London Calling. (2 Viewers)

Cov kid 55

Well-Known Member
At least he's proub to say he went. What sticks in my mind from a couple of trips to the hill was the people scuttling in and then the silence when the game started. It was as though they were ashamed to have been there, which they should have been.

I also went to Sixfields, I didn't scuttle and I wasn't ashamed.

Cov kid 55

Well-Known Member
No yellow star on the front of your jacket?
Just a Sky Blue badge that I bought in our 2nd division Championship season. The pin is all bent up and I'm scared stiff of losing it every time I put it on! Still, it's my lucky badge........


Well-Known Member
Just a Sky Blue badge that I bought in our 2nd division Championship season. The pin is all bent up and I'm scared stiff of losing it every time I put it on! Still, it's my lucky badge........
No brought us much luck for the last 30 years has it!

Maybe you should bend it back.

Gosford Green

Well-Known Member
I also went to Sixfields, I didn't scuttle and I wasn't ashamed.

It reminded me of a county cricket game, no noise that resembled a football match but that was a view from the hill. A Shrewsbury fan I know said inside it was just pitiful, no atmosphere or any conviction from the "home fans".

If no one went they would have returned in 4 weeks.
If 6000 as Fisher predicted we'd still be there now.
The 1000 that went gave Fisher that bit of hope.
I'm sure you're all proud of going to Sixfields, you'll be able to do it all again next year, probably not there as they don't want us.


It reminded me of a county cricket game, no noise that resembled a football match but that was a view from the hill. A Shrewsbury fan I know said inside it was just pitiful, no atmosphere or any conviction from the "home fans".

If no one went they would have returned in 4 weeks.
If 6000 as Fisher predicted we'd still be there now.
The 1000 that went gave Fisher that bit of hope.
I'm sure you're all proud of going to Sixfields, you'll be able to do it all again next year, probably not there as they don't want us.

So who scuttled in?

You seem to just be guesstimating and making other things up to suit.

Amazing this gets brought up again, what point was it to try and prove because I went to watch my team play football? Wasn't really one was there?


Well-Known Member
I think the best way to bring our dissatisfaction to light is to actually win the game, then people may at least be talking about Coventry instead of ignoring them.
We aren't exactly the highest profile club in the land.


Well-Known Member
I never for one second believed they would actually move, right upto the day before
I thought they would find a resolution, how wrong was i.
People may say they went to sixfields with their head held high, but I find this hard too
Believe, they must have felt something 'after all this was our club being dragged kicking
And screaming from its city.
It needs too be put where it belongs now, in the historical dustbin, it was without doubt
The worst decision in a catalogue of crass decisions.
This club is in real danger of going out of existence altogether, raking over sixfields only
Serves to open up old wounds, and us' the supporters were the only ones wounded.
We need to stop ripping each other to shreds,


I never for one second believed they would actually move, right upto the day before
I thought they would find a resolution, how wrong was i.
People may say they went to sixfields with their head held high, but I find this hard too
Believe, they must have felt something 'after all this was our club being dragged kicking
And screaming from its city.
It needs too be put where it belongs now, in the historical dustbin, it was without doubt
The worst decision in a catalogue of crass decisions.
This club is in real danger of going out of existence altogether, raking over sixfields only
Serves to open up old wounds, and us' the supporters were the only ones wounded.
We need to stop ripping each other to shreds,
Where's it been said about head held high?

Doubt that also, was just going to watch their team play.

No scuttling in to hide, was just walking in to watch football then walking out


Well-Known Member
Really good. That's very clever indeed.

You know something, those would make great song lyrics.

Has anybody actually ever discovered what that last line is which fades away right at the end........?????????

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
Has anybody actually ever discovered what that last line is which fades away right at the end........?????????


Well-Known Member
Where's it been said about head held high?

Doubt that also, was just going to watch their team play.
Nick you not what I mean, it caused massive divisions within our fanbase, which in turn
Makes people defend their corner, and it's still rumbling on.
The instigators of the problem couldn't give a shit, the EFL and FA couldn't give a shit,
The only people that do are us, so we should stop shooting barbs at each other and
Consign it too history.
That's all I'm saying.


Well-Known Member
People really need to stop dragging each other down about Sixfields.

There were idiots on both sides of the divide (myself included, I was involved in the trouble up on the hill after the Brentford game).

But what you can't deny is that a lot of people who went to Sixfields are people who you see week in week out at the Ricoh and far beyond. What that says about our 'fantastic' core of fans is open to interpretation, but a lot of people are quick to applaud our home and away hardcore, but even quicker to slate those who went to Sixfields, but in fact there is a substantial overlap. (Not everyone by the way, before anyone starts crying into their keyboard).


People really need to stop dragging each other down about Sixfields.

There were idiots on both sides of the divide (myself included, I was involved in the trouble up on the hill after the Brentford game).

But what you can't deny is that a lot of people who went to Sixfields are people who you see week in week out at the Ricoh and far beyond. What that says about our 'fantastic' core of fans is open to interpretation, but a lot of people are quick to applaud our home and away hardcore, but even quicker to slate those who went to Sixfields, but in fact there is a substantial overlap. (Not everyone by the way, before anyone starts crying into their keyboard).

I think the fact it was only brought up in an attempt to discredit says enough really.


Well-Known Member
I think the fact it was only brought up in an attempt to discredit says enough really.
That's my point Nick, we all need to leave it behind, it affects us supporters only,
We will never all think the same thoughts, but we really should be trying to find some
Common ground.


That's my point Nick, we all need to leave it behind, it affects us supporters only,
We will never all think the same thoughts, but we really should be trying to find some
Common ground.
Take it up with the person who brought it up then?


Well-Known Member
That's my point Nick, we all need to leave it behind, it affects us supporters only,
We will never all think the same thoughts, but we really should be trying to find some common ground.
Take it up with the person who brought it up then?
Fair play to you Brylowes but common ground won't ever happen after 6fields. It's done and gone, there will always be a divide.
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Cov kid 55

Well-Known Member
Fair play to you Brylowes but common ground won't ever happen after 6fields. It's done and gone, there will always be a devide.
I don't agree, we all support the team, and what matters is what happens going forward. It's not worth getting excercised about what happened, what, 2 years ago? It's just not important, whether the guy sitting next to me at Bury next week went to Sixfields or not. As long as he's supporting City I don't care.


Well-Known Member
At least he's proub to say he went. What sticks in my mind from a couple of trips to the hill was the people scuttling in and then the silence when the game started. It was as though they were ashamed to have been there, which they should have been.

Last i saw you were crying and leaving the forum after a tantrum. Nice to see you back slagging off fans again.

I didn't scuttle and i wasn't ashamed. Anyway, back in my box. I don't post too often myself nowadays.

Cov kid 55

Well-Known Member
Last i saw you were crying and leaving the forum after a tantrum. Nice to see you back slagging off fans again.

I didn't scuttle and i wasn't ashamed. Anyway, back in my box. I don't post too often myself nowadays.
Yeh, I was just wondering today where you'd got to!


Well-Known Member
If you don't think we can ever be united as a fan base then you're part of them problem.
........I'm part of "them" problem?
Think I know what you're trying to splutter.
The fact that such a minimal number of "fans" ventured to the foreign climes of Northamptonshire shows the true feelings of the vast majority.
To my mind those of the minimal numbers that travelled all responded with a shameful act of compitulation and surrendered at the hands of the bullying few and that their souls were bought by the devil......shame on them all.
Had there been no support at all for a move away from "COVENTRY" then we may not be in so much peril as we are at present.
If you went to Northampton then you are a core to the divide and it is for you to try and make amends and not the other way around.
Down to principles I guess.
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Well-Known Member
........I'm part of "them" problem?
Think I know what you're trying to splutter.
The fact that such a minimal number of "fans" ventured to the foreign climes of Northamptonshire shows the true feelings of the vast majority.
To my mind those of the minimal numbers that travelled all responded with a shameful act of compitulation and surrendered at the hands of the bullying few and that their souls were bought by the devil......shame on them all.
Had there been no support at all for a move away from "COVENTRY" then we may not be in so much peril as we are at present.
If you went to Northampton then you are a core to the devide and it is for you to try and make amends and not the other way around.
Down to principles I guess.

Fuck off. Anyway, it's lights out now, so off to Dreamland for me.

And it's "divide" as you seem keen on pointing out errors.


Well-Known Member
........I'm part of "them" problem?
Think I know what you're trying to splutter.
The fact that such a minimal number of "fans" ventured to the foreign climes of Northamptonshire shows the true feelings of the vast majority.
To my mind those of the minimal numbers that travelled all responded with a shameful act of compitulation and surrendered at the hands of the bullying few and that their souls were bought by the devil......shame on them all.
Had there been no support at all for a move away from "COVENTRY" then we may not be in so much peril as we are at present.
If you went to Northampton then you are a core to the devide and it is for you to try and make amends and not the other way around.
Down to principles I guess.

I thought it was a bad idea and that the damage to the "brand" long term would wipe out any benefit of trying to show ACL who is boss.

Having said that, I still went once to know what I was talking about. I am not scum and not ashamed. I think people should look at things from all sides to be able to form an opinion.

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
........I'm part of "them" problem?
Think I know what you're trying to splutter.
The fact that such a minimal number of "fans" ventured to the foreign climes of Northamptonshire shows the true feelings of the vast majority.
To my mind those of the minimal numbers that travelled all responded with a shameful act of compitulation and surrendered at the hands of the bullying few and that their souls were bought by the devil......shame on them all.
Had there been no support at all for a move away from "COVENTRY" then we may not be in so much peril as we are at present.
If you went to Northampton then you are a core to the devide and it is for you to try and make amends and not the other way around.
Down to principles I guess.
First of all, if you're going to pick up on minor autocorrect errors then you might want to learn to spell divide correctly or you could end up looking like an idiot.

I didn't go to Sixfields and it was a tough time being without the club for that year, something many of us felt. I also empathise with those that did go because nobody wanted us there and traveling to support us playing in a different town, while being painted as supporting sisu, must have been difficult.

My principles say that we're all CCFC fans and we all sing the same songs, follow the same shit and go mental when we score or get that precious win. If you want to "devide" us then you're doing sisu's work as a fragmented fanbase is easy to control. At the end of all this nonsense sisu will eventually be gone and us as fans will have to pick up the pieces from the shit they've done. The best way we can do that is support each other as fellow fans, something I've been guilty of not doing before. Saying that those that went to Sixfields are somehow less worthy and have to make amends is divisive and puling up things that should be long buried.


Well-Known Member
........I'm part of "them" problem?
Think I know what you're trying to splutter.
The fact that such a minimal number of "fans" ventured to the foreign climes of Northamptonshire shows the true feelings of the vast majority.
To my mind those of the minimal numbers that travelled all responded with a shameful act of compitulation and surrendered at the hands of the bullying few and that their souls were bought by the devil......shame on them all.
Had there been no support at all for a move away from "COVENTRY" then we may not be in so much peril as we are at present.
If you went to Northampton then you are a core to the devide and it is for you to try and make amends and not the other way around.
Down to principles I guess.
You sound like that tosser that called himself Spoin Kop

Don't start quoting principals you lunatic.


Well-Known Member
........I'm part of "them" problem?
Think I know what you're trying to splutter.
The fact that such a minimal number of "fans" ventured to the foreign climes of Northamptonshire shows the true feelings of the vast majority.
To my mind those of the minimal numbers that travelled all responded with a shameful act of compitulation and surrendered at the hands of the bullying few and that their souls were bought by the devil......shame on them all.
Had there been no support at all for a move away from "COVENTRY" then we may not be in so much peril as we are at present.
If you went to Northampton then you are a core to the devide and it is for you to try and make amends and not the other way around.
Down to principles I guess.
This post is apportioning blame for the supporters who followed their team like they did before and have done since. They don't have anything to make amends for.
It is a sleight of hand that deflects away from the true villains of this debacle.
I didn't go to Northampton, couldn't and wouldn't but that doesn't put me on the right side of the argument, all it means is that I didn't get to see my team so I lost out and in retrospect everybody lost out.
Why should anybody think that the hill was the moral high ground?
There is nothing to be gained and much to be lost by raking up this subject and we may be facing this situation again in the near future. That should be the focus and how can we influence where we are playing in the years to come.

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