I still can't get my head around the principle and ethics of the current loan player system.
Obviously in theory it is a route for "wealthier" clubs to obtain the srevices of better players, namely Premier League reserves, without the initial transfer outlay but with the risk of breaking respective club wage stuctures.
Leicester and Cardiff milked this system big time - look where it got them, still in the same league as CCFC.
Having obtained these loan players I seriously question their respective allegience and loyalty that is more prevelant in fully purchased players. Loan players to me are journymen "only here for the beer" merchants here for one season gone for the next at best.
It makes me cringe when they kiss the badge in mock loyalty knowing they will not be around for very long and then the whole cycle starts again.
I know there is a numerical cap on the maximum number of loanees per club (five I believe per playing squad) but that number alone represents half of a starting eleven.
What do others think??
Obviously in theory it is a route for "wealthier" clubs to obtain the srevices of better players, namely Premier League reserves, without the initial transfer outlay but with the risk of breaking respective club wage stuctures.
Leicester and Cardiff milked this system big time - look where it got them, still in the same league as CCFC.
Having obtained these loan players I seriously question their respective allegience and loyalty that is more prevelant in fully purchased players. Loan players to me are journymen "only here for the beer" merchants here for one season gone for the next at best.
It makes me cringe when they kiss the badge in mock loyalty knowing they will not be around for very long and then the whole cycle starts again.
I know there is a numerical cap on the maximum number of loanees per club (five I believe per playing squad) but that number alone represents half of a starting eleven.
What do others think??