Linnell - "King signs for Coventry" (1 Viewer)

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Im still on the fence on this one lads. Getting slinters too.......... I liked Vinny Jones mind you.....:whistle:


New Member
Marlon King is a average player who will score a few goals in a rubbish league but he is no drogbar and i really think we should be above having a serial woman beater and thief in our team , how do you think the rest of the players will react to a arrogant thug like him around there family n friends.


New Member
Stan Collymore wasn't above giving a bird a slap or two. Just ask Ulrika.:eek: And didn't Robin Van Persie have rape charges filed on him in Holland?:eek: Ahh to be a footballer..... Don't quite understand that bit, is it because they can't beat up a bloke so they pick on women because they are needing a win?:eek::slap:


Facebook User
I'm going to set the record straight. Karim Benzema and Frank Ribery were both arrested for having sex with an underage prostitue, but because they are better players, they don't have all this contraversy.
I'm going to set the record straight. Karim Benzema and Frank Ribery were both arrested for having sex with an underage prostitue, but because they are better players, they don't have all this contraversy.

Yeah, but that hasn't gone to trial yet, so we won't know for a good while whether Benzema or Ribery will serve a prison sentence (it's not looking good for them though...), or whatever.

Mind you, Benzema wasn't in the French WC squad, and Ribery's been told by his club that he's gotta perform this season, after Bayern have backed him over this scandal and other things, or he's out.

King, however, has been tried and found guilty (of several crimes I might add)...


New Member
I came away from the forums for a few days to avoid sounding like a broken record, but once again i have to say that the prospect of us signing King is disappointing. I'm almost resigned to defeat on this one now, he's signing, and i guess that's the end of it, but i feel deeply let down by the club and some of it's fans for their views on this man. He is a man that has shown no respect for anyone in a long long time. He's wounded people, attacked people, spent time in jail and is even now on the sex offenders register, yet we think he deserves another chance. I'm afraid he already had what....12? He's up to 13 convictions, we cannot say he deserves another chance when he's screwed up so many times in the past.

Should he kick a football again, NO. And for the record, should Lee Hughes, NO! Joey Barton, NO! Criminals should not be allowed royal treatment. They get looked upon favourably in court, get reduced sentences, and walk straight back into football. It's a sad state of affairs to be honest. I was hoping that we, Coventry City, would be strong enough to show a bit of class and not just fall into the typical "he's served his time", "he's a changed man" lines. Weather we're happy about it or not, footballers are role-models. With the amount of money they earn they should set an example. They are in the public eye, and the kids look up to these guys as role-models they so desperately want to copy. The signing of this man shows to the kids out there that as long as they're good at kicking a ball around they can get away with whatever they like. I'm beginning to wonder if there are any morals left in anything in life anymore!

This is the wrong option in terms of the image of the club, and the image of the fans. So what if he might come in and bag 20 goals? He might also get annoyed at the big bloke in the front row calling him scum for 90 minutes and then oops, back to court he goes. This is not sensible, and it seems like we've just fallen into the easiest option possible, got tunnel vision and ignored just what this guy has done in the past.

I'm bitterly disappointed that we're willing to look past the fact he's a criminal just on the chance he might score a few goals. When did football become more important than morals, standards, class, gentlemanly conduct......if you believe it's more important than those than i'm afraid you should stop and take a long hard look at yourself. Why couldn't we have gone for McCormack? Why not wait for Premier League sides to name their 25's and get ourself an up-and-coming major talent for a season? We've sold out saying that King is the 'only' option. It's a bag of bollocks and everyone here knows that.

I honestly think this is a sad sad day for Coventry City Football Club. I'll still be at that game against Leicester supporting the team, but by the team i mean the players on the pitch not called Marlon King. He wouldnt be 'deserving' of another chance if he wasn't a footballer, which i suppose in a way shows that this game, and afterall it is only a game, has become too money and power driven that people actually believe it comes above some of the most basic and important values in life.

I've found this story depressing to follow. I was very much hoping that somewhere along the road someone would show me that there were still some morals in the game of football, but unfortunately this has just gone to prove that somewhere, somehow, it's all gone drastically wrong. Football is not life, and it is certainly not above the law and above being a nice human being. Sadly some don't see that anymore.

Sad, disheartened, and resigned to defeat.
Gouldberg, over and out :(
Can everyone PLEASE get over the whole morals thing. It's pointless! We're signing the guy to play *******FOOTBALL!! Not to be a role model. If you're a real Cov fan, you'd give anything to get into the play-offs and give us a chance of getting back in the big time. This includes signing a player who SCORES GOALS. We have longed for a player like this since we went down.

I don't care if he's ******* JOSEF FRITZL as long as he helps the footballing side out. All you moaners who are threatening not to go to the games if he signs, do what you like. You'll soon come flooding back if we get to Wembley, or gain promotion.

I'm sick of hearing all this morals bollocks now. His worst offence is giving a woman a slap. Big ******* deal. She probably deserved it anyway! I've been on enough nights out in my time to realise that some birds need shutting up once in a while. Unlike Lee Hughes who was actually convicted of causing DEATH. Yet he's accepted back no questions asked. Seriously, get a grip. He's not Adolf ******* Hitler.

I'm sick of this league, and we deserve to be in the Premier League. The highest we've come since rellegation is 8th, and that simply doesn't cut it for a club of our stature. It's about time we got in some tried and tested players we can bank on to do a job. If or when he does sign, he'll easily be the best striker ability wise we've had at the club for yonks. The fact an EPL club paid £5mil for him last season proves we've got a great signing here.

And 'Image of the Club'!? Since when have we been bothered about the image of the club? We get about 15,000 at the Ricoh per game, in a 32,500 seated stadium. That's less than half empty. That looks very bad on the club. What difference will one player make? **** all. The proper supporters like myself will turn up every week, the rest don't deserve to call themselves Coventry supporters. If one player makes you abandon your club, you're not worth the seat you're sitting on.

So stop ******* moaning!
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Facebook User
You can already see the big divide on this one between the fans!

Gouldberg you do have some valid points and I respect that your a man of morals but unfortunatly this sort of thing happens all the time and not just in football. You only have to look at the papers to see what popstars / musicians / superstars / general idiots who somehow become celebrity are up to and if people who are making a lot of money on their talent and are in the limelight are supposed to set some kind of example then I can say that these kind of people are a lot worse then footballers (including King). The media don't help when they over exagerate everything and twist quotes into different meanings. When they've served their time or whatever people will still go to their concerts and watch their TV shows and buy their albums because they have a talent regardless of whatever bad thing they've done.

Some fans say they won't turn up if King comes because they don't want their ticket money paying a criminals wages and they don't want their children going to games either (fair enough, their choice) but then I think well if their children were into music by say Amy Winehouse something tells me they wouldn't stop their children buying or listening to her music despite her well documented drug abuse - not exactly the kind of role model we preach about at CCFC is it? You could say you're funding her drug habit along the way as well. Might not be the best example, there are no doubt popstars who have done worse things it's just the first one that came into my head at the time of writing :p


New Member
I cant understand any Cov fans who would want a serial woman beater and sex offender in our shirt , while this peice of shit is playing for Cov i will not attend any games home or away .


New Member
Can everyone PLEASE get over the whole morals thing. It's pointless! We're signing the guy to play fucking FOOTBALL!! Not to be a role model.

I'm sorry, but that one line in itself shows that apparently football is more important than setting an example to the children of this city. Way to go on that one. I'm sorry, but being a role-model comes part and parcel of being famous and in the public eye. I always remember when i was a child i idolised and wanted to be Marcus Hall, a good footballer on the field but more importantly a very nice man off it. Kids are impressionable, you NEED to realise that. Some kid in the stands this season will see Marlon King and think wow, i want to be him. Then they'll go home, read up on his life and see he hit a woman and also a team-mate, and think ohhh, i need to do that then!!

I LOVE Coventry City Football Club. It's a family club, a welcoming club, a club with an image. REAL Coventry fans would actually rather keep that image than take a tiny tiny shot at promotion through a man that will tarnish our reputation. And actually, I honestly don't get the "he's a great player!!", "he'll bag 20 and we'll go up" comments. The guy hasnt played for a year, scored 8/9 goals in the last THREE years and only ever scored 20 why is he guarenteed to do it this year??? He's honestly not as great as some people think. Yeah true, Wigan did spend £5m for him, but how many of you can actually say that didnt go tits up?? We all know it did. He was terrible in the Premier League. We want to risk our togetherness on a mediocre at best player that even if he did score us 20 and sent us up would then be terrible in the top flight and leave us potentially doing worse than a Derby County......It's ashame we're willing to do this.


Facebook User
I think it's unfair to label fans as not being real fans just because they have an opinion. I'm sure there are fans who are for the King signing who go to all home and away games just as there are fans who go home and away who are against the King signing.
I'm sorry, but that one line in itself shows that apparently football is more important than setting an example to the children of this city.

When we're supporting a football club who we've followed for donkey's years, yes. At the end of the day, just because Marlon king has given a few birds a slap, doesn't mean the kids are going to do it. In fact, the uproar has probably done even more into putting children off it!

I support a football club. I want that football club to do well. I don't care how we do it. All this fuss about a few MINOR offences. MINOR. Lee Hughes KILLED.

I do agree that what Marlon King has done is VERY wrong, but I don't want him to be my friend, or babysit my kids, I want him to score for Coventry. And he seems quite good at the whole goalscoring thing! Hence why AB is taking the risk.
I think it's unfair to label fans as not being real fans just because they have an opinion. I'm sure there are fans who are for the King signing who go to all home and away games just as there are fans who go home and away who are against the King signing.

I'm sorry, but if you let one man stop you from going to support your club, you're obviously not that committed to the club. Proper fans stick with their club through thick and thin. Whatever the weather, because it's in your blood. If you are able to even contemplate not going to a game, there obviously is something very wrong with your passion.


New Member
I'm sorry, but if you let one man stop you from going to support your club, you're obviously not that committed to the club. Proper fans stick with their club through thick and thin. Whatever the weather, because it's in your blood. If you are able to even contemplate not going to a game, there obviously is something very wrong with your passion.

'thick n thin' well paying a average footballer who is also on the sex register , has 13 convictions for a whole host of crimes and enjoys beating young girls up really is THICK . The worst part is like all his clubs he will only be here for a short while until he re offends or falls out with the club and fans like me will have been driven away , oh well ill wait my time in the wings to we get our priorities right and the animal leaves our club.


New Member
When we're supporting a football club who we've followed for donkey's years, yes. At the end of the day, just because Marlon king has given a few birds a slap, doesn't mean the kids are going to do it. In fact, the uproar has probably done even more into putting children off it!

I support a football club. I want that football club to do well. I don't care how we do it. All this fuss about a few MINOR offences. MINOR. Lee Hughes KILLED.

I do agree that what Marlon King has done is VERY wrong, but I don't want him to be my friend, or babysit my kids, I want him to score for Coventry. And he seems quite good at the whole goalscoring thing! Hence why AB is taking the risk.

'Minor offences ' are you insane putting a young girl in hospital and chasing 2 others through a city centre with a belt wrapped around his knuckles .


New Member
Do you listen to Amy Winehouse by any chance? :whistle:

Im 49 years old mate what do you think , the difference is Winehouse does damage to herself while King beats up young girls .... you do see the flaw in your argument.. God help us when we have people as thick and morally bankrupt as yourself following cov.


Facebook User
Im 49 years old mate what do you think , the difference is Winehouse does damage to herself while King beats up young girls .... you do see the flaw in your argument.. God help us when we have people as thick and morally bankrupt as yourself following cov.

Ok ok hothead76 if you read what I said I said it wasn't the best example but the first one that came into my head at the time!

You're driving me more towards the King signing if all those against are as aggressive as yourself! I've never said anywhere that I am for or against I was merely pointing out if he does sign I will still be going to all the games because I'm addicted to football basically. Personally attacking people and making insults is not a good way to support your argument believe me especially when you are supposedly preaching for a clean image of CCFC. For someone who is 49 you really are easily wound up.



Facebook User
On an unrelated note, are you going to contribute anywhere else on this forum or have you just joined to slate the possible signing of King. Seems to me you're more interested in that then what is actually going on on the field...


New Member
If the City have managed to get a GOOD STRIKER then all the best to them. We haven't had a regular goalscorer since the days of the Wallace/Ferguson combination.
(And I'm a fair distance away from Coventry, so my wife is safe!) Sorry about the last bit, completely uncalled for. If they are worried about him they should see what the Australian Rules and Rugby League players get up to over here! Best of luck to him, but if he steps out of line then they have to come down hard on him.

Coventry La La La

New Member
If the City have managed to get a GOOD STRIKER then all the best to them. We haven't had a regular goalscorer since the days of the Wallace/Ferguson combination.
(And I'm a fair distance away from Coventry, so my wife is safe!) Sorry about the last bit, completely uncalled for. If they are worried about him they should see what the Australian Rules and Rugby League players get up to over here! Best of luck to him, but if he steps out of line then they have to come down hard on him.
:welcome:to SBT

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Facebook User
I cant understand any Cov fans who would want a serial woman beater and sex offender in our shirt , while this peice of shit is playing for Cov i will not attend any games home or away .

Good, take Gouldberg with you and is there any chance you could boycott this site as well....cheers


Well-Known Member
Some will be outraged, some chuffed to bits - the final outcome will please some and not others. Me ? I'll accept whatever the outcome is.


Can everyone PLEASE get over the whole morals thing. It's pointless! We're signing the guy to play fucking FOOTBALL!! Not to be a role model. If you're a real Cov fan, you'd give anything to get into the play-offs and give us a chance of getting back in the big time. This includes signing a player who SCORES GOALS. We have longed for a player like this since we went down.

I don't care if he's fucking JOSEF FRITZL as long as he helps the footballing side out. All you moaners who are threatening not to go to the games if he signs, do what you like. You'll soon come flooding back if we get to Wembley, or gain promotion.

I'm sick of hearing all this morals bollocks now. His worst offence is giving a woman a slap. Big fucking deal. She probably deserved it anyway! I've been on enough nights out in my time to realise that some birds need shutting up once in a while. Unlike Lee Hughes who was actually convicted of causing DEATH. Yet he's accepted back no questions asked. Seriously, get a grip. He's not Adolf fucking Hitler.

I'm sick of this league, and we deserve to be in the Premier League. The highest we've come since rellegation is 8th, and that simply doesn't cut it for a club of our stature. It's about time we got in some tried and tested players we can bank on to do a job. If or when he does sign, he'll easily be the best striker ability wise we've had at the club for yonks. The fact an EPL club paid £5mil for him last season proves we've got a great signing here.

And 'Image of the Club'!? Since when have we been bothered about the image of the club? We get about 15,000 at the Ricoh per game, in a 32,500 seated stadium. That's less than half empty. That looks very bad on the club. What difference will one player make? Fuck all. The proper supporters like myself will turn up every week, the rest don't deserve to call themselves Coventry supporters. If one player makes you abandon your club, you're not worth the seat you're sitting on.

So stop fucking moaning!

well said m8 .... he'll be here to bang in 15/20 goals, somethin we ent had for years ... with the amount of money in football now its more of a business and we need the best players we can ... havin gone to milwall yesterday king would be good with eastwood ... yesterday was long ball to platt all day long!

have we officially signed king yet?


New Member
I think the line "I don't care if he's Josef Fritzel" says it all, why don't we just sign a bunch of thugs and theaten the opposition we'll knee-cap their kids ?

Some people here need to get some perspective.
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