Paxman II
Well-Known Member
The way things are going though pax there wont be a club anyway (in coventry) i dont hate people for going to support the team and i dont hate the people that dont, i chose not to hand my hard earned money over to a company that lie, twist and bend the rules and treat the customers (fans) like shit, will i see if the city have won on telly yes, will i travel from stoke on trent to watch them not now no. if i have to step away from the club (as many have said they will) to drive the owners out so be it does it make me a bad fan? maybe but i believe what i am doing is right (so do many others) many like you say will support the team by turning up that is their choice, we all seem to be trying to achieve the same thing get rid of SISU the only difference is we approach it from oppersite ends of the street, hopefully we will meet in the middle somewhere, but im at the point where i dont enjoy going up there anymore and i am not going to pay to support a bunch of owners that constantly bullshit, the CCFC experience is no longer enjoyable its a chore and if our owners think moving the club to another city for three years will fix this they are sorely mistaken
I don't disagree with that tbf. I do think we all see it differently and I'm just one who believes we can't go forward before getting some relative success first. that means going to games as the norm and handing over our money to the club so they will spend and improve. In theory anyways. Once improved we become a saleable club and the back of SISU is closer without the ruination of our club.
If on the othet hand we all stay away then the club would quickly fail and there would be no club to sell. Only result would be SISU gone but so would the club all 125 years or so of it, forever.
So I prefer the more pragmatic approach and will support the club with that hope we will one day have a better owner.