets are abusive and one called him a Twat.

He could choose to ignore them or come back at them. I'd come back at them.

Even if you were a communications director or something like that at a company?


Well-Known Member
I actually think having a representative on Twitter is a great and pioneering idea. You can get contact, quick updates on the fly and its all for free.
The problem is the person theyve chosen to do it. End of the day, he clearly has no idea and as seen above, cant handle the heat of people complaining. Shame because i really think done properly, is a novel idea which could really benefit in getting some matters at least discussed within the club at some level .


Chief Commentator!
I was fortunate enough to get a reply to a Tweet yesterday from lbrody! Unfortunately as someone else used his reply to me to reply to him (best way of describing it) and I dont use Tweeter frequently enough to know what was happening, I was confused this morning when I woke up to a Tweet saying "and before you go insulting people.......". I only asked what time todays conference was! But I did get a 2nd reply when I asked what he meant, which is when he said it was aimed at the other person! And they say Twitter is easy to use!

Regarding this form of contact, I think if they are going to use Twitter, they need to use it in more ways than just having Leonard Brody on it! West Midlands Police make good use of Twitter through Coventry, and even have Video conferences with Twitter followers now and again!! Why cant the club set up an official Twitter account (unless there is already one) where fans can ask questions, and get an answer?? I am not suprised that some of the questions Leonard gets asked remain unanswered, although not sure why your question remains unanswered Nick.


Well-Known Member
What happened to good old press releases, press conferences, fans forums. Why can they not just give them the news like everybody else to communicate?

Let's pretend that you were offered the opportunity to ask someone on the board a question, at any time of day, from wherever you happened to be, and knew that if you did so you actually stood a good chance that your question would not only be read but might also even be responded to, maybe even within a few minutes. You'd surely take up the offer? That's the kind of immediacy and directness that Twitter offers. The old channels of communication — press conferences, press releases etc. — are outdated and outmoded. Think about all the confusion that came out of the press conference yesterday, where we still don't all know exactly where we stand. It's not a coincidence that this old-fashioned way of communicating is by and large being replaced by more direct routes like Twitter by many large organisations.

A lot of the replies in this thread seem to be from people who've either never used Twitter, or have just signed up but don't yet ‘get’ it. Maybe a little anecdote I can tell you might give you an idea of how powerful it is. I've got a pair of aftermarket headphones for my iPhone (since the ones you get with it are so rubbish) but they broke, somewhat annoyingly, just a day before they were 2 years old (and they had a 2 year warranty). Now they weren't cheap, but the company that makes them is based in the US, and in order to get them replaced I'd have to ship them all the way over there, and my assumption was that'd mean they'd not honour the 2 year warranty.

Resigned to having to buy a new pair, I tweeted to ask if any of my friends could recommend a replacement pair. A few hours later I received a reply — out of the blue — from the company themselves, telling me not to worry and ship them over and they'll sort it out. They'd evidently been keeping a tab on anybody mentioning their name, and used it to proactively seek out customers to help. Imagine that — customer service where instead of spending 20 minutes on hold on an 0870 number, they seek out you to try and ensure the service they give you is the best it can be. In the days before Twitter there's no way they could have pulled out a question like mine from the noise of the Internet at large, but now they have a hotline to whatever their customers are talking about and they can get straight to it.

That's why having Leonard Brody on Twitter is a good thing. Yes, some of the things he'll say are undoubtedly going to either be of little interest to you, or maybe you won't agree with them, but you can't knock him for participating in the conversation. To do so is to be hypocritical after the accusations of lack of transparency and communication.


New Member
I like having him on twitter too. I've not neccessarily agreed with everything he's had to say, but having one of the board members at the click of a finger is pretty good! I sent him a suggestion the other day and he sent a tweet back saying the point would be raised. Hopefully he does. If what he's hearing from the fans on twitter gets brought up in the boardroom, then it's a great link for us to have.


Euro 2016 Prediction League Champion!!
It would be interesting to learn how the majority of fans felt in the 60's when the Sky Blue Revolution was first being introduced. I imagine there was a lot of - 'we're the bantams, not the sky blues', 'no place for pre-match entertainment'. 'what a silly boating song' etc...

Fair play for the guy starting to use twitter (most first time users seem to get into arguments!), hopefully he'll use it in the right way to keep us updated and canvass opinion.

I don't necessarily believe the 'we've changed' stance of SISU, but I do think that they misjudged (to put it politely) how to run CCFC and hopefully the penny has dropped this season what they need to do. As I see it, there are no alternatives, so SISU either get it right, or we won't exist, no point in forcing them out.


New Member
Give the guy a break. He's been here five minutes. He's North American - not sure if he's Canadian. I don't use Twitter, doubt I ever will, but as a few here have commented, it is a newer way of communication. And he's dealing directly with fans. When has that ever happened before? If idiots abuse him he should give them a wide berth, there's no mileage in getting into dialogue with a ranter. One thing, Leonard, please stop calling our team a brand. I wince when I hear that. & another director calling us customers. Not good.
It's April 1st so I assume Kev Monks coming onto the board is a spoof. But if Ken & Leonard & co had any brains they'd do it. What a PR move.
Maybe now we've paid our bills the transfer embargo will be lifted? In time for an emergency loan or two?


Well-Known Member
'It would be interesting to learn how the majority of fans felt in the 60's when the Sky Blue Revolution was first being introduced. I imagine there was a lot of - 'we're the bantams, not the sky blues', 'no place for pre-match entertainment'. 'what a silly boating song' etc...'

The rise from Division 4 to Division 1 was a rollercoaster - Jimmy Hill's vision really achieved a 'Miracle In Sky Blue' - there was a genuine feeling of 'we're in this together' uniting the board, management, players and fans - pop and crisps for us youngsters getting autographs, a Sky Blue Special Train for away matches [with music and bingo!], Radio Sky Blue, the best Match Programme, an electronic scoreboard, a new sky blue kit and image - and a team that always gave 100%, physical at times but not cynical, entertaining to watch with plenty of goals, exciting wingers, skillful midfielders. So the vast majority of fans bought into the 'Sky Blue Revolution' - that's why older fans are happy to see the JH Statue commissioned. Derrick Robins would be turning in his grave if he knew what's happened to his club.


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